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#MAFSAU 2024

Jack is such a piece of shit. Fucking Jonno is in for it. I really hope he tells the truth on the couch tomorrow.

I don’t know if this will share properly but OMG. 😄
Jack is such a piece of shit. Fucking Jonno is in for it. I really hope he tells the truth on the couch tomorrow.

I don’t know if this will share properly but OMG. 😄

Can't see what you shared but agree about Jack and Jonno
Anyone watching the CBB final?

Happy for any of the 5 to win for very different reasons but hope it’s Colson of Fern.
😂 😂 😂 Paul Gambacinni’s last laugh Plotter. This is mad. How shell shocked is the guy with the girl that realized she ate her dead relatives in cow form.


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I loved how Mel didn't accept that the muzzle comment was a mistake. How she went straight in with "oh no it was natural - it was like a reflex". Because that is exactly what it was.

Tristan. Oh Tristan. Is he ever going to believe that Cass likes him? That anybody could like him? The poor lad.
I do feel for Tristan, she's practically screaming I LIKE YOU and his head just wont let him accept it.

I'm glad the "experts" are getting a bit harsher, even telling Lu and Timothy to buck their ideas up. Don't know why the sexpert one didn't mention that Jack had said he didnt feel secually towards Tori when she met the boys on intimacy week. Was surprised at how much Australian Arthur (can't remember his name) was going about the mystic one, but fair enough!

I keep seeing clickbait articles with semi-spoilers which if true will be interesting!
Jack, dick - simple as.

We haven’t watched tonight’s episode as we’ve turned on to The Favourite/Josh Must Win.

Might save the rest of this week of MAFSAU for Easter weekend.
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