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Nanothermite and the World Trade Center

Because we naturally earth ourselves several hundred times or more a day, even if we do wear synthetically-soled shoes or whatever other excuses the "earthing" gurus make for why you should by a grounded meditation mat or whatever. If we didn't, we'd build up such massive static charges that everyone's hair would stand on end all the time, and we'd arc off of each other.
Please see new shiny thread in Health forum. :)
Is that not where this one should be?
I think Jazzz may be quite keen to partition off a sub-thread in which his arse is being handed to him on a plate, presumably in the hope that he can somehow salvage whatever he thinks of as credibility on the "nanothermite" question :)
I found a badge with nanothermites on it.

will someone ask him about the fema camps? he doesn't want to answer me :(
(this should do it)

FEMA camps? Load of rubbish - there's no evidence whatsoever for these so-called camps, and all the stuff I've ever seen about them has just been obviously faked photos.
(this should do it)

FEMA camps? Load of rubbish - there's no evidence whatsoever for these so-called camps, and all the stuff I've ever seen about them has just been obviously faked photos.
Are they the pictures of the camps with towers and high fences in them? (probly either an army camp or a paintball place or sumpting :hmm: .

A guy I used to work with gave me a link to a website with these pics on them saying they were the US Gov. secret politicol prisoner camps etc.this was about 20 odd years ago as well so they've been floating around the net for a while.... absolutely no proof whatsoever but still believed ever single word about them.
WTF is a matter with these clowns?

quick edit...I liked the first paragraph on wiki...
FEMA concentration camps exist in the mind of a particularly loopy bunch of conspiracy theorists
I suppose that the Hurricane Katrina response demonstrated FEMA's dark capability and steely resolve to...

Ah, a link to infowars, that settles everything. Good work, detective jazzz.

A part of me really wishes you would plug yourself into the plug socket, this conspiracy theory infowars lunacy causes real damage. Case in point, this guy, who sheltered 6 children after the newtown shooting, who's being harassed by Alex Jones infowarriors for being a "actor" put upto it by the govt part of the propaganda flase flag campaign to take their guns and enslave them in marxist dystopia etc etc


“I don’t know what to do,” sighed Gene Rosen. “I’m getting hang-up calls, I’m getting some calls, I’m getting emails with, not direct threats, but accusations that I’m lying, that I’m a crisis actor, ‘how much am I being paid?’” Someone posted a photo of his house online. There have been phony Google+ and YouTube accounts created in his name, messages on white supremacist message boards ridiculing the “emotional Jewish guy,” and dozens of blog posts and videos “exposing” him as a fraud. One email purporting to be a business inquiry taunted: “How are all those little students doing? You know, the ones that showed up at your house after the ‘shooting’. What is the going rate for getting involved in a gov’t sponsored hoax anyway?”
Case in point, this guy, who sheltered 6 children after the newtown shooting, who's being harassed by Alex Jones infowarriors for being a "actor" put upto it by the govt part of the propaganda flase flag campaign to take their guns and enslave them in marxist dystopia etc etc


Fucking scumbags. They do do real damage and actually some of the theories they promote are the results of real government/"elite" conspiracies. The protocols of the elders of zion being one of them.
Fucking scumbags. They do do real damage and actually some of the theories they promote are the results of real government/"elite" conspiracies. The protocols of the elders of zion being one of them.

The wackiest theories create white noise than means the real misdeeds of governments are harder to identify. I imagine there are a lot of individual examples of dodgy dealings and incompetence that occured in the wake of 9/11 that will never be uncovered or taken seriously because they're drowned out by the nonsense.
The wackiest theories create white noise than means the real misdeeds of governments are harder to identify. I imagine there are a lot of individual examples of dodgy dealings and incompetence that occured in the wake of 9/11 that will never be uncovered or taken seriously because they're drowned out by the nonsense.

they divert real opposition to what has happened into pseudo religious mystical bollocks and fascism - by that i mean fascist ideas on how to "replace" capitalism, fascist theories as to who is to blame and the nature of society, not a structural critique but blaming individuals and groups, viewing everyone as a shapless mass who needs to "wake up" and so on.

that is exactly their function - they channel any opposition and any attempt to find the truth about this shit down a completely fruitless blind alley
Yup, folks like Jazzz lowest of the low. I wonder what people you find lurking around the "Sandy Hook truth movement" I bet it's a cesspit full of the same Ickeans and Infowarriors that are kindred spirits of Jazzz.

