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I was just suggesting that maybe the discrepancy was due to regional differences in what's available, it's definitely not on Disney here :)
I know and appreciate that. Am having a go at the occasional assumption that the UK is the centre of the known universe, not having a go at anyone in particular.
I know and appreciate that. Am having a go at the occasional assumption that the UK is the centre of the known universe, not having a go at anyone in particular.

You’re advising somebody in the UK what to watch on TV available in the UK. It’s not much help to him what’s on channels not in the UK. They’re just pointing out that your advice is unhelpful to that UK resident. Not sure why you want to argue with them about it.
You’re advising somebody in the UK what to watch on TV available in the UK. It’s not much help to him what’s on channels not in the UK. They’re just pointing out that your advice is unhelpful to that UK resident. Not sure why you want to argue with them about it.
Nobody's arguing about anything. Disney has stuff on it, Netflix has stuff in on it. Some stuff varying from region to region. Am not entirely versed what is where.
There is no beef, no falling out about it. Zero, zilch, nada.

Everybody is happy here.
I know and appreciate that. Am having a go at the occasional assumption that the UK is the centre of the known universe, not having a go at anyone in particular.
U75 servers are in the UK so Im afraid that yes the UK is the centre of this U75 universe.

Way too many immigrants on here these days. Take back control of our firewall. Ban the boathappy.
Klokleda partha menin klatch,
haroon haroon haroon,
Klokleda sheenah tierra natch,
haroon haroon haroon.
Haroon haroon haroon,
haroon haroon haroon,
haroon haroon haroon,
Haroon haroon haroon.
The Unit scenes did feel like they'd been cast by a particularly tick boxy diversity consultant. There was no need or point for Rose to be there. It all felt pretty clunky and forced.
Yes to that. I thought the reboot has worked through diversity issues pretty well, even if it took a couple of seasons for that to take hold. However, like you say, the Unit scene and a couple of other places, it seemed forced/trying too hard. I'm delighted if Who offends the frothing pub bores, but I'd prefer it did it in ways that worked naturally within the stories.
There are two episodes in this season that a frothing pub bore could call woke in terms of plot - Rogue, because of the gay romance element, and Dot and Bubble, due to the anti racist message. The first is hardly new to post 2005 Who and the second would find parallels in plenty of classic Who stories.

Perhaps where the bore might have slightly more of a point is in terms of on screen representation. The Unit scenes did feel like they'd been cast by a particularly tick boxy diversity consultant. There was no need or point for Rose to be there. It all felt pretty clunky and forced.
Oh yeah Rose is non binary. I'd forgotten that because I don't care one way or the other.

Although I think she was there to introduce back story to the new (via Disney) American audience.
Way too many immigrants on here these days. Take back control of our firewall. Ban the boathappy.

If I repatriate myself which way should I repatriate myself? To the UK or to Hungary.

I could take a boat to the UK.
Hungary is just a pedalo to the other side of the lake.

Please advise.
And if we're all fucking off back where we "came from" it looks like I'm back off to Saxony...
Absolutely ignorant and unfunny comment about immigrants but no less than expected from certain posters.
I just watched Paradice Towers.
Despite it being horribly (but perhaps charmingly?) am dram, Bonnie Langford shines through as the absolute worst actor ever imaginable. . . And the writers appear to revel in her naive 'child actor' persona putting her intolerability levels through the roof.
It's shit and it has plot holes, but it at least makes sense. Acceptable.
Richard Byars is amazing! That's how you do overacting Mel!
Father's day for me this evening. Enjoyed it. I still find the bit with teh disappearing car a bit nonsensical and contrived but otherwise it was a strong episode.
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