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Nanothermite and the World Trade Center

okay, I'm really extremely bored of this side diversion now, so hope this will wrap it up.

The issue here is that you aren't doing it for any length of time. Touching radiators briefly thirty times a day will do nothing. It's the total time spent in contact.

If you want to properly trial earthing, then sit for at least half an hour earthed and see how your pain levels go down. Ideally make it an hour, but if you do half an hour just once and honestly felt no better for it then you could say that you tried it and it didn't work for you.

To earth yourself indoors you can attach an electrical wire to yourself and the earth socket of a plug*, or as other posters seem fairly confident, touching a radiator, or attaching wire to yourself and a radiatior.

In my post on the other thread, I was accepting from another poster that radiators were earthed. However I wasn't sure of that, so in your thread I said MAY.

Now I propose that we move on here. I'll happily discuss earthing on another thread.

*Editor's note: please IGNORE this advice as it is potentially hugely dengerous

NO Jazzz how can you even think for one second that this is a good idea!!!!!! i mean for fucks sake this is completely nuts! Attaching an electrical wire to the earth socket of a plug! I suppose being electrocuted will take your mind off the aches and pains you have, or perhaps it will calm your mind down, like what happened to mental patients in the 1950s! No! How can you even think about doing this?
This at least explains the collapse of the WTC 7 building.

It's a matter of public record that many of the workers in the building had suffered for some time with lower back pain. They simultaneously reached the conclusion that the likely cause of this was improper grounding, so decided the obvious step would be to achieve proper earthing by wiring themselves to the mains. Somehow, in an extremely unlikely occurrence, this caused a number of fires in the building, leading to its collapse.
Phrase of the day. :D
I thought Editor had used it before, but the only clown car metaphor I found was actually a post of mine (blush).

I'm working my way steadily through that thread, and it's comedy gold. Reading the twisting and turning that's going on there, in the light of the recent goings-on on this thread, it's clear that Jazzz hasn't learned anything from that, or any other interaction on Urban.

And it is his outraged splutterings at how people so foolishly fail to take his words on trust that are (inadvertently) the most amusing. It is as if he drove into Urban in a small yellow car, in fits and starts, with little explosions and puffs of smoke, where it stops, all the doors fall off, and the horn emits a plaintive comedy parp as the car expires. Jazzz steps out, puts his foot in a bucket of whitewash, and staggers around amusingly, splattering himself with whitewash, before treading on a rake with his other foot, causing it to swing up and hit his shiny red clown nose, which makes a honking noise before exploding. Reaching for a handkerchief to wipe off the soot, Jazzz is dismayed as what emerges from his pocket is a string of brightly-coloured handkerchiefs, which seem to go on for ever. Eventually he gives up, and wipes his nose on a yellow one, from which a chicken escapes, sits on his head and lays an egg.

At which point, he looks around at his audience, frowns, pulls himself up to his full height and demands: "And what are you bastards laughing at? Take me seriously, dammit!" :mad: before pouring custard down his own trousers.

On that basis, Jazzz hasn't learned a lot in nearly THREE YEARS of posting this idiocy :)

:D :D :D :D
Perhaps you should get into a bath while you attach yourself to the plug so that as you step into the bath and relax the natural energies of the water can recharge the electricity in your body? Maybe have a glass of colloidal silver by the side of the bath?

Under the nefarious guise of "electrical safety", the Rothschild Zionist international financiers seek to enslave our children by telling them that you "could get an electric shock" if you stick something into the holes of a socket, for example if you want to earth yourself and achieve better electrical grounding. Just as THEY abuse history by teach that the holocaust was a real thing in which millions of people died, they now want to use the science curriculum to demonstrate that so-called "electrocution" is a real thing in which you could also die!

Where is the evidence that anyone has died from sticking their hands into a plug socket? Of course there are witnesses and reports by doctors, but we all know who controls the medical industry don't we? If sticking your hand in a plug is so dangerous why can our globalist masters only create a cartoon as "evidence" rather than providing an actual photograph?

Some former electricians who have seen the light and realised the co-option of their profession by this Illuminati clique have finally revealed the truth. Where people appeared to be electrocuted by putting their hands or other objects into plugs, the plug was in fact a hologram projected onto the wall and they were actually being blown up by a tiny nanothermite reactor. After all we are made of electricity so how could electricity be dangerous? It is all a big lie, put about by the biggest liars of all.
editor said:
Is this really the footage? Please say it's not true.

YouTube Video

On my phone so can't see, sorry. He posted a link to a YouTube compilation of supposed hidden Masonic/ 9/11 / NWO imagery in films; one of which was a scene from Rugrats In Paris where a plane is heading towards some buildings. Other stuff was a height sign on a bridge in Terminator 2 saying 'Danger 9/11' THAT WAS RELEASED BEFORE 9/11 :eek: He was replying to you, iirc, telling you that you 'hadn't been paying attention' or something.
Perhaps you should get into a bath while you attach yourself to the plug so that as you step into the bath and relax the natural energies of the water can recharge the electricity in your body? Maybe have a glass of colloidal silver by the side of the bath?


Yeah. What sort of nutter would drink their colloidal silver from a GLASS? :rolleyes:
Our Talmudist overlords have even created a 13A fuse to fool the sheeple into thinking that coming into contact with such devices is "unlucky". Their unceasing propaganda emphasises the "dangers" of "poor electrical safety", just as it aims to scare the masses into believing the lies about "anti-semitism". We are told that plug-in electrical saving devices contain "dangerous electrical safety failures". Who are this Electrical Safety Council which deems what is dangerous, and who are they to violate our privacy and step inside our homes and inspect our plug sockets with their Orwellian "safety assessments"? Why do they have the power to demand product recalls - placing any company which does not do at risk of bankruptcy? Who gave them such power?

We know the answer to that don't we?

It is indicative of the zionist grip on the electricity industry that nobody has given any thought to this mysterious group and their disproportionate role - until now!
This at least explains the collapse of the WTC 7 building.

It's a matter of public record that many of the workers in the building had suffered for some time with lower back pain. They simultaneously reached the conclusion that the likely cause of this was improper grounding, so decided the obvious step would be to achieve proper earthing by wiring themselves to the mains. Somehow, in an extremely unlikely occurrence, this caused a number of fires in the building, leading to its collapse.

Hmmm, I think you're onto something there. I posit that what caused the collapse was the emptying of kundalini energy (pent-up kundalini energy being a well-known cause of backache) from hundreds of people being fed into the electrical system at the same time through people "grounding" themselves, causing the insulation on the building's wiring systems to act as a form of channel for the destructive sexual energy, causing the building to go into an orgasmic spasm of self-destruction.
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