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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

Addiction like mental health problems is no respecter of class. What about very wealthy people who have mental health problems? Do they deserve to die and have their corpse left to rot as well?
It's true that very rich and very poor can suffer alike. However, prevalence and outcome are very much class issues.
This isn't about my post-count, it's about you substantiating your claim. Put up or shut up.


With all of your righteous indignation at the hatred for the working class from several parts of society. Do you not even see the glimpse of hypocrisy with your many posts about people eatting bullets and the like. In addition how it cheapens your argument to be that of just some dribbling old crazy screaming about socialism?

I'm not even hoping for you to agree with the point, but just a tiny glimmer, somewhere inside that stale mind of yours, that you see the hypocrisy?

As the great prophet bill hicks said, we have two choices. Love or hate.
Ok, cool. Sorry I missed that post.

Sure and they wouldnt have the money concerns that pile onto already dreadful situations. Still I'd much rather be poor and free from mental health problems then vice versa.

Your point is thwarted somewhat by "chicken or egg?", though. We don't know whether Herr und Frau Rausing owed any mental health issues to drug use, or their drug use to pre-existing mental health problems, and unless we now which came first, it's hard to establish whether we should sympathise with them, or merely pity them.
I wonder if the aristocrats are aware of all this hatred and venom felt towards them (I'm not only talking about the forum) or are they living in a bubble?
No. Good is it? What relevance does it have to your assertion that how you earn your money is nobody'a business but yours?

Let me know if/when you've read it. As you seem to struggle to understand what I was saying I thought a published piece would help clarify. Will save you making assumptions.
Your point is thwarted somewhat by "chicken or egg?", though. We don't know whether Herr und Frau Rausing owed any mental health issues to drug use, or their drug use to pre-existing mental health problems, and unless we now which came first,

Can you not just sympathise?
It's true that very rich and very poor can suffer alike. However, prevalence and outcome are very much class issues.

I just did a bit of schoolboy maths, based on 5 (out of 86) school peers of mine who went on to have addiction problems. The only one who managed to get past his addiction before his 30s was the only one with parents well-off enough to send him off to some religious community in Scotland (from whence he returned "born again" :facepalm:). The other 4, the last I knew (2008) were all smack addicts getting by on maintenance doses, but pretty much unemployable because of the records they'd built up. I suspect that most of us know cases fom one pole or the other.
I just did a bit of schoolboy maths, based on 5 (out of 86) school peers of mine who went on to have addiction problems. The only one who managed to get past his addiction before his 30s was the only one with parents well-off enough to send him off to some religious community in Scotland (from whence he returned "born again" :facepalm:). The other 4, the last I knew (2008) were all smack addicts getting by on maintenance doses, but pretty much unemployable because of the records they'd built up. I suspect that most of us know cases fom one pole or the other.

Well how fucking scientific, no one realised you had put so much thought into it. :rolleyes:

With all of your righteous indignation at the hatred for the working class from several parts of society. Do you not even see the glimpse of hypocrisy with your many posts about people eatting bullets and the like.

Actually, you'd find, if you were doing anything more than wanking your own ego on these boards, that I'm well aware of the hypocrisy of calling for people to be neck-shot.
Guess what, genius? I write it because it'll never come to pass. That doesn't disallow me from believing that there are people who deserve it. It's called parody.

In addition how it cheapens your argument to be that of just some dribbling old crazy screaming about socialism?

You keep mentioning socialism. I'm not a socialist. I think that socialism would be a good step toward reaching an accommodation with capitalism, such as existed between the 1940s and 1970s, but that's all, and why I don't actually promote it. I'm not a supporter of reformism. It works too slowly and in too shallow a manner.

I'm not even hoping for you to agree with the point, but just a tiny glimmer, somewhere inside that stale mind of yours, that you see the hypocrisy?

As the great prophet bill hicks said, we have two choices. Love or hate.

Pathetic. Life doesn't reduce to "love" and "hate", not least because many of our decisions are mediated by real-life concerns in which love and hate have no role.

You lumpy-minded neo-hippy twat.
An addict can just choose to stop if they have money?

Don't be fatuous, there's a good chap.
They can choose to seek help in a way that a person without money cannot. They can buy themselves a detox while their poor contemporaries are stuck on a waiting list, risking death before their chance at treatment comes up.
Well how fucking scientific, no one realised you had put so much thought into it. :rolleyes:

Anyone else would have noted that I opened my post by explaining that I was conveying an anecdote.
No claims to being scientific, you see.

Do try to stop attempting to salve your ego by posting what you think are posts with a point. You're just making yourself look stupid.
Anyone else would have noted that I opened my post by explaining that I was conveying an anecdote.
No claims to being scientific, you see.

Do try to stop attempting to salve your ego by posting what you think are posts with a point. You're just making yourself look stupid.

So its as pointless as all your other self confessed hypocritical parody then?

Look at how you are spending your twilight years.
Don't be fatuous, there's a good chap.
They can choose to seek help in a way that a person without money cannot. They can buy themselves a detox while their poor contemporaries are stuck on a waiting list, risking death before their chance at treatment comes up.

You're saying choice again.. as if an addict has a choice?
"Just sympathise"? Yes, because emotional incontinence is so helpful, isn't it? :facepalm:

You are one angry bitter person, thats pretty spectacular stuff. Even for the hard heads around here.

Why shaped you this way, do you feel your life has been unfair to you, that you got the short end of the stick?
So its as pointless as all your other self confessed hypocritical parody then?

You really need to learn to read, or at least become self-aware enough to absorb what you read. My parody relates to "revolutionary justice", whereas you're obviously seeking to apply it to anything I write.

Carry on making yourself look an arse, though. It at least gives me a laugh.

Look at how you are spending your twilight years.

Mmm, because I have Urban on in the background while I'm at the computer, I'm "spending my twilight years" in a way you don't approve of?
1) I'm not in my twilight years.
2) Look at how you're spending the flower of your youth!
You are one angry bitter person, thats pretty spectacular stuff.

I'm neither angry or bitter. I'm not, to put it bluntly, "emotionally incontinent". That doesn't mean I'm unemotional, or "angry and bitter", it means that I don't feel the need to "follow the pack" in conspicuous emotionalism.
Why? Because it is empty and meaningless. It achieves nothing except showing what a "decent chap" (or chappess) you are, and uses up energy better targeted elsewhere.

Please don't project your own issues onto me.

Even for the hard heads around here.

Why shaped you this way, do you feel your life has been unfair to you, that you got the short end of the stick?

You're making assumptions. Fortunately, your assumptions are quite informative. :)
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