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Nanothermite and the World Trade Center

If you have ever bathed you are grounded. Or Earthed as we call it.

You know that wire attached to all of your copper pipes...
maybe if you bathe in a tin bath.

otherwise the water is surrounded by plastic, only connected to the plastic waste pipes, with a good foot of separation between the bath water and the taps.:confused:
maybe if you bathe in a tin bath.

otherwise the water is surrounded by plastic, only connected to the plastic waste pipes, with a good foot of separation between the bath water and the taps.:confused:

Maybe bathed was a bad choice of word. My point remains.

Turned a metal tap? earthed
Touched running water? earthed.
Maybe if you had done !!!!

I mean, this is unbelievable chutzpah, blaming me for you completely misreading my post.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Another sneaky edit there Jazzz. This is urban - posters have no compunction about correcting misunderstandings as and when they occur, but most of the rest of urban bother to read in full the posts of a discussion, not just the ones they've decided they agree with.

If I was being continually corrected all the time, I would make sure I improved my post reading technique. Seeing as I am not corrected most of the time, I can therefore conclude that I do actually correctly understand the posts of others. As you did not correct me at the time I made the post - and the link you gave led me to a product costing £200 - if you weren't actually recommending it why didn't you correct me there and then?

Can you answer that, Jazzz?
Well no, the chances are you are not earthed while reading this post.
why would one either want to or need to be earthed?

What electrical charge is it you're seeking to dissipate to earth?

static, ok fair enough, but you don't get static electrical charge from sitting in a chair usually to my knowledge.

Electrical charge that's generated within the body however wouldn't have a return path to earth in the first place would it? Or am I missing something here?
why would one either want to or need to be earthed?

He hasn't got a clue and is buying into utter fucking nonsense again.

He quoted an article (loonytunes) on that thread that stated patients are earthed during operations because of the danger from natural electricity created by the body, or somesuch cack. Patients are grounded during electrosurgery because they are included in the circuit.
why would one either want to or need to be earthed?

What electrical charge is it you're seeking to dissipate to earth?

static, ok fair enough, but you don't get static electrical charge from sitting in a chair usually to my knowledge.

Electrical charge that's generated within the body however wouldn't have a return path to earth in the first place would it? Or am I missing something here?
From the Niki Gratrix link on the other thread:

Today humans wear synthetic soled shoes and live in environments that electrically disconnect (insulate) the body from the earth. As a result the body is no longer in equilibrium with the natural energy of the earth. [0.22-1.12 mV]. Instead the average body voltage in a domestic dwelling is about 2,500 mV [over two thousand times higher] with consequential elevated brainwave activity preventing you from relaxing, meditating and sleeping properly.

Here's a list of studies hosted on pubmed demonstrating potential benefits of regular earthing

There appears to be particular dramatic benefits regarding inflammation which is why I have gone to some trouble to recommend it to equationgirl on the other thread. I hope she might give it a try, my sincere belief is that it would help her.

We are electrical beings. Our whole nervous system is electrical. It stands to reason that grounding may make a significant difference to our functioning.

Amazing how this incredible nanothermite - you know, the invisible stuff that can be invisibly installed and then perform with such precision that it can bring some of the world's tallest structures through as-yet-undiscovered wireless means - hasn't been used since in a single demolition job anywhere in the world. Why is that, do you think, Jazzz?

And what happened to the people who researched it/invented it/created it/installed it? I would have thought they'd be a tad peeved, what with them being directly implicated in the deaths of thousands of their countrymen.
Another sneaky edit there Jazzz. This is urban - posters have no compunction about correcting misunderstandings as and when they occur, but most of the rest of urban bother to read in full the posts of a discussion, not just the ones they've decided they agree with.

If I was being continually corrected all the time, I would make sure I improved my post reading technique. Seeing as I am not corrected most of the time, I can therefore conclude that I do actually correctly understand the posts of others. As you did not correct me at the time I made the post - and the link you gave led me to a product costing £200 - if you weren't actually recommending it why didn't you correct me there and then?

Can you answer that, Jazzz?
This is absolute pretzel logic. I'm fully correcting you now. My posts speak for me and yours do not.
I'm still quite bemused as to where this product is or is found from the page I linked to. Can you show me?

Here's a list of studies hosted on pubmed demonstrating potential benefits of regular earthing

There appears to be particular dramatic benefits regarding inflammation which is why I have gone to some trouble to recommend it to equationgirl on the other thread. I hope she might give it a try, my sincere belief is that it would help her.
That lists 26 results for 'earthing', some of which are as follows:
The arthropod fauna of Quebec vineyards with particular reference to phytophagous arthropods.
Bostanian NJ, Vincent C, Goulet H, Lesage L, Lasnier J, Bellemare J, Mauffette Y.
J Econ Entomol. 2003 Aug;96(4):1221-9.
PMID: 14503594 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Related citations

Allergic contact dermatitis at the application site of an electrosurgical earthing plate occurring in a windscreen repairer.
Banerjee P, White IR.
Contact Dermatitis. 2001 Feb;44(2):97. No abstract available.
PMID: 11205413 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Related citations

Microwave endometrial ablation: development, clinical trials and outcomes at three years.
Hodgson DA, Feldberg IB, Sharp N, Cronin N, Evans M, Hirschowitz L.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1999 Jul;106(7):684-94.
PMID: 10428525 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Related citations

Allergic contact dermatitis from 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate in an adhesive on an electrosurgical earthing plate.
Kanerva L, Alanko K.
Eur J Dermatol. 1998 Oct-Nov;8(7):521-4. Review.
PMID: 9854170 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free Article
Related citations

and so on.

It is customary to check citations for relevancy before getting excited about how many studies there are. Also, from a scan of the authors' names, it looks like there are maybe 2-4 research groups doing this work who have published a handful of papers over the last decade, with very small numbers of study subjects. I remain unconvinced as to the statistical significance of this work.

There appears to be particular dramatic benefits regarding inflammation which is why I have gone to some trouble to recommend it to equationgirl on the other thread. I hope she might give it a try, my sincere belief is that it would help her.
I find this part of your response very patronising. I do not believe you are being sincere at all. With regards to a single study you seem find of quoting at the moment, the inflammation process is usually associated with pain but pain is not always due to inflammation, therefore the study is likely to be flawed because of the hypothesis underlying it.

Also, you cannot seriously state this
Good! I'd suggest not trusting anyone wherever you can help it where your health is concerned.
straight after the above and maintain you are being sincere, not unless you take me to be a credulous fool.

Perhaps you would care to explain to me that if I am becoming grounded tens of times throughout the day how my pain levels have remained unchanged? Am I applying the wrong type of grounding, perhaps?

ffs Jazzz :rolleyes::facepalm:
I'm on medication but 'You are being misleading about radiators' made me chuckle and the grounding thing, very funny and everything else on this thread even though I agree that the way those buildings went down so smartly looks a bit fishy I will not believe the Jews did it until the BBC tell me they did.

If the bbc told me that it would be time to get the hell out of the country. or dig a hole in the woods and stock up on tinned food and automatic weapons
I presume the earthing in that arthropods link is referring to earthworms. How many earthworms were in the world trade centre on that fateful day? I bet they were warned about it in advance.
Jazzz - in reference to your persistence that I misunderstood you about radiators, this is a post you made on a thread aptly entitled 'This is bollocks isn't it (electrosensitivity)'
Actually I would say the grounding quality of barefoot in the park can be precisely achieved by touching radiators, which is also something pleasant - particularly when they are warm.
Care to apologise for your own misunderstanding?
To state that our whole nervous system is electrical betrays a basic ignorance of physiology.
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