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My silly idea again: earn your age

Soz for the delay replying... was offline.

So we're seriously discussing this as a viable option? Rather recognising that it's just pub-speak, intended for everyone to say, "yeah that's a great idea!" without meaning one word of it?
Jealousy doesn't become you, kabbes :p

So a 30-year-old doctor, in a job that requires extremely high levels of skill and responsibility, years of training and very long hours while working, would get paid the same as a leaflet distributor?
Yes. Under the current system, people do not, overall, get paid according to their training and skill (think advertising 'executives, for example) so we're perfectly capable of accepting that kind of disparity. But my reason for suggesting it is that we have to live within the society we're born into (or drop out, which is bloody hard, or move elsewhere to something increasingly similar) therefore our subsistence (and in that I include some luxuries as life is miserable without them) should not be tied to our abilities. We can't help them, so why should someone not suited/able to be a doctor have to earn less just because of their nature/nurture? Your reward for training and effort in being a doctor would be job satisfaction (healing) given enough money to live comfortably.

I'm not sure that 'leaflet distributors' would be needed in a post-capitalist society but I don't see why a doctor should be financially recognised as being more important to society than a refuse collector.
Exactly. How well will a doctor heal the sick in a hospital overflowing with rubbish?

Fnumbers asked whether this could be done under capitalism, and the answer is clearly no because capitalism functions by attaching a monetary value to work according to its value to capital, balanced against the worker's leverage to demand that value. But I think it's a bit of a failure of the imagination not to be able to see past capitalism's wealth distribution and the assumptions that underpin it.
Ta and yep.

Being a leader at a dojo or at a community group is nothing like the level of responsibility involved in being a doctor - it's not even in the same country, let alone the same ballpark.

We've all been through this before, anyway. Some of you think that all jobs should be paid the same and that that would not deter people from doing the jobs that are really difficult and have huge responsibility. Some of us disagree. We're never going to persuade each other.
Think about how many people there are that do jobs that you wouldn't dream of doing. And remember that people will be making their choices about work safe in the knowledge that they will never starve. I think most people want to do something they're good at and enjoy rather than just something that's easy. Of course, things you're good at seem easy but I'll bet there are many things easier than many people's jobs that they wouldn't choose, even if the pay were the same, as they'd be bored through not using their talent.

Haven't you ever met any doctors? The pay is one of the things that keeps them in the job when the work gets really tough. Some of them also are doing it for the money - and they make way more than kabbes.

There are people like who will take on responsibility for the fun of it, yep. Not enough for our medical system, though, especially people who have that willingness combined with the actual ability to perform the job. I'm bloody glad there will never exist a world where every job got paid the same, because anyone who needed a doctor would be fucked.
I really disagree. Again, the money they'd be earing would be enough to live comfortably.

Sorry guys, haven't read the whole fred.. but could somebody be kind enough to fill me in on A) What would happen to us poor old worthless single parent/family providers...(seeing as we actually do the hardest, and most worthwhile job in the entire universe) It's difficult to find jobs that will fit in with school hours, or indeed the childcare that is needed for those jobs.. and B) All the other groups of people not "fit" or available for work...
I wasn't suggesting that everyone should have to work - not working would come under benefits. For which I'd favour a living wage as mentioned earlier. However, I think raising a family should probably count as work. I'd be interested to know what that would cost together with my plan, compared to what is spent on wages + benefits now. (But I'm too shit with this :D to work it out myself).

I wouldn't do my job unless it was well paid, both because the responsibility is something I'd rather not have and because, well, it's boring. But in a completely non-capitalist society, my job in its current form wouldn't exist in any case. It's difficult to compare the effects of wage equality on different societies precisely because of this bugger factor.
Presumably you'd do a job you liked better then :)

I like a nice idea like this.
Not gonna happen ever but.....

How about starting on £20k at 20
Then annual increases of £1k until 50
Then annual decreases of £1k until dead?

I don't think people who are 80 need £80k a year do they? Especially with their kids probably earning £50k + and probably with savings/assets of their own.
This is a good amendment. :cool:
I like a nice idea like this.
Not gonna happen ever but.....

How about starting on £20k at 20
Then annual increases of £1k until 50
Then annual decreases of £1k until dead?

