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#MAFSAU 2024

Which bit? 😄

The crackers 'medium' and her bloke for starters. Lucinda's reaction to her cracked me up tho, "she's like a work of art".

Also: Tristan's being a nob sadly; Sara was half convincing with her letter; the other new couple seemed lovely and perfect until longhair bloke got all sad about being a substitute
Yes to all of that! I love this show. Watching CBB now. So pissed off about the ‘twists’. They’re so low energy aren’t they? Christ.
Love the vibe between Lauren & Tori. 2 strong women who know themselves and dgaf and on the same team. (Notwithstanding Tori's blinkered view wrt Jack, hopefully to be rectified soon)
Love the vibe between Lauren & Tori. 2 strong women who know themselves and dgaf and on the same team. (Notwithstanding Tori's blinkered view wrt Jack, hopefully to be rectified soon)
Oh yes if the " next time" trailer is anything to go by.
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A medium....OK....

I've no wish to offend anyone here but from my perspective, I really don't understand why people make this stuff up.
We’re just coming to the end of the same episode, it’ll be interesting.

Feel sorry for Cassandra and Tristan. If you can’t even small talk with your partner :(
We’re just coming to the end of the same episode, it’ll be interesting.

Feel sorry for Cassandra and Tristan. If you can’t even small talk with your partner :(
It's very sad. I guess they were hoping Tristan would come out of his shell but it's not working. Looks like his problems run a lot deeper than hoped.
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