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Masterchef 2012

charlie basically admitted that he only entered because he thought it looked like fun :rolleyes:

Him and Matthew to go. And possibly that dolt who served the nouvelle cuisine
I suspect quite a few of this lot are going to crash and burn fairly soon. Was it 3x hour long episodes last year? I thought that was just the 1st week and then it was 1/2 an hour early evening. The 9pm showing time is fucking with my other telly watching commitments :mad:
two one hour episodes and one half hour one last year. bizarely and stupidly. at least its only two days a week this time.

the bouncer's looking very good, shame the plasterer is gonna be out very soon tho. and that aki isnt
Yeah, the right two went.
Though to be fair, I would have scoffed every last morsel of all of those dishes. Just call me Gregg.
Just catching up and I thought the final group were unlucky because there were only three places left. Some of the ones who went home were better than in the second group.
Just seen tonight's episode. I'm still in shock at seeing Jason Atherton break out the Coleman's horseradish sauce, CATERING SIZE no less. Pure filth.
I'm really annoyed with this "new format" masterchef.

It's taken the worst bits of Masterchef AUS and US and amalgamated them into a rubbish replica!

Bring back the old one!
are we down to an episode a week all the time now then? Deffo is this week, and appears to be next week too.
Yep, it's on every Wednesday at 9PM for the next five weeks then for the semi-finals and finals it'll be back to a few nights a week.
I'd like to see Aki cook something that isn't Japanese. You get the impression that's all she knows!
Bye bye Emma.

ETA: I heard the uplifting music and I knew they chickened out of it again. How she's still in this competition is beyond me though.
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