I don't think people who are 80 need £80k a year do they? Especially with their kids probably earning £50k + and probably with savings/assets of their own.

What if you live to be 100?
What about schmucks like me who are self-employed? Where do we fit into this money-for-nothing Dire Straits themed utopia? Eh? Eh?

Do I have to total up all my jobs over the course of a year and apportion my invoices so that they total the 'right' amount?

Actually, does that mean I can do one job a year, and whoever I work for would then be legally bound to pay me a lump sum that's (my age x 1k)?


I CANNOT believe that for a moment, while typing that, I actually got a bit indignant :D
What about schmucks like me who are self-employed? Where do we fit into this money-for-nothing Dire Straits themed utopia? Eh? Eh?

Do I have to total up all my jobs over the course of a year and apportion my invoices so that they total the 'right' amount?

Actually, does that mean I can do one job a year, and whoever I work for would then be legally bound to pay me a lump sum that's (my age x 1k)?


I CANNOT believe that for a moment, while typing that, I actually got a bit indignant :D

There's a maximum working week of 30 hours. You can work less than that for less money if you want to though of course, but you can't do more than 30 hours, and for that you'll get your age in filthy lucre. :cool:

It's up to you how you break down your invoices up to the total for the year, but it works out at £22.72 an hour if you work 44 weeks of the year at the age of 30.
But WHY doesn't everyone love the latest addition to my idea?? WHY??

If I could go from my current salary to my age, it would be a massive pay rise.

I would like that a lot.
It's a nice idea but it just wouldn't work in any economical way.

I found an estimated breakdown of population by age, from England in 2005. And I've clearly got too much time on my hands this morning so I put some numbers in a la Badgers' suggestion for grading.

(I'm pretty sure I can palm some of this off on someone else... :hmm:)

Bugger... the images are a bit small (so Sass can't see how little he's getting) and in the wrong order. Hey ho. With a magnifying glass you shall be wowed and amazed.

E2a: look at the bottom left one first if you're going to, as it's got the column headings and the totals.


  • ages15-31.jpg
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  • ages32-57.jpg
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  • ages58-90.jpg
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I think it's a brilliant idea on paper, however you would need to a have a social revolution to implement it, and then you might as well go the whole hog and establish some sort of free, communist society anyway.

There's a maximum working week of 30 hours. You can work less than that for less money if you want to though of course, but you can't do more than 30 hours, and for that you'll get your age in filthy lucre. :cool:

It's up to you how you break down your invoices up to the total for the year, but it works out at £22.72 an hour if you work 44 weeks of the year at the age of 30.

Who do you get this money from?

eg my stepmother is a sole trader with a small shop which doesn't make enough to pay her her own age, let alone her 2 employees.
Also, what if you're trying to establish a small business and it needs more than 30 hours a week to get it going?
I think it's a brilliant idea on paper, however you would need to a have a social revolution to implement it, and then you might as well go the whole hog and establish some sort of free, communist society anyway.
I'm glad you agree it's a brilliant idea! :D

A free system would be far more complicated on a large scale though. You'd have to get people to live and work together in much smaller groups. All of which would be grand but we need something practical, like this system, to get us there.

Who do you get this money from?

eg my stepmother is a sole trader with a small shop which doesn't make enough to pay her her own age, let alone her 2 employees.
Any shortfall would have to be topped up to the maximum for your age by the state. Everyone must earn the same (for their age).
Also, what if you're trying to establish a small business and it needs more than 30 hours a week to get it going?
See the reply above. She wouldn't need more than 30 hours a week to get it going as there'd be no chance of it folding as long as she'd planned her finances within her budget. Her employees pay would be topped up too. Everyone gets it :)
And all for just £1 trillian and a few hundred billion (at the rates above). :)
Still don't understand where all the money is going to come from........

and some jobs just wouldn't work on 30hrs a week.........
Still don't understand where all the money is going to come from........

and some jobs just wouldn't work on 30hrs a week.........

you realise 10% of the population are hogging something in the region of 70% of the wealth right?

That is where the money is coming from. But as mentioned above it would take an armed revolution to prise it from them and by that point you might as well go totally communist.
Any shortfall would have to be topped up to the maximum for your age by the state. Everyone must earn the same (for their age).
See the reply above. She wouldn't need more than 30 hours a week to get it going as there'd be no chance of it folding as long as she'd planned her finances within her budget. Her employees pay would be topped up too. Everyone gets it :)

Excellent - is she still allowed to frivolously run a potters' suppliers which doesn't really benefit anyone (I am sure she would disagree but, really)? And get paid fifty grand a year for it?

