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Mass stabbing at Southport Kids’ Club 29/7/24

Bit of a blanket statement. Surely it depends on the rioters, what they're rioting for/against, and whether it's tactically effective, no?
There is certainly peaceful protest which I think is fine but what is not fine is causing wilful injury to other people and damage to or destruction of the property and livelihoods of those who are not being protested against. That may be deemed by some to be collateral damage but it is not legitimate and is not justified.
violence, rioting, far right discussion etc over on this thread
Fucking hell this is so depressing - according to the telegraph the alleged murdrer's parent are from (99% christian) Rwanda - so obivisouly its the fault of the muslims.

Neighbours spoke of their shock, describing the parents - a Christian “hard-working father and stay-at-home mother” - as “very normal”.

They said their youngest son, who was arrested at the scene of the stabbing on Monday, lived like a recluse.

One man said: “All the time I have lived here, I have never spoken to the lad. I’ve never seen him out on his own.

“I think I’ve probably only ever seen him on two or three occasions.

“They just seemed like a normal family."

sounds like a radicalised loner son.
Please share your views. You said that rioting achieves nothing - which isn't actually true. But please do give some examples of what peaceful protest has achieved. If you can.
Maybe they should share them on the other thread, which is specifically for the far-right response. Fair enough to criticise continuing this here. That thread would be more appropriate.
Depends on how legitimate you consider the government and law enforcement to be, I guess. There have been plenty of times and places in history where riot has been a direct response to repression. 'Collective bargaining by riot'.
A violent protest might be acceptable but rioting never.
how so? That was done by someone radcialised by extremeist islam - this person is from a christian family. Clearly a deeply disturbed individual quite possibly with severe psychosis - and his reasons for what he did my never be really explained.
Yeh Christians have never massacred people. It's like eg tim mcveigh never existed
Yeh Christians have never massacred people. It's like eg tim mcveigh never existed
You've missed the main point of KT's post. We have no reason right now to think that this kid was motivated by some political ideology. And if he was in the middle of an extreme psychotic episode, he himself may never really understand why he did it, let alone anyone else.

But there's no justification right now to associate this with examples of acts that clearly had political motivation.
how so? That was done by someone radcialised by extremeist islam - this person is from a christian family. Clearly a deeply disturbed individual quite possibly with severe psychosis - and his reasons for what he did my never be really explained.
Because the bomber was a loner who had little contact with his family. It's not religion, it's background. And both targeted events popular with little girls.
Neighbours spoke of their shock, describing the parents - a Christian “hard-working father and stay-at-home mother” - as “very normal”.

They said their youngest son, who was arrested at the scene of the stabbing on Monday, lived like a recluse.

One man said: “All the time I have lived here, I have never spoken to the lad. I’ve never seen him out on his own.

“I think I’ve probably only ever seen him on two or three occasions.

“They just seemed like a normal family."

sounds like a radicalised loner son.
pretty much ...
You've missed the main point of KT's post. We have no reason right now to think that this kid was motivated by some political ideology. And if he was in the middle of an extreme psychotic episode, he himself may never really understand why he did it, let alone anyone else.

But there's no justification right now to associate this with examples of acts that clearly had political motivation.
Your division of political and non-political seems utterly arbitrary and without basis in any way
Then there's no justification to associate it with examples of any motivation, political or other.
There's zero point speculating and forming theories based on fuck all. But associating this act with other acts that clearly were done within some political framework is playing into the hands of those who wish to give this act wider significance. Given the state of our ignorance right now, that is both a foolish and a dangerous thing to do.
Yeh Christians have never massacred people. It's like eg tim mcveigh never existed

yes - but there is no precedent for this type of christian nut job type of slaughter in the UK - and the target doesnt fit with any partiuclar chritstian nut job enemy (i.e. mulsims, jews, abortion clinics, gay people, rival christain groups) - and there is no equlivalent christian radicalisation program to the jihaidi one - the far right yes - but again this doesnt remotely fit their MO. This looks like very distubed person driven by psycosis, delusional paranoir - god knows what.
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