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A United Front for a Sane Foreign Policy? Can Left and Right co operate?

The most reliable indicator in the USA of how well you will do financially and in a career is the post code of the place of your birth.

I wonder what you consider required reading on IQ. "The Bell Curve" perhaps.

And while we are on the subject of intelligence perhaps, as you are so well read, you could tell me what intelligence is.
Yes, of course The Bell Curve is the place to start. Wikipeidia's piece on IQ is also pretty good, but of course the Politically Correct Thought Police have put their stamp on the scary bits.
There is a guy in Scotland who has done a lot of work in this area: Genetics and intelligence differences: five special findings

It's an interesting subject,.
However, I've had experience of discussing this with Leftists, and it's like discussing the divinity of Christ with fundamentalists, with the exception that the fundies argue in good faith.
So I won't continue here.
It's an interesting subject,.
However, I've had experience of discussing this with Leftists, and it's like discussing the divinity of Christ with fundamentalists, with the exception that the fundies argue in good faith.
So I won't continue here.

I also think it's an interesting subject.
And I agree that not continuing it here is probably the best idea.
So I won't continue here.

No, because this is what you do. I asked you to define intelligence and you can't do it, so you make a feeble excuse and run away.

And remember Doug, I know you, I remember you, and you really weren't all that bright, by any conventional measure. You'd read a few books, you could regurgitate information, but that was about it. Your analytical abilities, by your own admission, were poor. And that's shown by your rambling, incoherent posts here, and by your evasion of every difficult question that comes your way.
For those of you who haven't been following along with the Spart thread, over there he came out with this little gem, in praise of the Sparts' guru:
And congruent to this, he had a good understanding of 'the National Question', and what happens when you get 'interpenetrated peoples', something few
Americans are aware of. Thus the ludicrous bit of cant popular on the Left: "Diversity is Strength".
something something bit of a ludicrous cant himself etc.
The thread title and the mental first post and all the subsequent posts were just a little bit red flaggy as well tbf.

The lack of unqualified condemnation for the abuse that took place within the Spart organisation, even though the guy is long out of the org and doesn't even have the same politics any more, I took as a warning sign.
I actually find his longer posts somewhat interesting. There's something to be said for the long-form post in this age of Tweets and microvideos. It's the extraneous, undirected abrasiveness and unwarranted attitude of superiority that makes me roll my eyes and question his integrity.
Sincere or not, I've found him a damn sight more interesting than 90% of posters on the politics boards.
Is it still the case that the American Right, wants to hasten Armageddon?

Informing American foreign policy that is.

As far as I understood it, it was simply a reference to the way capitalism, not least through its imperialism, kept much of the world subservient to its interests, and prevented the populations of those countries from fulfilling their potential.

As far as I understood it, it was simply a reference to the way capitalism, not least through its imperialism, kept much of the world subservient to its interests, and prevented the populations of those countries from fulfilling their potential.
Gosh, really. Thanks for enlightening us poor little ignorant types. I bet you even read all the stuff about making shirts too.
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