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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

rausing never invented the tetrapak anyway, erik wallenberg, an employee, did. he didn't get any millions. his grandchildren aren't living a life of idleness.
Unlikely to happen these days in the UK - patent law has been recently been changed to give employees like Wallenberg better financial compensation if the company makes squillions from their invention.
I wouldn't mind betting there's a link between psychosis and wealth too. The wealthy psychotics are probably less likely to end up in the statistics.
Hmmm, I doubt it tbh. There's a strong link between trauma, stress, lack of social networks and psychosis. More common in urban areas than rural, too.
Hmmm, I doubt it tbh. There's a strong link between trauma, stress, lack of social networks and psychosis. More common in urban areas than rural, too.
Doesn't matter when you're talking about individuals, though. That the poor and disadvantaged are more likely to suffer psychosis is of no comfort to a rich person who suffers psychosis. Same goes for these two - who by all accounts appear to have led a pretty squalid, pointless, empty kind of life. When talking in terms of trends in a population, issues such as addiction and mental illness have class components, but you can't talk in those terms when you're looking at an individual case. Who knows what led them to end up like this? But whatever it is will be peculiar to them.
I'm neither angry or bitter. I'm not, to put it bluntly, "emotionally incontinent". That doesn't mean I'm unemotional, or "angry and bitter", it means that I don't feel the need to "follow the pack" in conspicuous emotionalism.

Finally gone round the twist I see.
Doesn't matter when you're talking about individuals, though. That the poor and disadvantaged are more likely to suffer psychosis is of no comfort to a rich person who suffers psychosis. Same goes for these two - who by all accounts appear to have led a pretty squalid, pointless, empty kind of life. When talking in terms of trends in a population, issues such as addiction and mental illness have class components, but you can't talk in those terms when you're looking at an individual case. Who knows what led them to end up like this? But whatever it is will be peculiar to them.
I wasn't looking at an individual case.
Oh ffs just shut the fuck up you mental fucks, two rich drug addicts dying is not something to be celebrated, especially not the fact one wasn't found for a week. The subsequent tangents thrown up by various idiots to justify their pathetic glee or moralising only proves that they are as intellectually stunted as they are ethically.
Oh ffs just shut the fuck up you mental fucks, two rich drug addicts dying is not something to be celebrated, especially not the fact one wasn't found for a week.

Being serious for a second, there was a time when this would have been utterly obvious, even to the most bitter and hardened of cynics. Not that long ago either. Something is going drastically wrong with the human mind, quite rapidly.
Oh ffs just shut the fuck up you mental fucks, two rich drug addicts dying is not something to be celebrated, especially not the fact one wasn't found for a week. The subsequent tangents thrown up by various idiots to justify their pathetic glee or moralising only proves that they are as intellectually stunted as they are ethically.

Both of them are dead? I thought one had died and the other had been arrested twice, although there is nothing apparently to suggest murder? And he's being treated for alcoholism before being questioned?
No there wasn't.

Sure there was. Say, 40 or 50 or certainly 60 years ago, no-one outside an asylum would have spoken as Belboid has done here. Not even about their worst enemy. Not even about Hitler. It's true, just a glance at the literature of the past will prove it. People had more dignity, more self-respect, more taste.

Something strange has happened to us, that we seem to throw up Belboids quite regularly now. Half the time we don't even notice that they're sick.
Sure there was. Say, 40 or 50 or certainly 60 years ago, no-one outside an asylum would have spoken as Belboid has done here. Not even about their worst enemy. Not even about Hitler. It's true, just a glance at the literature of the past will prove it. People had more dignity, more self-respect, more taste.

Something strange has happened to us, that we seem to throw up Belboids quite regularly now. Half the time we don't even notice that they're sick.
Nah. We just didn't have the internet 60 years ago.
Nah. We just didn't have the internet 60 years ago.

The internet hasn't helped, admittedly, but it runs deeper than that.

Just for instance, when I first moved to the USA over 20 years ago, I thought Howard Stern was the funniest thing I'd ever heard. Laughing at celebrities' deaths and misfortunes, mocking disabled people, all that... I didn't approve of it, wouldn't have done it myself, but I liked listening to him doing it. There was no-one like that in the UK then, nor even in the USA come to think of it. So the "shock jock" thing was original, and clever, avant-garde and amusing. But soon all comedians and DJs and pop culture figures spoke like that and behaved like that. OK maybe no big deal, but now people who aren't even on the radio talk like that. It's not funny any more, not even a little bit. And why would it be, they're not joking any more are they?
There does seem to be a shortage of empathy these days, maybe the internet's partially responsible? Fuck knows. Urban is fairly sensible in comparison with a lot of sites, though. Belboid wouldn't even stand out on, say, the manchester evg news comments bit - That's just awash with foaming gibberers. Though maybe the gibberers have always been quietly a-foaming in the privacy of their own homes and the net's just made them more visible? I remember an interview with Jonathan Coe in the mid 90's, well before the net became ubiquitious, and in it, he was saying that as a writer, he recieved a lot of correspondance and the nature of much of that correspondance led him to the conclusion that low level mental illness was/is far more prevelent than most people would imagine. With crackpots like belboid being given the time of day, who could argue with that?
There does seem to be a shortage of empathy these days, maybe the internet's partially responsible? Fuck knows. Urban is fairly sensible in comparison with a lot of sites, though. Belboid wouldn't even stand out on, say, the manchester evg news comments bit - That's just awash with foaming gibberers. Though maybe the gibberers have always been quietly a-foaming in the privacy of their own homes and the net's just made them more visible? I remember an interview with Jonathan Coe in the mid 90's, well before the net became ubiquitious, and in it, he was saying that as a writer, he recieved a lot of correspondance and the nature of much of that correspondance led him to the conclusion that low level mental illness was/is far more prevelent than most people would imagine. With crackpots like belboid being given the time of day, who could argue with that?

Aye. The internet has both revealed just how many nutters there are (check any newspaper comments page, YouTube comments etc etc), and also caused nutters to proliferate even further--partly by giving easy access to nutty ideas, and partly by showing them that they are strong in numbers and thus encouraging them to think they are normal.

But it's more than the internet though. Something about society is driving people to become nutters and addicts of one kind or another, and it's happening very quickly too. Most probably unbridled capitalism.
Oh ffs just shut the fuck up you mental fucks, two rich drug addicts dying is not something to be celebrated, especially not the fact one wasn't found for a week. The subsequent tangents thrown up by various idiots to justify their pathetic glee or moralising only proves that they are as intellectually stunted as they are ethically.

get a grip you old drama queen, one dead, not two, and all that's been basically said is "who gives a fuck ? " . You and Dwyer can wibble on forever about morality blah blah internet age blah blah left and right hooligans just as bad yadda yadda but it;s a load old cobblers . A rich junkie has carked it, you're on an internet site largely populated by lefties of one sort or another, to start chucking a saddle on the old high horse here is just silly, if you dont like it, beetle along to another thread / or go sell your paper or whatever .
Aye. The internet has both revealed just how many nutters there are (check any newspaper comments page, YouTube comments etc etc), and also caused nutters to proliferate even further--partly by giving easy access to nutty ideas, and partly by showing them that they are strong in numbers and thus encouraging them to think they are normal.

But it's more than the internet though. Something about society is driving people to become nutters and addicts of one kind or another, and it's happening very quickly too. Most probably unbridled capitalism.

don't know about that, but ye olde interweb has defintely helped reveal how many prissy, e-curtain twitching wankers there are out there deluding themselves that they're somehow part of the solution, when they're quite plainly part of the same old problem.
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