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I asked him. His response is as follows (somewhat- he's ranting and I'm tapping on my phone fast as I can)

"Errm? because it was shite!

I mean it started off bad with UNIT using guns again (do they never learn?), then the doctor cried at a spoon for no reason, as well as just endless cuts (not even a montage) to the point where the story stopped making any sense."

He called it an insult to Pyramids of Mars and showed a complete disrespect to what came before.

"The whole plot was pointless, you get to the end and it's "here's my mum, some rando" with no emotional involvement. "Susan this ,Susan that".

Sutek was a crap enemy, he's supposed to be the God of death, yet gets confounded by some nonsense DNA, and then someone puts some rope on him after blowing a magic whistle, and he gets hoisted off like a Dutch Caravan.

And also Gatwa is shit. Why is he doing two jobs at the same time if he can't commit to the role properly? It fucking shows. And all the fucking crying all the time. It's ok to cry but at the right moments! Boy who cried wolf. Cry at a death, cry at idiocy, cry at a spoon."

"There's a complete lack of any emotion investment in any of the characters, no one knows their motivation, and they all end up doing random shit for no reason."

Me: "anything else to add"?

"I await the backlash."
Overall I really enjoyed it, though I thought there was the odd inconsistency or lazy writing in the finale. Such as the plot changing from the Doctor having inadvertently doomed those worlds he’d landed on over the years, to conveniently every area of the universe he has flown through, which quickly turned out to be all of it[.

Also, the cheesy speech at the end about Ruby having taught the Doctor how precious the concept of family is, come off it. What about all the other moving Companion family stories we’ve been subjected to?

And going forward from the second spoilered point above, would it be mean for me to say that I am growing increasingly fucking bored of so much plot devoted to the lives and happenings of the companions?

Was it that Companion-heavy in the old series? Because I’d be happy as Larry if we don’t get to find out the last name of the next one, let alone meeting any members of their family.
On the grounds that I’m never going to watch what sounds like this hot mess, I just have one question for you all.

Lots of people insisted that the nonsense about “mavity” would all come good and all make sense in the end because RTD had some special plot plan. These people said I shouldn’t care that it made no sense whatsoever that Newton would abandon his entire religious and classical background, and choose not to name his new force after the sensation of depth, but just a random collection of syllables that sounded nice.

These people also said that this plot plan would reveal why Newton was being portrayed as the exact opposite of what we know of him from his well-documented life.

So what I want to know is, was this true? Was there some big master plot after all? Or was RTD just being the useless prat that I assumed he was being?
On the grounds that I’m never going to watch what sounds like this hot mess, I just have one question for you all.

Lots of people insisted that the nonsense about “mavity” would all come good and all make sense in the end because RTD had some special plot plan. These people said I shouldn’t care that it made no sense whatsoever that Newton would abandon his entire religious and classical background, and choose not to name his new force after the sensation of depth, but just a random collection of syllables that sounded nice.

These people also said that this plot plan would reveal why Newton was being portrayed as the exact opposite of what we know of him from his well-documented life.

So what I want to know is, was this true? Was there some big master plot after all? Or was RTD just being the useless prat that I assumed he was being?
If you wanted to be generous, which admittedly I'm struggling with right now, you could argue that 'mavity' was a carefully constructed red herring designed to get fans going off down tangents online.
If you wanted to be generous, which admittedly I'm struggling with right now, you could argue that 'mavity' was a carefully constructed red herring designed to get fans going off down tangents online.
Or you could call it lazy AF writing.
I reckon RTD doesn't GAF. He's just milking it for all he can get out of it, with no intention of doing more that 15 minutes writing a day.
I can't mention Doctor Who in the house now without my daughter going off on an loud rant about this last series.
I can't tell if she would be happy to sit down and watch the key to time box set with me or would hate it. I dare not ask. I get at least five solid minutes of uninterrupted "AND ANOTHER THING!"
I asked him. His response is as follows (somewhat- he's ranting and I'm tapping on my phone fast as I can)

"Errm? because it was shite!

I mean it started off bad with UNIT using guns again (do they never learn?), then the doctor cried at a spoon for no reason, as well as just endless cuts (not even a montage) to the point where the story stopped making any sense."

He called it an insult to Pyramids of Mars and showed a complete disrespect to what came before.

"The whole plot was pointless, you get to the end and it's "here's my mum, some rando" with no emotional involvement. "Susan this ,Susan that".

Sutek was a crap enemy, he's supposed to be the God of death, yet gets confounded by some nonsense DNA, and then someone puts some rope on him after blowing a magic whistle, and he gets hoisted off like a Dutch Caravan.

And also Gatwa is shit. Why is he doing two jobs at the same time if he can't commit to the role properly? It fucking shows. And all the fucking crying all the time. It's ok to cry but at the right moments! Boy who cried wolf. Cry at a death, cry at idiocy, cry at a spoon."

"There's a complete lack of any emotion investment in any of the characters, no one knows their motivation, and they all end up doing random shit for no reason."

Me: "anything else to add"?

