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Meanwhile, the Forgotten Stuff

There were a shitload of threads on Syria. They didn't have Syria in the title but they were there. At one point there were three major threads (And next..., The main ISIS one and the Kurdish one) on the go and others that came and went. If you included tangentially involved stuff like ISIS attacks elsewhere and prisoners in Northern Syria it soon adds up. It was before Editors penchant for creating topical sub-forums eg Brexit, Covid and Ukraine but if a sub-forum had been created there would likely have been more threads many like those in here and the covid thread that quickly crash and burn. Maybe there was a bit less coverage but come on...
First page of search results for Syria. Some relevant threads did not have Syria in the title so will not show up.


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Interestingly changing search from titles to first posts brings up a shit tonne of different results.
Why do you post here. I mean not specifically here TBH but what are you getting out of this arch sinism, hipocracy hunting, snearing shtick?

Preemptive reply What I get out of this is a bit of mild catharsis. I am the type to shout at the radio, / the social media equiv.
I do admit to sometimes shouting at Radio 4 in the car. The Today programme, and so on, with their glib liberal wank and selective moralising.
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You joker. Who gives a fuck. We're all just random entaties posting on a message board right. Your, mine, our pontification on Libia is a decodant waste of time and energy.

This is how it's done, yeah?
Well, I for one don't give a fuck, but somebody implied that you have to have a record of posting about certain countries before mentioning them (which is actually impossible when you think about it.)
Anyway, I've edited the (edited) thread title, as it wasn't supposed to be about only Libya
Well, I for one don't give a fuck, but somebody implied that you have to have a record of posting about certain countries before mentioning them (which is actually impossible when you think about it.)
I think what's happening here is that you've confused mentioning countries, which is one thing, with implying that everyone else has "forgotten" those countries, and positioning yourself as one of "those who remember that Ukraine is only one place that bad shit happens". Which is making a fairly strong implicit claim about both yourself and other people, and if it turns out that some of those other people have remembered to post about those places in the past, and you've forgotten to do so, ends up making you look like a bit of a dick.
I've made that comment (not sure it was in any way a 'main' point though) but my making it was based on reading a load of informed stuff and that seemed to me to be the most well argued and reasonable case (the 'wouldn't' I think the 'couldn't' is wishful thinking tbh). But it wasn't an absolute position and am happy to be argued out of it or shown other commentary that gives alternative views convincingly. I also shift my opinion a bit depending as you're right most of us aren't in any way experts, but it is possible to read what experts say and try and come to our opinions based on them isn't it?
Yes, and if you Google for them, there are many articles which suggest that Russia might well resort to nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. iirc correctly, Russia doesn't have a no first use doctrine for a start.
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