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Nanothermite and the World Trade Center

Definitely do NOT follow this advice. If you must, get a proper earthing strap, costs only a few pounds from Maplin, Radioshack or similar. They have a 10M resistor in line to limit any current. If you do accidentally touch a live connection the current is limited, a bare wire will allow potentially fatal currents to flow.

MikeMcc is right.

I am withdrawing that suggestion.

how many people REALLY died of electrocution over the last ten years due to accidents in the home, and how many of them either died of other causes, or are not really dead at all? If electrocution is so dangerous, how come there is no evidence for this fact? How come I have never seen anyone electrocuting themselves?

I'm not saying it never happens, I'm just questioning the numbers
in regards to the suggestion that I continuously earth myself by sticking something into an electric socket to see if my pain levels change, let me reassure urban that a) I would not do that because it's dangerous and b) there's a reason I didn't do electrical engineering at university (electricity is really witchcraft and sorcery).

But oh my days :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

I am glad Jazzz saw fit to issue an apology. I hope this is a lesson to him and I hope fervently he does away with his earthing thingy.
Oh yes, and there was a fire in the electrical inlet cupboard into the block of flats I live in 2011. Although the electricity board came and replaced the part of the mains cable that was damaged, it's possible that other parts of the wiring were damaged even partially. And that's just what I know about.
Let's take the merits of earthing to another thread children.
'Children'? You've the one that's been handing out stupid, dangerous 'advice,' and you'd still be doing it now if you hadn't been pulled up on it.

And that's the problem with the drivel that gets posted up on loon forums : all sorts of dodgy stuff gets posted up (including thinly veiled anti-semitism) and you just go along with it.
I think it is fascinating to watch you primp yourself into puffed-up outrage at the tiniest of slights, while you happily and routinely dish far more outrageous insults on a whim.

I suppose one of the things that intrigues me about the way you operate, Jazzz, is that there seems to be a complete disconnect between the way you perceive others as behaving and the way you behave yourself - it's as if you are completely unaware of the huge levels of projection you display, both in how you relate to people you're arguing with, and to the material you so faithfully cling to as truths.
Disconnection. Disconnect is a verb FFS. :mad:

Carry on.
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