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Mad Paul Mason

Its clearly funded by the Israeli state or a close enough proxy, its not exactly complicated, the whole point is getting Labour MPs to integrate with the Israeli political elite
Its clearly funded by the Israeli state or a close enough proxy, its not exactly complicated, the whole point is getting Labour MPs to integrate with the Israeli political elite
The article linked to mentions funding by "a circle of wealthy British Zionists".

fair enough but with clear overlap and close access to the Israeli inner state ... what i was alluding to with 'proxy'

So what? All political parties and their funding etc. are made up of various interests, personalities, and political organisations that shift somewhat over time. But none of them solely (or even significantly) explain their activities or positions, and to suggest they do is simplisitic politics with no decent analysis of State and Capital and the power structures and mechanisms contained within.

Going on about the Israel State above all else is shit politics, it isn't an analysis of how these things work, it's just some weird fixation that many seem to have. I've seen it in person recently at a meeting of 50 people, mostly Labour Corbynite types or similar, half of them approvingly going on about the hand of Israel behind all sorts of things, and then a good number of whom given half a chance unwittingly and ignorantly slip right into anti-semitic conspiracy theories.
Still dumb politics to call the LP "an Israeli body"; that gives the likes of Mason an easy get out.
i guess so...Zionist funders are an Israeli body, not sure how you can separate Zionists from Israel
So what? They've just done more bombing than Dresden is so what, and been defended by the labour party in so doing is so what
So what? All political parties and their funding etc. are made up of various interests, personalities, and political organisations that shift somewhat over time. But none of them solely (or even significantly) explain their activities or positions, and to suggest they do is simplisitic politics with no decent analysis of State and Capital and the power structures and mechanisms contained within.

Going on about the Israel State above all else is shit politics, it isn't an analysis of how these things work, it's just some weird fixation that many seem to have. I've seen it in person recently at a meeting of 50 people, mostly Labour Corbynite types or similar, half of them approvingly going on about the hand of Israel behind all sorts of things, and then a good number of whom given half a chance unwittingly and ignorantly slip right into anti-semitic conspiracy theories.
What were you doing at a meeting of Labour Corbynite types ?
So what? All political parties and their funding etc. are made up of various interests, personalities, and political organisations that shift somewhat over time. But none of them solely (or even significantly) explain their activities or positions, and to suggest they do is simplisitic politics with no decent analysis of State and Capital and the power structures and mechanisms contained within.

Going on about the Israel State above all else is shit politics, it isn't an analysis of how these things work, it's just some weird fixation that many seem to have. I've seen it in person recently at a meeting of 50 people, mostly Labour Corbynite types or similar, half of them approvingly going on about the hand of Israel behind all sorts of things, and then a good number of whom given half a chance unwittingly and ignorantly slip right into anti-semitic conspiracy theories.
any other Friends of Ethnic Cleansers lobby groups we should So What to?
What were you doing at a meeting of Labour Corbynite types ?

Was a very local (broad) socialist forum to discuss what to do about the election (and maybe beyond) in my area. But yes, politically I was a bit out of place, as well as being one of the youngest people there... It was quite depressing though aside from that, old lefties very stuck in their ways.

E2A: There were a handful of Green Party types there and some unaligned 'progressives' as well.
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any other Friends of Ethnic Cleansers lobby groups we should So What to?

Well, all of them. What are you going to do with this info then? Lobby for the Labour Party (and the other political parties if they have similar connections) to break links, or just feel outraged?

Then move onto the links they have with other States? Is that the root to social change?
i guess so...Zionist funders are an Israeli body, not sure how you can separate Zionists from Israel
I guess not. So if they really had to, the left LP activist could have made the point about funding from overt Zionists, but the strength of their argument about how the LP had abandoned working class interests would still not have been helped, tbh.
At the end of day Paul Mason is an opportunist and ludicrous Bonapartist wannabe, now arguing for positions diametrically opposed to the ones he was backing enthusiastically until late 2019.

The issue here is that he has attempted to ‘prove’ his loyalty to the Starmer project by a pompous misrepresentation of someone asking clumsy critical questions about Israel. The clumsiness / shit politics aspect of the question / intervention is for me a side issue in this micro-context.

Mason has at best misrepresented the exchange and at worst downright lied about it. His present self-inflicted shouty discomfort and legal bluster is enjoyable to watch.

