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I really didn't like how they tortured and killed the big dog thing. I kept forgetting it was the god of death because it looked like a fucking fluffy blue dog, Russell you shark leaping canine murderer.
I really didn't like how they tortured and killed the big dog thing. I kept forgetting it was the god of death because it looked like a fucking fluffy blue dog, Russell you shark leaping canine murderer.

That is the Set animal/totem from Egyptian myth though and depicted in reliefs and hieroglyphs, how would you prefer it had been depicted?
Maybe RTD should have made something up with no basis in the mythology it's supposed to be from so it looked less like a dog to you? :confused:
(Depictions are usually along the lines of a greyhound or jackal with square ears and an upright tail).
Also, given the line about cultural appropriation, surely it could have shed the snout and showed it's true demonic form, with the Disney budget?
Also, given the line about cultural appropriation, surely it could have shed the snout and showed it's true demonic form, with the Disney budget?
The idea of something being demonic is a very Judaeo-Christian concept is it not?
Anyway, getting a bit off topic, apologies!
I am not sure the ancient Egyptians had such a good/evil distinction for the numerous deities in their mythology.
Mrs Flood on the roof was the best thing about the whole episode.
It genuinely was. Which is insane. I can't think of anything good to say about it at all.

What annoys me is that all the right wing racist homophobic nut jobs are now blaming 'woke' for killing Doctor Who. None of that killed Dr Who, it's always been fairly progressive. What's killing Doctor Who is shit stories.

We are clearly all behind Doctor Who, it's got a lot of fans and a good solid idea. Let's just have a straight forward story about someone turning up somewhere in space and time each week and having an adventure. Almost any story could be moulded / adapted to fit that brief. A time traveling, observing/ helpful/ meddling, space wanderer can interact with the story in a large or small part. Cocky, amusing, eccentric, bombastic, whatever. Always making the assistant the 'arc' and the doctor a 'god warrior' are not helpful. Knock out some simple well told stories before trying to put together a confusing mess. Yes doctor who has always been a bit shonky and it's internal 'timey whimey' logic shifts, but each story was generally blocked out fairly solid within it's own logic. There are of course exceptions like 'trial of a timelord' which is in a par with modern head scratching inconsistencies - not to mention the introduction of Bonnie fucking Langford.
. . . also. . . .
after getting lost in this confusing mess of an episode, have we forgotten that 'tales from the tardis' is now cannon? Jeez.
Even that doesn't make sense in it's own internal logic, as the assistants that were 'conjured up' have memories from their time beyond the tardis.
One big issue I think Who has is that being able to travel anywhere in time and space is a pretty big superpower. So, while the doctor can battle enemies fixed in time in each episode, if you're going to have some kind of arc, you end up needing an equivalent enemy. This is why the Master (with a TARDIS) works so well. But given the other timelords have been destroyed, you end up inventing bizarre deities.

I can think of a number of ways around this in terms of how to structure a season, but seems to be beyond RTD. At least Moffat made it so complicated you couldn't see the ludicrous plot holes staring you in the face.
My biggest complaint was how loud the so-called background music was. It swamped the speech at timed and quite spoiled the episode.
Welcome to Murray Gold. T'was ever thus.

Anyone else think that the end sent a risky message about meeting your birth parents? I mean, in real life you can't just meet your birth parents, nor expect they will want to meet you and it all be luvy duvy
I'm very aware that there's a big divide between the critics ("RTD does it again (positive inflection)") and the fans ("RTD does it again (negative inflection)"
Welcome to Murray Gold. T'was ever thus.

Anyone else think that the end sent a risky message about meeting your birth parents? I mean, in real life you can't just meet your birth parents, nor expect they will want to meet you and it all be luvy duvy
Yes, absolutely. Plus the use of the phrase "real Mum" when "birth Mum" is the preferred term.

The first one gives a sadly false impression, the latter is lazy, offensive and could, and has, led to adopted children feeling uncomfortable and bullied.
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I was okay with the story up to fhe dénouement. It wasn't going to win any awards, but so far as NuWho goes it wasn't awful. But the 10 minutes of mawkish bullshit that followed that? No thank you, sir.
Yes, absolutely. Plus the use of the phrase "real Mum" when "birth Mum" is the preferred term.

The first one gives a sadly false impression, the latter is lazy, offensive and could, and has, led to adopted children feeling uncomfortable and bullied.
They tried to squeeze a whole lifetime of drama and emotions into a quick 2 minute resolution. All the bows and ribbons pre-tied.

They have been better off leaving it as an off camera event. Met my mam, it was awkward but we're working through it, can't travel for a bit. Bam one believable sentence.
Okay, just watched it. It made no fucking sense whatsoever. Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson are wonderful, but the "story" was either a last minute back of a fag packet job, or the end result of a kids' "continue the next bit of a story" game. It was dogshit. Yep, agree Anita Dobson on the roof probably was the best bit. No idea what she's about though.
Okay, just watched it. It made no fucking sense whatsoever. Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson are wonderful, but the "story" was either a last minute back of a fag packet job, or the end result of a kids' "continue the next bit of a story" game. It was dogshit. Yep, agree Anita Dobson on the roof probably was the best bit. No idea what she's about though.
Anita Dobson breaking the third wall. Ya'll liking it. I hated it.
It was celotaped on because the snow thing with Ruby wasn't explained by having an 'ordinary' mum.
Anita Dobson breaking the third wall. Ya'll liking it. I hated it.
It was celotaped on because the snow thing with Ruby wasn't explained by having an 'ordinary' mum.
Yeah I like the idea of Anita Dobson as
a future villain but hate 3rd eall breaches in just about any art form. She will presumably bea villain or soothsayer independent of the evil doggo, given that she was also killed in this episode.. and then got revived by the doggo being dragged by yhe Tardis... which had been happening for decades...
Can everyone stop spoiler-tagging unless they work for Disney or have been sent a preview copy and so are genuinely sharing spoilers. If you have any sense, put this thread on ignore before you have seen the latest episode.

It’s particularly daft to put spoiler tags around casual speculation.
Anyway in this tide of negativity, I did like the first part and the premise for the story. It was just a weakly plotted and delivered conclusion. So much so that I had to check if there had been different writers for each episode. There weren't.
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