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Nanothermite and the World Trade Center

Was Pentawater before or after he diagnosed himself with Multiple Sclerosis (or "feeling a bit poorly", as was actually the case with Jazzz)?
Before - pentawater was 2005, 'I think I have MS' was 2009 or therabouts. It turned out to be his butyrate supplement.
Well, must say last time I wired myself up to the mains, my pain levels changed exponentially.

Are you sure you wired yourself up to the mains or was it just a hologram of a plug with a tiny device attached to it you wired yourself to?
Are you sure you wired yourself up to the mains or was it just a hologram of a plug with a tiny device attached to it you wired yourself to?
I'm awaiting instructions from the Cabal before I answer that one.
ETA: cabal - cable : need I say more?
Even more proof, if it was needed, of the conspiracy. Our globalist masters have no shame - in this document it admits that so-called electric shocks are merely a ploy of the elite. They want to stop us wiring ourselves to the mains and thereby achieving true consciousness of them and their reptilian ways. The so-called electric shock is nothing but a tool by which the banking elite maintain the fear of the truth! Free yourselves!

I have not read it or anything but look at the title!


Information Sheet 1 -
Electrical Engineering Safety
Electric Shock Protocol

The scope of this protocol is to provide guidance material for mine operators in the development of mine site electrical shock response procedures.

Down with the Illuminati and their electrical shock response procedures! We are waking up!
We haven't had a 'grounding' thread. The three times it's come up it's been hosted on other thread topics.

Whatever. You know full well what I'm referring to. You posted some links to "research", I and some others critically evaluated them and found them wanting.
Even more proof, if it was needed, of the conspiracy. Our globalist masters have no shame - in this document it admits that so-called electric shocks are merely a ploy of the elite. They want to stop us wiring ourselves to the mains and thereby achieving true consciousness of them and their reptilian ways. The so-called electric shock is nothing but a tool by which the banking elite maintain the fear of the truth! Free yourselves!

I have not read it or anything but look at the title!


Down with the Illuminati and their electrical shock response procedures! We are waking up!

I intend to refuse to pay my electricity bill as a political gesture. Finally, the truth can be investigated in court! :cool:
The battery of world consciousness is being recharged and soon we can mount a determined resistance to the current cabal of bankers and globalists who enslave us daily
how on earth do you know that? :confused:

Because we naturally earth ourselves several hundred times or more a day, even if we do wear synthetically-soled shoes or whatever other excuses the "earthing" gurus make for why you should by a grounded meditation mat or whatever. If we didn't, we'd build up such massive static charges that everyone's hair would stand on end all the time, and we'd arc off of each other.

Did you sleep through your school science lessons, by any chance?
We haven't forgotten you still haven't answered the oft repeated but very straightforward challenge to present YOUR overall "take" on what 9/11 was all about, Mr Jazzz.. important as the subject of radiator earthing undoubtedly is in the DIY and medical world. The conspiracy theorist afraid to speak his conspiracy theory ? Man up and let it all out Jazzz. You'll feel better... or at least as good as I do, so, so, safe in my natty bacofoil protective hat, and trailing earthing wire.......
Well, must say last time I wired myself up to the mains, my pain levels changed exponentially.
funny you say that, I gave it ago because I had a slight earache but now have no feeling down the left side of my body.

The neurologist I went to said that's usually what happens when people stick a bit of fucking wire in a power socket :hmm:

He also said something about clowns and suckers but I wasn't really taking much notice at that stage because my ear was still aching from the elecroction.

don't be so negative
Blagsta, 33 minutes ago
Stay positive.

I'll go now.
We haven't had a 'grounding' thread. The three times it's come up it's been hosted on other thread topics.
If you want a grounding thread, please start one (no-one is stopping you). But I've a sneaking suspicion about how it will go.
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