"I await the backlash."
Agree with most of this apart from "Gatwa is shit." I actually love him.
I asked him. His response is as follows (somewhat- he's ranting and I'm tapping on my phone fast as I can)

"Errm? because it was shite!

I mean it started off bad with UNIT using guns again (do they never learn?), then the doctor cried at a spoon for no reason, as well as just endless cuts (not even a montage) to the point where the story stopped making any sense."

He called it an insult to Pyramids of Mars and showed a complete disrespect to what came before.

"The whole plot was pointless, you get to the end and it's "here's my mum, some rando" with no emotional involvement. "Susan this ,Susan that".

Sutek was a crap enemy, he's supposed to be the God of death, yet gets confounded by some nonsense DNA, and then someone puts some rope on him after blowing a magic whistle, and he gets hoisted off like a Dutch Caravan.

And also Gatwa is shit. Why is he doing two jobs at the same time if he can't commit to the role properly? It fucking shows. And all the fucking crying all the time. It's ok to cry but at the right moments! Boy who cried wolf. Cry at a death, cry at idiocy, cry at a spoon."

"There's a complete lack of any emotion investment in any of the characters, no one knows their motivation, and they all end up doing random shit for no reason."

Me: "anything else to add"?

"I await the backlash."
I don't think this show is for ye.
On the grounds that I’m never going to watch what sounds like this hot mess, I just have one question for you all.

Lots of people insisted that the nonsense about “mavity” would all come good and all make sense in the end because RTD had some special plot plan. These people said I shouldn’t care that it made no sense whatsoever that Newton would abandon his entire religious and classical background, and choose not to name his new force after the sensation of depth, but just a random collection of syllables that sounded nice.

These people also said that this plot plan would reveal why Newton was being portrayed as the exact opposite of what we know of him from his well-documented life.

So what I want to know is, was this true? Was there some big master plot after all? Or was RTD just being the useless prat that I assumed he was being?
Timey wimey, celery sticks and jelly babies.
I can't mention Doctor Who in the house now without my daughter going off on an loud rant about this last series.
I can't tell if she would be happy to sit down and watch the key to time box set with me or would hate it. I dare not ask. I get at least five solid minutes of uninterrupted "AND ANOTHER THING!"

Sounds like my husband. Maybe tell her what krtek tells me:?

I don't think this show is for ye.
Oh come on krtek a houby - the season may have had some decent episodes, and nothing wrong with Gatwa - but that finale was just terrible, in all sorts of different ways. If you genuinely thought that a good piece of television then I fear for your critical faculties. Perhaps you dozed off and dreamed a satisfying ending.
That was pretty bad. So, two duffers to open, four that ranged from very good to perfectly adequate, and a two-part finale that was Davies at his incoherent soppy worst. Can we have Moffat back now?

Actually, scrub that. Can we have a room full of young, hungry writers on fat Disney salaries who challenge each other viciously on every line and on whether every plot point actually makes sense?

Disney writers are actually worse if the borefest that is Star Wars Acolyte is anything to go by.
Utterly shameful finale.

Everyone knows the negation of the negation doesn’t equal a restoration of the original state. RTD showing his anti-Marxist tendencies once again.

Not to mention how the Doctor bragging he had left a back door into a security system he designed being in terrible taste after the Horizon scandal.

Ban this filth.
It genuinely was. Which is insane. I can't think of anything good to say about it at all.

What annoys me is that all the right wing racist homophobic nut jobs are now blaming 'woke' for killing Doctor Who. None of that killed Dr Who, it's always been fairly progressive. What's killing Doctor Who is shit stories.

We are clearly all behind Doctor Who, it's got a lot of fans and a good solid idea. Let's just have a straight forward story about someone turning up somewhere in space and time each week and having an adventure. Almost any story could be moulded / adapted to fit that brief. A time traveling, observing/ helpful/ meddling, space wanderer can interact with the story in a large or small part. Cocky, amusing, eccentric, bombastic, whatever. Always making the assistant the 'arc' and the doctor a 'god warrior' are not helpful. Knock out some simple well told stories before trying to put together a confusing mess. Yes doctor who has always been a bit shonky and it's internal 'timey whimey' logic shifts, but each story was generally blocked out fairly solid within it's own logic. There are of course exceptions like 'trial of a timelord' which is in a par with modern head scratching inconsistencies - not to mention the introduction of Bonnie fucking Langford.
No don't turn up every week and have adventure....more two parters
The idea of a draft seems relevant. The starting point is it's a good idea and revives one of the best Who stories. The link to Susan also works well... and the idea of a Susan spreading the dust everywhere, yeah, okay. The real problem is the constant and completely unnecessary linking to Ruby's back story, plus the mawkish last 15 minutes. Cut all that out and you've got space to build up some tension between Sutek and the Doc; create agonising dilemmas for the Doc if he kills Sutek; some proper death scenes for the likes of Kate L-S (and maybe actually kill off one of the 2nd tier characters). But without meaningful interactions between the doc and the doggo, you just had the doggo killing everyone and then getting dragged around by it's leash.

None of that even gets us into the plot holes, such as why the doggo can squat on the Tardis for decades, but as soon as it gets dragged it proves fatal.
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