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Meanwhile, on the West Bank Front

This long article about one families experience covers the whole gamut of how Zionism works in practise.

Summary of issues in article:

Seeing illegal Jewish only settlements encroach around ones villages

Having what was a ten minute drive to visit relatives in village nearby being held up by checkpoints etc.

With increasing settlement building more harassment by Israelis when local Palestinians are trying to farm and tend animals.

Having ones husband shot in stomach by settler causing long term health problems.

The settler who did this has never suffered any consequences. Despite the shooting being reported to the police. And CCTV coverage available.

As a further insult the Israeli authorities revoked some of their travel permits as the authorities were concerned that the family might try to get revenge for the shooting of the husband. Despite same authorities have no intention of giving the Palestinian family justice.

To cap it all the wife's family house was later demolished under the Israel state planning rules for the occupied West Bank. This bureaucracy is designed to stop the indigenous people from building homes to house their growing families. This not does not apply to Jewish Israeli settlers. I say Jewish as the settlements organisation is set up to make sure citizens of Israel who are Arab wont be able to live in them. It's a bureaucratic way to stop Palestinian villages growing in size in competition with Israeli Jewish settlements.

It's about one family but imo its shows how Zionism works to deny Palestinians a decent life on their own land. It's designed to grind them down and gradually remove them from majority of land.

Its a combination of lawless gun toting settlers who believe this is their god given land and bureaucratic state Zionism. Who complement each other.

Living in what's left under Israeli surveillance in what historian Ilan Pappe argues is an open prison.

This has been going on for decades in West Bank.

Put this on worldwide demos by mistake.
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Apropos the article. The two mainstream forms of Zionism are Labour Zionism and Revisionist Zionism.

Labour Zionism of David Ben Gurion held sway from foundation of Israel state and the Revisionist influenced Zionism of Likud from late 70s.

Both were involved in settlement building on West Bank and the continuing occupation.

The pre Israel state of Zionists who wanted co existence with Palestinians were tiny minority.

I'd say that the religious settlers like Gush Emunim are more recent phenomenon of Zionism. A messianic form of Zionism.

Zionism traditionally was largely secular.
In amongst all the other brutality this is pretty much a prima facie case for sanctions. They have also transferred administration of the West Bank from the military to civilian authorities something which is illegal in international law. Now to paraphrase Smotrich - ...'for every country that recognises a Palestinian state we will build another settlement, so 5 countries have done this and we will build 5 settlements'

In amongst all the other brutality this is pretty much a prima facie case for sanctions. They have also transferred administration of the West Bank from the military to civilian authorities something which is illegal in international law. Now to paraphrase Smotrich - ...'for every country that recognises a Palestinian state we will build another settlement, so 5 countries have done this and we will build 5 settlements'

The other issue is that Palestinian civil society had tried over the years to use the post WW2 international legal system to fight peacefully and non violently for Palestinian rights and self determination in face of Zionist Apartheid and Ethnic cleansing.

As much as they have got somewhere in the court of international legal system the way it works is that state of Zionist Israel can ignore it.

For example the so called separation wall was deemed illegal by ICJ.

But their is no mechanism to make this racist State follow peaceful Palestinian advocacy using international law

Question imo is if peaceful Palestinian action within the parameters of post WW2 international legal system are ignored by State of Israel is it any surprise that violent terrorist actions take place?
That actually encourages them. They relish demonstrating their impunity. It's probably best to stop thinking about the conflict in such terms imho.
The proverbs of solomon say that Proud and Haughty Scorner is his name that dealeth in proud wrath, and, whoever does violence to blood of any shall flee to the black pit of death

Here is member of Israeli government explaining what Zionism is about. Facts of the ground is well used Zionist tactic to get what they want. Which is a Jewish Israel between the river and the sea.

When he says anti Zionist and anti Israeli decision he's talking about the recent ruling that Israeli settlement building is illegal under international law and they should go.

Basically he's saying to Palestinians and international community I'm authorising this and you aren't stopping me.

Smotrich said:
“No anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist decision will stop the development of settlements,” said Smotrich, who also heads civil affairs at the Ministry of Defence, on X. “We will continue to fight against the dangerous project of creating a Palestinian state by creating facts on the ground.”
More settler shit on ch4 news last night... land promised to them by God, colonialism can be a good thing, etc.

Just this minute heard back from Medyan. His words were, “the situation in West Bank is very bad, most of family ok, but IDF visited his sister & brother as they’re now living together due to the situation.”

For those that don’t know, Medyan is a photojournalist, & has worked for AJ in the past, but now runs his own agency from Turkish/Syrian border.
This makes for very grim reading. My friend Medyan is now very worried for the safety of his family. ffs

Noticed this;
large number of military bulldozers were reported in all three cities, razing roads and destroying critical electricity and water infrastructure.

Shortly after the raid began, Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz called for the "temporary evacuation" of Palestinians from parts of the occupied West Bank.

This isn't a policing operation.

They are using the same tactics as in Gaza.

Crosses my mind that long term they want to use the Gaza conflict to ethnically cleanse parts of West Bank.
From the articles posted looks like on the ground this has united Palestinians.

With Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah fighters all resisting this military assault by an occupying power.

As in Ukraine people do have right to resist occupation.

I doubt these fighters will get western support.

Unlike in Ukraine

Smotrich himself revealed in a speech to settlers taped by a Peace Now activist that his plan has the prime minister’s full backing. Benjamin Netanyahu was "with us full on", Smotrich said.

He described his plan to irreversibly alter the way the occupied West Bank is governed as "mega-dramatic", adding that "such changes change a system's DNA".

This is Zionist state going full out to make facts on the ground whilst it has the chance to damage as much as possible Palestinian society. In order to scupper any remote chance of a genuine two state solution.
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