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Nanothermite and the World Trade Center

It'd be interesting as well to see Jazzz's response to sihi's posts on the TV licence thread.
Mine was post #470. And this whole thing is an episode in which you are the aggressor. So, I think you can answer me that first.
I'm the aggressor because I want you to answer questions - not just mine by the way, but others throughout the thread? And your whole answer is 'well I asked first'.
I'm the aggressor because I want you to answer questions - not just mine by the way, but others throughout the thread? And your whole answer is 'well I asked first'.

You have implied that I was 'recommending' a product costing £200.

I have corrected you that there was no such recommendation in my post, and shown the post and link concerned.

Instead of accepting a misunderstanding, you are continuing to imply that I was in fact making a £200 recommendation, on the basis that I didn't clearly enough correct you when you said I was. You are being extremely forceful in making out that the mistakes are mine and not yours.

So what I'd like to know, just for my own sanity here, is exactly what the product you are maintaining I was allowing you to think I was recommending is?

This shouldn't be a hard one.

You have implied that I was 'recommending' a product costing £200.

I have corrected you that there was no such recommendation in my post, and shown the post and link concerned.

Instead of accepting a misunderstanding, you are continuing to imply that I was in fact making a £200 recommendation, on the basis that I didn't clearly enough correct you when you said I was. You are being extremely forceful in making out that the mistakes are mine and not yours.

So what I'd like to know, just for my own sanity here, is exactly what the product you are maintaining I was allowing you to think I was recommending is?

This shouldn't be a hard one.
I have not 'continued to imply you were making a £200 product recommendation' and I have accepted there was a misunderstanding.

I have not been 'extremely forceful', unless of course you count continuing to ask for answers to questions posed.

I have already pointed out how the misunderstanding came about, and referenced the posts. Why don't you trawl through the recent threads where you have made postings on earthing? I'm not trawling through posts for you. You're the one touting the new 'therapy' as a cure-all, not me.

However, why don't you accept that you did actually suggest that I touch radiators, as shown in the referenced post #471, despite your assertions on this thread to the contrary?
equationgirl said:
Perhaps you would care to explain to me that if I am becoming grounded tens of times throughout the day how my pain levels have remained unchanged? Am I applying the wrong type of grounding, perhaps?

ffs Jazzz :rolleyes::facepalm:

okay, I'm really extremely bored of this side diversion now, so hope this will wrap it up.

The issue here is that you aren't doing it for any length of time. Touching radiators briefly thirty times a day will do nothing. It's the total time spent in contact.

If you want to properly trial earthing, then sit for at least half an hour earthed and see how your pain levels go down. Ideally make it an hour, but if you do half an hour just once and honestly felt no better for it then you could say that you tried it and it didn't work for you.

To earth yourself indoors you can attach an electrical wire to yourself and the earth socket of a plug*, or as other posters seem fairly confident, touching a radiator, or attaching wire to yourself and a radiatior.

In my post on the other thread, I was accepting from another poster that radiators were earthed. However I wasn't sure of that, so in your thread I said MAY.

Now I propose that we move on here. I'll happily discuss earthing on another thread.

*Editor's note: please IGNORE this advice as it is potentially hugely dengerous
I presume the earthing in that arthropods link is referring to earthworms. How many earthworms were in the world trade centre on that fateful day? I bet they were warned about it in advance.

We are electrical beings. Our whole nervous system is electrical. It stands to reason that grounding may make a significant difference to our functioning.

Jazzz, Today at 7:06 AM Report
#466 Like Reply
... it must be true because it sounds like it is ??

You have implied that I was 'recommending' a product costing £200.

I have corrected you that there was no such recommendation in my post, and shown the post and link concerned.

Instead of accepting a misunderstanding, you are continuing to imply that I was in fact making a £200 recommendation, on the basis that I didn't clearly enough correct you when you said I was. You are being extremely forceful in making out that the mistakes are mine and not yours.

So what I'd like to know, just for my own sanity here, is exactly what the product you are maintaining I was allowing you to think I was recommending is?

This shouldn't be a hard one.
I think it is fascinating to watch you primp yourself into puffed-up outrage at the tiniest of slights, while you happily and routinely dish far more outrageous insults on a whim.

I suppose one of the things that intrigues me about the way you operate, Jazzz, is that there seems to be a complete disconnect between the way you perceive others as behaving and the way you behave yourself - it's as if you are completely unaware of the huge levels of projection you display, both in how you relate to people you're arguing with, and to the material you so faithfully cling to as truths.
Note: this is potentially dangerous. Don't do this.
Indeed. There's a very good reason why any kind of earthing gear for people working with electronic equipment has a massive resistance in series with the earthing connection: you don't need a zero-ohm path to earth to achieve what is needed for real-world earthing for sound technical reasons.

The fact that @Jazzz' snake-oil earthing notions appear to require direct connection to mains earth, apart from their dangerousness, also demonstrate their complete cluelessness.
okay, I'm really extremely bored of this side diversion now, so hope this will wrap it up.

The issue here is that you aren't doing it for any length of time. Touching radiators briefly thirty times a day will do nothing. It's the total time spent in contact.

If you want to properly trial earthing, then sit for at least half an hour earthed and see how your pain levels go down. Ideally make it an hour, but if you do half an hour just once and honestly felt no better for it then you could say that you tried it and it didn't work for you.

To earth yourself indoors you can attach an electrical wire to yourself and the earth socket of a plug, or as other posters seem fairly confident, touching a radiator, or attaching wire to yourself and a radiatior.

