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Mad Paul Mason

I may have said this already but I read Mason's recent How To Stop Fascism book...I found it interesting...the key point made is that the middle class are the handmaidens of fascism and it is imperative they take the anti-fascist side when faced with the choice...its a book aimed at middle class readers and is aiming its message squarely at them...fair enough

...but having written hundreds of pages on the topic he then daily supports exactly those middle class people who in the case of Palestine are actively supporting fascism, and in other cases backs the fascist anti-democratic anti-protest creep...his outbursts over Galloway are a part of that I think.

Its really hard for me to understand how someone who knows the history of fascism, draws the right conclusions and then tries to preach those lesson then repeatedly does exactly the opposite. Its beyond cognitive dissonance
I remember South Park having quite a witty bit about the writing of Family Guy and how they come up with their oh-so-wacky random jokes. Having read Mason's "George Galloway is like Golden Dawn" above, I'm convinced there must be a similar process at work, I'm imagining him stood in a room with the walls covered with bits of paper with various semi-obscure political references. "George Galloway must be treated like [throws dart] Golden Dawn, the only thing that can stop him is if the left [throws dart] forms a new Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with, um, [more darts] Liz Truss and the New IRA."
I remember South Park having quite a witty bit about the writing of Family Guy and how they come up with their oh-so-wacky random jokes. Having read Mason's "George Galloway is like Golden Dawn" above, I'm convinced there must be a similar process at work, I'm imagining him stood in a room with the walls covered with bits of paper with various semi-obscure political references. "George Galloway must be treated like [throws dart] Golden Dawn, the only thing that can stop him is if the left [throws dart] forms a new Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with, um, [more darts] Liz Truss and the New IRA."
By a similar process, they came up with his porn name: Big Thinker.
Not sure when he left , whether it was before the split that led to the short lived Permanent Revolution group or during or whether he went to PR and left. I am pretty positive he wasn't kicked out. In the absence of Cockney Rebel belboid might know ?
He had left well before that. Couldn't put a date on it but it would have been around when he was getting somewhere journalistically. Was still very friendly with them and supportive, and remained so with the lot that went on to form PR.
Weren’t PR that group of Nostradamus-like prophets who theorised that we had entered some sort of steady state era of stable politics (akin to the SWP’s “downturn” phase) where the most important thing was to concentrate on the steady rise of China - immediately before everything went to shit and we have now had a decade or more of global chaos, rising fascism and revolts?
(I simplify, but not a lot)
It wouldn't surprise me if Mason had an allotment too. He's the type.

Tough one to answer really.

On one hand allotments are clearly nativist symbols, being popular as they are with ex coal miners who voted Brexit, bike thieves and those who drink in pubs where there are no seats for the ladies.

On the other hand, the thrusting fully automated luxury communist youth he aspires to hang out with quite like them as well.

A question that he'll need all of his social democracy from a marxist standpoint powers of analysis to answer.
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Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin

"She summoned the ghosts of heterodox leftists Karl Polanyi, Joan Robinson and Marie Curie to explain that Britain stands on the brink of a global economic regime change "

If you want to understand this correctly from a Marxist perspective you'll have to de-paywall it

and despite all the analingus and silver polishing of transihed old tat, the repeated political handbrake turns, the fabrication of consistency across a bewildering spectrum of political hyperactivity, poor old Paul is absolutely no nearer adoption as a Labour candidate for a seat, winnable or otherwise.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin

"She summoned the ghosts of heterodox leftists Karl Polanyi, Joan Robinson and Marie Curie to explain that Britain stands on the brink of a global economic regime change "

If you want to understand this correctly from a Marxist perspective you'll have to de-paywall it

ill understand it from a maniac's perspective
and despite all the analingus and silver polishing of transihed old tat, the repeated political handbrake turns, the fabrication of consistency across a bewildering spectrum of political hyperactivity, poor old Paul is absolutely no nearer adoption as a Labour candidate for a seat, winnable or otherwise.

There was a fairly entertaining clip on Twitter of him coming out from whatever talk she was giving onto the streets of London breathlessly speaking into his camera about three quick 'immediate ' takes. The political world hushed and awaiting his analysis.
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