If so I shall be setting up a not-for-profit business promoting knitting to schoolchildren.
Excellent - is she still allowed to frivolously run a potters' suppliers which doesn't really benefit anyone (I am sure she would disagree but, really)? And get paid fifty grand a year for it?

If so I shall be setting up a not-for-profit business promoting knitting to schoolchildren.
Yes! Everyone, for any job.

That's the point. :)
you realise 10% of the population are hogging something in the region of 70% of the wealth right?

That is where the money is coming from. But as mentioned above it would take an armed revolution to prise it from them and by that point you might as well go totally communist.

well der :rolleyes::p

just wondered seeing as at the moment i earn £14,000 and under the op's scheme i would suddenly be on £47,000 where is that £33,000 coming from ?


I'm obviously more thick than i thought as i don't understand the mechanism for how this would work or is it being suggested this would be alongside a getting rid of capitalism too ?
Essentially yes, an armed coup to take out the political class and house arrest for the frontbenchers. The mechanism has to come from the proletariat, and history shows in ebb and flow that you can only push the proles so far without a violent reaction. As for getting rid of capital, well that is a different question. We could operate a planned economy while competing in the global market but I will grow tits and sing chorus for Nutcracker at the Derngate before the US gives up 'free' market ideology.
Essentially yes, an armed coup to take out the political class and house arrest for the frontbenchers. The mechanism has to come from the proletariat, and history shows in ebb and flow that you can only push the proles so far without a violent reaction. As for getting rid of capital, well that is a different question. We could operate a planned economy while competing in the global market but I will grow tits and sing chorus for Nutcracker at the Derngate before the US gives up 'free' market ideology.

now that i would pay to see !


was wondering coz for instance where i work there are a lot of people in the higher age bracket (in my dept we have 3 people over 65) so would be very expensive wages wise !
:confused:i don't understand the mechanism for how this would work or is it being suggested this would be alongside a getting rid of capitalism too ?
That could be because I'm making much of this up as I go... :oops:

Essentially yes, an armed coup to take out the political class and house arrest for the frontbenchers. The mechanism has to come from the proletariat, and history shows in ebb and flow that you can only push the proles so far without a violent reaction. As for getting rid of capital, well that is a different question. We could operate a planned economy while competing in the global market but I will grow tits and sing chorus for Nutcracker at the Derngate before the US gives up 'free' market ideology.
No armed coup! I mean, I wouldn't be sorry to see them go but it's not going to happen any time soon, is it? And who wants horrid violence or threats of violence anyway?

Buy a bra and get some singing lessons and we'll ease them in gently.


Operate your business however you want to bar that you can't take home more than the maximum for your age. No loopholes within the shores using this system.

was wondering coz for instance where i work there are a lot of people in the higher age bracket (in my dept we have 3 people over 65) so would be very expensive wages wise !
I put Badgers' idea of decreasing pay after a certain age into the spreadsheet above, as you're right, age would otherwise be prohibitively expensive.

With the fairly arbitrary figures I've put in, you earn £2 million, 200 thousand in a lifetime.

  • £12,800 p/a at age 16
  • £21,600 p/a by age 24
  • £58,000 at age 49
  • £22,750 p/a at age 65
  • £8,500 p/a at 85
  • £4,500 at 90>
You go steadily (ish) year by year to the lifetime maximum of £58k. Then it goes down a bit, and then back up a bit, though not by as much, then down again, due to ageing and graded decrements to your income every five years after age 50.
The money for this could be found easily, mainly from the rich, but also from rationalisation of the taxation and benefits systems.

I would also offer people the chance to retire at 50, and get their wages frozen at that amount, the state would pay them a pension but it would be frozen at 50k.

Personally I wouldn't want the state to make up any short falls for wages that sole traders and other small businesses couldn't afford - for one thing a huge swathe of the populace would get a massive increase in disposable income which should boost the earnings of useful or cool businesses, secondly if they can't afford to run them properly maybe they should think of another model, there would be plenty of profitable businesses out there to employ people.
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