In my post on the other thread, I was accepting from another poster that radiators were earthed. However I wasn't sure of that, so in your thread I said MAY.

Now I propose that we move on here. I'll happily discuss earthing on another thread.
Definitely do NOT follow this advice. If you must, get a proper earthing strap, costs only a few pounds from Maplin, Radioshack or similar. They have a 10M resistor in line to limit any current. If you do accidentally touch a live connection the current is limited, a bare wire will allow potentially fatal currents to flow.
Indeed. There's a very good reason why any kind of earthing gear for people working with electronic equipment has a massive resistance in series with the earthing connection: you don't need a zero-ohm path to earth to achieve what is needed for real-world earthing for sound technical reasons.

The fact that @Jazzz' snake-oil earthing notions appear to require direct connection to mains earth, apart from their dangerousness, also demonstrate their complete cluelessness.
And, incidentally, given the discussion we were having about the dangerousness of medical advice that Jazzz has given in the past, broadens that issue - now, he's giving potentially dangerous advice, in an authoritative way that suggests he knows what he's on about, in a completely different area. Which gives rather more credence to the arguments of those who say he should be silenced (though I am still not sure I agree with those).
Which gives rather more credence to the arguments of those who say he should be silenced (though I am still not sure I agree with those).

I don't think he should be silenced, but I honestly believe that any posts he makes with clearly dangerous advice such as "attach an electrical wire to yourself and the earth socket of a plug" should probably be deleted or at least wrapped with "Don't Try This at Home, Kids" descriptors stating that Jazzzz is neither a doctor, electrician, lawyer or whatever.
I don't think he should be silenced, but I honestly believe that any posts he makes with clearly dangerous advice such as "attach an electrical wire to yourself and the earth socket of a plug" should probably be deleted or at least wrapped with "Don't Try This at Home, Kids" descriptors stating that Jazzzz is neither a doctor, electrician, lawyer or whatever.
Yeah. That's be a good xenforo plugin - an automatically-added watermark across such posts saying "Danger! This advice may kill you" :)
To earth yourself indoors you can attach an electrical wire to yourself and the earth socket of a plug, or as other posters seem fairly confident, touching a radiator, or attaching wire to yourself and a radiatior.
Of all the dumbfuck ideas i have ever come across, this has to rank as the worst. Even if you were a qualified sparkie and did all of the wiring in your house yourself so you knew for certain that there were no faults in the system, this would still be a totally fucking stupid idea to do.

FFS Jazzz... It's one thing to post disingenuous bullshit and pass it off as fact about 9/11, that just causes hurt feelings at worst. This 'advice' to wire yourself into mains earth is potentially lethal, you utter tool.

I know no-one here is that dumb but seriously: DO NOT WIRE YOURSELF TO MAINS EARTH VIA A WALL SOCKET!

Jesus christ! :facepalm:
To earth yourself indoors you can attach an electrical wire to yourself and the earth socket of a plug ....

Is this going to be allowed on this site then?

This fucking idiot is telling people to wire themselves to mains electricity systems.

What would happen if someone new or unaware of Jazzz's fuckwittery decided to give this a go and hurt themselves. The first thing they'd be asked by a doctor, assuming they survived, is "why the fuck did you do that?", their likely response would be "I read about it on Urban75".

Beyond the pale now, surely.
This is quite astonishingly stupid advice.
I wonder if Jazzz might have the moral fibre to come back and make an unqualified admission that this was a thoroughly stupid and ill-informed thing to suggest?

It's not as if we'd be asking him to row back from his treasured theories about 9/11 - just to have the integrity to withdraw a no doubt impulsive, foolish and dangerous post that maybe seemed like a good idea at the time.
Is this going to be allowed on this site then?

This fucking idiot is telling people to wire themselves to electrical plugs.

What would happen if someone new or unaware of Jazzz's fuckwittery decided to give this a go and hurt themselves. The first thing they'd be asked by a doctor, assuming they survived, is "why the fuck did you do that?", their likely response would be "I read about it on Urban75".

Beyond the pale now, surely.
Do you think anyone is seriously likely to attempt this considering the slew of hugely negative responses his idiotic 'suggestion' has generated?

So, no, I'm not removing it. Besides, it provides a useful insight into the credibility of his other 'science' claims here.
I wonder if Jazzz might have the moral fibre to come back and make an unqualified admission that this was a thoroughly stupid and ill-informed thing to suggest?

It's not as if we'd be asking him to row back from his treasured theories about 9/11 - just to have the integrity to withdraw a no doubt impulsive, foolish and dangerous post that maybe seemed like a good idea at the time.
In short, No.

E2A: in fact, i'd go as far as to say that Jazzz will likely turn this around into some sort of 'waah waah, woe is me' U75 monothought clique ganging up on him as everyone now has found a slight chink in his otherwise bombproof intellectual armor of reason and truthiness.
Do you think anyone is seriously likely to attempt this considering the slew of hugely negative responses his idiotic 'suggestion' has generated?

There are some seriously disturbed/vulnerable/desperate people around. This is posted in World Politics so anyone in the world with internet access can read it without registration. Out of potentially millions of people who could see it, do I think one or two may be inclined to give it a go? Yes. People do all sorts of daft shit for all kinds of reasons and Jazzz (to some) will come across as a visionary and all his detractors as shortsighted puppets.

So, no, I'm not removing it. Besides, it provides a useful insight into the credibility of his other 'science' claims here.

Your boards, your call. But I'm fucked if I'd leave an instruction to wire oneself to the mains posted on my site.
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