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A United Front for a Sane Foreign Policy? Can Left and Right co operate?

So questioning its use doesn’t make them precious then?

If someone's writing for a more general audience (assuming that was VirulentNeoCon's intention), it's important they keep that in mind and use appropriate language/terminology, no?

And it sounds like even Marxists have moved on with their language anyway. 🤷‍♀️
I wouldn't exactly call this a general audience.

But surely whether anybody calls an 'underdeveloped' country backward or uses another, more sanitised term should be the least of anybody's worries at this moment in time?
I wouldn't exactly call this a general audience.

But surely whether anybody calls an 'underdeveloped' country backward or uses another, more sanitised term is the last of anybody's worries at this moment in time?
I would. Certainly one where I'm not the only one unfamiliar with terms previously used in Marxist circles.

Well it's one of the (admittedly many) things that makes me not want to go anywhere near the OP or his ideas with a bargepole.
In the late 1970s, Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster went south of the border to old Dublin town, where he had invited himself to advise the minister of education on the implications of low Irish IQ measurements.

Essentially, Lynn said, by trying to educate Irish people the Irish government was throwing good money after bad, because they were trying to educate the ineducable. Therefore, he said, things like free second level education in Ireland would have to cease.

It is instructive to consider what would have happened had the Leinster House regime heeded this unsolicited advice.
In the late 1970s, Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster went south of the border to old Dublin town, where he had invited himself to advise the minister of education on the implications of low Irish IQ measurements.

Essentially, Lynn said, by trying to educate Irish people the Irish government was throwing good money after bad, because they were trying to educate the ineducable. Therefore, he said, things like free second level education in Ireland would have to cease.

It is instructive to consider what would have happened had the Leinster House regime heeded this unsolicited advice.

And Charles Murray's The Bell Curve was really about a policy agenda:

"The actual conclusion of The Bell Curve is that America should stop trying to improve poor kids’ material living standards because doing so encourages poor, low-IQ women to have more children — you read that correctly. It also concludes that the United States should substantially curtail immigration from Latin America and Africa. These are controversial policy recommendations, not banal observations about psychometrics."

The Bell Curve is about policy
I think this is the offending video about Dore

Didn't this feature on The Majority Report? Or am I thinking of something else.

And these Grayzone people, Blumenthal and Maté, there are lots of accusations in the air about their relationship to Assad, cover ups for genocide and taking money. Is there any truth to this?
Didn't this feature on The Majority Report? Or am I thinking of something else.

And these Grayzone people, Blumenthal and Maté, there are lots of accusations in the air about their relationship to Assad, cover ups for genocide and taking money. Is there any truth to this?
May have done, I don't watch it so can't say either way. And yeah, Grayzone is dodgy as fuck, I can't say whether or not they've taken anyone's money or if they just deny genocide for the fun of it, but a pretty repugnant bunch either way. They get a few mentions over on the Vanessa Beeley thread, mostly from dedicated chronicler rekil.
And on the topic of projection, Blumenthal is possibly my favourite ever example, since he loves to accuse everyone else of being pro-war stooges of the US establishment, as with the Shaun thing above, and then when Hillary Clinton's emails got leaked it turned out she'd regularly been emailing his dad to say what a good boy he is. (Link provided for information purposes only, I don't endorse that site/writer's Zionist slant.)
This Charles Davis piece covers the wretched wastrel Blumenthal's knobbery pretty well.

The son of Hillary Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, he has admitted to accepting a free trip to Moscow, where he attended the same RT anniversary party in 2015 as U.S. General Michael Flynn — Trump’s former national security advisor is under investigation, in part, for failing to disclose he was paid $45,000 for his appearance . In Moscow, Blumenthal spoke on a panel, “InfoWar: Will there be a winner?” with Charles Bausman, editor of the website Russia Insider and the author of articles such as, “It’s Time to Drop the Jew Taboo.”
This Charles Davis piece covers the wretched wastrel Blumenthal's knobbery pretty well.

God, I'd briefly forgotten how he keeps going on Tucker Carlson's show every five minutes, which I suppose the OP of this thread must regard as a very good and important political development that must be encouraged at all costs.
intelligence, like 'talent" or 'luck' is hard to define & therefore hard to measure & study.

there was a study published in december, trying to 'help settle an age-old argument' - rocket science or brain surgery...

there is some interesting stuff in that:

'School aged children perceive STEM (science technology engineering math) to be “masculine” and “clever.” This perception is heavily influenced by gender, class, and race, and deters females, people from lower socioeconomic groups, and people of non-white ethnicity from pursuing STEM careers'

'In the original GBIT, 90% of Britons scored above average on at least one aspect of intelligence, illustrating the importance of studying multiple domains that make up a concept of intelligence rather than a single measure.'

'Gender socialisation extends to school subjects, with mathematics and physics seen as traditionally more “masculine” disciplines and the concept that men are better equipped to pursue STEM careers with an intrinsically more “systemised” brain.We see this reflected in the predominance of males in our cohorts. Despite these stereotypes, and the higher proportion of males, aerospace engineers and neurosurgeons vary in their cognitive aptitudes as does the general population. '
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