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A large amount of them are not actually fourth wall breaks. They are just looking up, or in the general direction of the camera rather than looking into the camera and addressing the audience.

Besides, Mrs Flood talking to the camera isn't really an issue. . . . They can do a whole episode of talking to the camera as long as they write a proper solid story. Let's get the basics sorted.
So, which bit of camping equipment will be used to defeat the Daleks? A folding table?
Well, in classic Who spinning the Dalek around was enough.

And a tennis ball to the back of the neck for Sontarans.

And shredded silver foil to beat the cybermen.

It’s not the particular things that are done that’s the problem here, but the underwhelming plot.

Plus, as I noted before the episode aired, the Russellon-Moffatt weakness of extended post plot climax emoting.
Well, in classic Who spinning the Dalek around was enough.

And a tennis ball to the back of the neck for Sontarans.

And shredded silver foil to beat the cybermen.

It’s not the particular things that are done that’s the problem here, but the underwhelming plot.

Plus, as I noted before the episode aired, the Russellon-Moffatt weakness of extended post plot climax emoting.
Agree, I think defeating aliens/monsters/beings in a low tech way is part of the charm of Who.

It's the complex techie stuff that is just risible in this episode. I can buy into the idea of a time window built by UNIT from alien tech, just about. But then it spontaneously creating a functioning tardis? wtf? I'd like to see how the novelisation makes sense of what happened in this episode - the author will have their work cut out.
Well daughter and I watched three episodes of the Pyramids of Mars last night. She was transfixed.

Apropos of nothing: I used to be in a band called Skyscrapers On Mars…

Singer was a UFO nut.
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It’s not the particular things that are done that’s the problem here, but the underwhelming plot.

Plus, as I noted before the episode aired, the Russellon-Moffatt weakness of extended post plot climax ememoting.
Yep to all of that, plus it was a plot line that had promise in the first part. Love the Doc and assistant, though a bit underwhelmed by a couple of this season's episodes. However was really looking forward to this one, which is the source of my annoyance. But yes, you could forgive a few'unlikely' twists and turns/McGuffins in the context of a better plot.
Yep to all of that, plus it was a plot line that had promise in the first part. Love the Doc and assistant, though a bit underwhelmed by a couple of this season's episodes. However was really looking forward to this one, which is the source of my annoyance. But yes, you could forgive a few'unlikely' twists and turns/McGuffins in the context of a better plot.
Agreed. And I did like the set up episode, so this one was a bit of a let down.

It reminded me of a couple of Moffatt season enders, especially the Trenzalore Town Called Christmas one. Which was similarly weak, extended anti climatic pants.
Pretty much sums it up... Dogshit.
Even the Sylvester McCoy era was better, and that was utter shite.
If Dr. Who was an animal you'd have it put down. It's cruel to leave it suffering like this.
I'd like to be able to say maybe RTD will reflect on the mixed reception for this season and change things up for season 2... but it's already been filmed, done and dusted, so highly likely to be more of the same.
I'd like to be able to say maybe RTD will reflect on the mixed reception for this season and change things up for season 2... but it's already been filmed, done and dusted, so highly likely to be more of the same.
I do hope so, there were more good episodes than duff ones and the brilliant Gatwa and Gibson dynamic really shines.

Yes, yes. Unsatisfactory ending and creaky start, but it was a joy to watch and cheered up this broken heart much so.
I do hope so, there were more good episodes than duff ones and the brilliant Gatwa and Gibson dynamic really shines.

Yes, yes. Unsatisfactory ending and creaky start, but it was a joy to watch and cheered up this broken heart much so.
Must admit I'm rapidly forgetting the good parts - and there were a few very decent episodes. But the atrocity that is Empire of Death just obliterates any good feelings I had about the season and show going forward.
The determination to like it come what may just because of who it has in it is just the flip side of the dickheads that are determined to hate it come what may just because of who it has in it. A turkey is still a turkey no matter how much fabulous lipstick you put on it.

Good for you :D
Must admit I'm rapidly forgetting the good parts - and there were a few very decent episodes. But the atrocity that is Empire of Death just obliterates any good feelings I had about the season and show going forward.
If you eat an apple and it was delicious right upto the point you bite into a live wriggling worm. Yeah that whole apple experience is spoilt for me. That's that Doctor Who season summed up for me.
The middle four episodes were good enough for me to watch the next eight that have already been shot. And I bailed out completely of the Chibnall era after its first season, so I’m essentially a fair weather fan.
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