He just can’t keep his massive gob shut. No surprise he’s struggling to be adopted as a candidate- keeping your mouth shut when necessary and curbing natural verbal incontinence is a pretty basic skill for any politician to have.
I'm not legally qualified however was Mason not quoting the whole transcript,as he claimed the article libelled him, a sort of preventative measure to avoid him suing himself for libel if he had quoted it?
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I dunno; all of the valid points of criticism made by the audience member could have been levelled without claiming that Starmer has Israeli sponsors and donors or that Starmer’s party is an Israeli body. Those claims are a gift to a party loyalist ( arse- licker) like Mason, allowing him to froth and fulminate without addressing the salient point about the party’s abandonment of the working class.

Of course the precise words used and their context is important in interactions like this, but claims that, at best, tiptoe around antisemitic tropes, allow folk like Mason to misrepresent, avoid and deflect. Not smart politicking from the left Labour activist IMO.
The words used were clumsy and might even betray a mindset (in the audience member) that strays onto the wrong side of the line. However, just in common sense usage, in terms of conveying where prominent Labour politicians are getting their money, they certainly have pro-Israeli sponsors (as in, people who donate):

Just moving this on to the 2nd bit highlighted, surely the switching between and deliberate confusion of anti-semitism and criticism of the state of Israel is the problem. We might quibble as to whether Labour is being 'sponsored by' Israel (certainly not directly, though the money Starmer got for his leadership campaign probably fits that definition of 'sponsored') or just from 'pro-Israeli groups'. But the reality is they are receiving funding, supporting mass murder by Israel and have used this in the most cynical fashion to remove the left from the party. It should be unproblematic to say that. You shouldn't have to be on the defensive, awaiting accusations of antisemitism when you say that, accusations that then blunt the criticisms of Israel you are making. Yes, of course, do that without generalisations about Jewish people, without any of the filthy conspiracy theories that slosh around with antisemitism. But equally, call out the way antisemitism is deployed. And Mason is doing exactly that here, flourishing antisemitism as a trump card. And the slaughter continues.
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The words used were clumsy and might even betray a mindset (in the audience member) that strays onto the wrong side of the line. However, just in common sense usage, in terms of conveying where prominent Labour politicians are getting their money, they certainly have pro-Israeli sponsors (as in, people who donate):

Just moving this on to the 2nd bit highlighted, surely the switching between and deliberate confusion of anti-semitism and criticism of the state of Israel is the problem. We might quibble as to whether Labour is being 'sponsored by' Israel (certainly not directly, though the money Starmer got for his leadership campaign probably fits that definition of 'sponsored') or just from 'pro-Israeli groups'. But the reality is they are receiving funding, supporting mass murder by Israel and have used this in the most cynical fashion to remove the left from the party. It should be unproblematic to say that. You shouldn't have to be on the defensive, awaiting accusations of antisemitism when you say that, accusations that then blunt the criticisms of Israel you are making. Yes, of course, do that without generalisations about Jewish people, without any of the filthy conspiracy theories that slosh around with antisemitism. But equally, call out the way antisemitism is deployed. And Mason is doing exactly that here, flourishing antisemitism as a trump card. And the slaughter continues.
Yes, fair comment and I did deliberately try not say that the observations were antisemitic, but that they did tiptoe around tropes that are. I still think it very dumb to claim that the the LP is "an Israeli body".
Keir Starmer's office receives funding from Unison.

I dont see many people (barely even the tory press these days) claiming this means he is 'in the pay of' the unions.
But, if there were any basis for the claims that the LP were talking funding from a foreign state, either directly or indirectly, that would be quite different to accepting money from a domestic union.
So what? All political parties and their funding etc. are made up of various interests, personalities, and political organisations that shift somewhat over time. But none of them solely (or even significantly) explain their activities or positions, and to suggest they do is simplisitic politics with no decent analysis of State and Capital and the power structures and mechanisms contained within.
That seems an odd point to make in this context. Yes, of course a broader analysis of where Labour is at should focus on its relationship to capital. But this thread, albeit from initially talking about Mason, has got onto exactly the relationship between Starmer and his party and Israeli interests. None of that can be reduced down to funding but it's certainly part of it. So what? The relationship between Labour and Israel is the very thing we are talking about.
i guess so...Zionist funders are an Israeli body, not sure how you can separate Zionists from Israel