Whilst we're at it, and if you like nice scary scaremongering graphs, here I found that article whilst reading this one on Salon, about the the rise in radical right-wing patriot and/or militia groups



I think (just briefly) the election of a black president, and the recession, can be seen as one of the causes of this rise, but perhaps what's most worrying thing is how the idea's associated with this radical fringe are being increasingly appropriated by the republican party and making their way into mainstream. Like for example the fashion for doomsday prepping and hording weapons, which has it's own TV series now, which is a fascinating insight into the psyche of paranoid middle-class america. Notice how when these people cite the upcoming "global economic meltdown" the editors helpfully cut away to shots from the UK student riots, Occupy wall street, and anti-austerity riots throughout Europe? Notice how they're neary all white and middle class and scared of the mob coming and taking their property? There's a racial overtone here, which is roughly that when the govt can't afford to feed all those black people with their entitlements in the inner cities they'll start mobbing up and looting all the nice white suburbs. And Fox News and the republican media feeds this narrative costantly. This isn't a narrative that is being held back by the "elite" it's coming from the elite in many respects. This apocalyptic mindset is increasingly being taken up by the just about "respectable" right in the US.

And another example like this are the little planned towns being made by and for right-winger, like the Citadel, which are basically giant boltholes for reactionary white American who feel culturally threatened by modern American to go hide themselves in. This is an interesting trend. Now this sort of thing has history on the fringe right, Stormfront is at any given point full of dozens of failed attempts by gangs of white supremecists to start little encalves where they'll be "free of the Jew-Zog media" and where everyone will be racially pure, but we're seeing that being taken up by more high-profile figures such as Glenn Beck, who's own version of this Independence USA was hilariously torn to bits by Jon Stewart (link might not be playable, oh yeah and btw check out this for some hilarity oh what's that in the comments, oh nevermind "Notice that Jon Stewart is a rich Jew. It's always the Jew 1% who want the weapons." The Jew 1%? Did Occupy coin that phrase? hmmm) Anyway just out of curiosity this stuff, planned utopian communities etc, also a history on the left going right back to Robert Owen and New Lanark, I'd be interesting in doing a comparison between the two to be honest.

Fucking scumbags. They do do real damage and actually some of the theories they promote are the results of real government/"elite" conspiracies. The protocols of the elders of zion being one of them.

What's interesting is how even though they style themselves as being against an elite, but in actual fact what they're doing is being a buttress for the ruling class. The fact this sort of thing is it partially generated by Fox News and the republican party should be a good indicator of how "anit-elitist" these idea's are. It might drape itself in anti-establishment rhetoric, and find support from a legitimate sense of alienation that people feel towards the state and liberal democracy, but just like the protocols it's based on a falsehood, and is ultimately harnassed by the state to protect it, to misdirect it's opponents. It's like it's a weird 21st century American yeomanry or Church and King mob, desperately fighting to protect the established order and their priviliged place within it, or like they're some sort of frontier militia here to protect all the god fearing white folks from the savage natives and slaves. There's a sort of implicit understanding, even though it's phrased in this revolutionary, anti-elitist rhetoric, that there's a certain subsection of the middle class who are comfortable with their position in the system and who feel they have a lot to lose if that system is comes under threat from wild packs of welfare addicted ethnic minorites who start looting and expropriating the expropriators. I'm wittering on but the dynamics of all this are very interesting and worth reading more into. You can tell a lot about where we're at ideologically from looking at this sort of stuff I reckon.
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