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Meanwhile, the Forgotten Stuff

I haven't done a deep analysis of the articles/post on here, but that's quite possibly true. Not to even mention the very different reasons for the conflicts, but I mean we could discuss why a country that's closer geographically, politically, and culturally to here; and where the UK is much more actively involved in a conflict that might also include the use of nuclear weapons might engage more people here, but not sure it would be much of a surprise, nor be very useful politically would it?
Anybody who thinks Ukraine (or Russia) is closer to the UK, culturally and politically, than a host of other places you can name, has obviously never been there.

As for nuclear weapons, the main point made here, with totally baseless confidence, is that Russia wouldn't/couldn't use them.
Another example: if Putin or Lukashenko had, in a short space of time, rounded up and jailed 60,000 or so people, as NATO member Turkey's president did after the attempted coup against him, 'The West' would be beside itself with delighted outrage. Erdogen gets a free pass. Because NATO

Wow! Thanks, I'd never considered that "The West" might be up to all sorts of shady shit before.

The scales have fallen from my eyes. :eek:
Anybody who thinks Ukraine (or Russia) is closer to the UK, culturally and politically, than a host of other places you can name, has obviously never been there.

That is just meaningless inane nonsense dressed up as worthwhile commentary. Of course there's places closer culturally and politically ffs, but it's closer than plenty of other places, like Chad that you mention in your first post for example. Plus all the other reasons that you have been going on about endlessly; risks of nuclear conflict, etc. And yes I have been to Ukraine fwiw.
As for nuclear weapons, the main point made here, with totally baseless confidence, is that Russia wouldn't/couldn't use them.

I've made that comment (not sure it was in any way a 'main' point though) but my making it was based on reading a load of informed stuff and that seemed to me to be the most well argued and reasonable case (the 'wouldn't' I think the 'couldn't' is wishful thinking tbh). But it wasn't an absolute position and am happy to be argued out of it or shown other commentary that gives alternative views convincingly. I also shift my opinion a bit depending as you're right most of us aren't in any way experts, but it is possible to read what experts say and try and come to our opinions based on them isn't it?
Anybody who thinks Ukraine (or Russia) is closer to the UK, culturally and politically, than a host of other places you can name, has obviously never been there.

As for nuclear weapons, the main point made here, with totally baseless confidence, is that Russia wouldn't/couldn't use them.
Have you been to Ukraine? How do you know?
That is just meaningless inane nonsense dressed up as worthwhile commentary. Of course there's places closer culturally and politically ffs, but it's closer than plenty of other places, like Chad that you mention in your first post for example. Plus all the other reasons that you have been going on about endlessly; risks of nuclear conflict, etc. And yes I have been to Ukraine fwiw.
It isn't commentary. Very little that gets posted here could be considered commentary.

I forgot that only members of he war celebration faction are allowed to go on endlessly.

It's intriguing that you think Ukraine has been close to the UK culturally and politically despite having been there.
It isn't commentary. Very little that gets posted here could be considered commentary.

I forgot that only members of he war celebration faction are allowed to go on endlessly.

It's intriguing that you think Ukraine has been close to the UK culturally and politically despite having been there.

I worked there for 6 months in 2015, mostly in Donestk but spent a little bit of time in Kiev, and met loads of people from all over the country. I mean it would be a long complicated discussion about similarities and difference in culture and politics (at least day-to-day politics as much as the political system itself) that I'm not sure I have the time for tbh!
Your views are very different from my wife's who has colleagues there and has visited and found the people very friendly. So when you post your 'informative' post I just ask her and I know you are posting crap.
I never said that people are not friendly. Like anywhere else, you can find both friendly, unfriendly and downright hostile people.
do you think war crimes are not taking place elsewhere right now?

What is it that compels you to bring up war crimes elsewhere in a forum dedicated to a different conflict - if people were discussing the war in Ethiopia, would you pipe up with "Hey guys, why are you talking about Ethiopia when there's a war in Ukraine?"
What is it that compels you to bring up war crimes elsewhere in a forum dedicated to a different conflict - if people were discussing the war in Ethiopia, would you pipe up with "Hey guys, why are you talking about Ethiopia when there's a war in Ukraine?"
I've already explained why. And I'm a stupid cunt (there, I've added it myself as you appear to have forgotten this time.)
Ukraine forum. I didn't realise, however, that you had to have mentioned certain countries before, in other forums, before you can mention them on this one.

You joker. Who gives a fuck. We're all just random entaties posting on a message board right. Your, mine, our pontification on Libia is a decodant waste of time and energy.

This is how it's done, yeah?
Do you think you're the only one who's disgusted, and do you think war crimes are not taking place elsewhere right now?

And do you add an insult to everything you say in disagreement in real life?

Why do you post here. I mean not specifically here TBH but what are you getting out of this arch sinism, hipocracy hunting, snearing shtick?

Preemptive reply What I get out of this is a bit of mild catharsis. I am the type to shout at the radio, / the social media equiv.
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