So what? They've just done more bombing than Dresden is so what, and been defended by the labour party in so doing is so what
"They've just done more bombing than Dresden"
The majority of the dead in Dresden were killed in a firestorm. As many died in one day as have died in the Gaza Strip in five months.
That is not to say that what is happening in the Gaza Strip is not a criminal massacre.
Yes, fair comment and I did deliberately try not say that the observations were antisemitic, but that they did tiptoe around tropes that are. I still think it very dumb to claim that the the LP is "an Israeli body".
So do I. I suppose though what I'm getting at is the added frisson that gets layered in when someone like Mason calls that out. To say that Labour was, say, 'an American body' at the time of the Iraq invasion might have been equally correct/overstated/clumsy/polemical, all at the same time. But to call someone out for describing Labour as an Israeli body brings with it the accusation of antisemitism. Now yes, I get that, there are of course tropes there about world wide influence and the rest. But what's the net result of this process? Critics of Israel having to watch their language? That's all well and good, those criticisms should avoid slipping off into antisemitism. But in all of that there's also something else at work that blunts those critics of Israel.
So do I. I suppose though what I'm getting at is the added frisson that gets layered in when someone like Mason calls that out. To say that Labour was, say, 'an American body' at the time of the Iraq invasion might have been equally correct/overstated/clumsy/polemical, all at the same time. But to call someone out for describing Labour as an Israeli body brings with it the accusation of antisemitism. Now yes, I get that, there are of course tropes there about world wide influence and the rest. But what's the net result of this process? Critics of Israel having to watch their language? That's all well and good, those criticisms should avoid slipping off into antisemitism. But in all of that there's also something else at work that blunts those critics of Israel.
Yes, when I read the transcript of the meeting the thing that stuck out was how the comment(s) presented such an open goal for Mason.
I would like to point out both the Conservative and Labour parliamentary groups have a number of “friends of” groups of various countries, not just Israel. Furthermore, there is a Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East, and some Labour MPs are members of both this group and Labour Friends of Israel.

I am old enough to remember when there were organisations outside Parliament such as the British Soviet Friendship Society and the Britain Bulgarian Friendship Society, which promoted relations with “Soviet Bloc” states. Some MPs did give support to these groups, but I am not sure if they actually had Parliamentary groups.
I would like to point out both the Conservative and Labour parliamentary groups have a number of “friends of” groups of various countries, not just Israel. Furthermore, there is a Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East, and some Labour MPs are members of both this group and Labour Friends of Israel.

I am old enough to remember when there were organisations outside Parliament such as the British Soviet Friendship Society and the Britain Bulgarian Friendship Society, which promoted relations with “Soviet Bloc” states. Some MPs did give support to these groups, but I am not sure if they actually had Parliamentary groups.
How much funding does Palestine or Palestine supporting business people give to Labour?
The UK is not dominated by the State of Israel; it can ignore that state should it choose to do so. However, it would be true to say that the USA has a large influence on the UK. The fact that the UK shares its intelligence with the USA indicates that it is not wholly independent of Uncle Sam.

It is also true that the USA was worried about the drift of the Labour Party away from “Atlanticism” in the 1980s, and did try to cultivate up and coming Labour politicians. It is documented that there was something called the British American Project for the Successor Generation, which arranged for a number of people, who became prominent in Blair’s NewLabour, to study in the USA.

The reason that the USA backs the State of Israel is that it sees it in its imperialist interests to do so. No-one would argue that the reason that the USA backed the military junta in the civil war in El Salvador in the 1980s was because of the “Salvadorean lobby”. The UK backs the State of Israel because it sees it as in its imperialist interests to do so, and because it is subordinate to US imperialism.
The UK is not dominated by the State of Israel; it can ignore that state should it choose to do so. However, it would be true to say that the USA has a large influence on the UK. The fact that the UK shares its intelligence with the USA indicates that it is not wholly independent of Uncle Sam.

It is also true that the USA was worried about the drift of the Labour Party away from “Atlanticism” in the 1980s, and did try to cultivate up and coming Labour politicians. It is documented that there was something called the British American Project for the Successor Generation, which arranged for a number of people, who became prominent in Blair’s NewLabour, to study in the USA.

The reason that the USA backs the State of Israel is that it sees it in its imperialist interests to do so. No-one would argue that the reason that the USA backed the military junta in the civil war in El Salvador in the 1980s was because of the “Salvadorean lobby”. The UK backs the State of Israel because it sees it as in its imperialist interests to do so, and because it is subordinate to US imperialism.
I agree that state's back other states for larger issues of geo-politics, imperialism and the rest. However, politics and lobby groups often dovetail with that, play a role within it and operate at the level of agency. They are part of the wider political economy.
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