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Mad Paul Mason

I reckon I'd still go out to a Northern Soul night with him, mind. Although maybe that'd be a mistake if there were any uppers around, I can imagine that maybe we'd both be coming up and just as I was about to ask if he felt like dancing he'd get fixated on trying to get me to admit that being a consistent internationalist meant supporting NATO airstrikes.
We've all hung out with Lefties like that right?
The right wing headbangers in the Jewish Labour Movement (which you do not need to be a Labour Member or Jewish to be a member) have already branded him 'hard left' (lol) and an anti-Semite so Keith is going to have to expel him before he gets to the short list.

Screenshot 2022-05-31 155753 copy.png
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"Lynne, idea based on my people's vigilance commission by mapping Putin stooges for political outing, instant rebuttal, PayPal disinvestment. etc . First step to peoples MI5"

This is absolutely barking mad:

Not sure if this article is a giant whoosh / pisstake or the real thing.


Its probably all three .

The real thing was Mason's weird and wonderful article in the New Statesman archive.ph in which he puts forward the idea of a peoples front to fight disinformation, therefore, disrupting the pro-Putin algorithms :

If this is an information war, the solution is to arm the people and to strengthen institutions. Society is not just made up of atomised individuals plus the state: we have trade unions, parties, churches, NGOs and many other organised communities. Each has a right to operate a counter-disinformation strategy, and to draw on guidance provided by the state.

Stretford and Urmston Constituency Labour Party have no fucking idea what they are letting themselves in for. If he doesn't get the job he'll launch a second vote campaign from his time machine with his supporters press ganged into a militia fighting a Bonapartist Regime and at weekends volunteering for NATO
Stretford and Urmston Constituency Labour Party have no fucking idea what they are letting themselves in for. If he doesn't get the job he'll launch a second vote campaign from his time machine with his supporters press ganged into a militia fighting a Bonapartist Regime and at weekends volunteering for NATO

excitable substack article entitled "A Situation of Dual Power"
Mason should simply have used a secure email system to send his racist maps around like... er... Proton Mail lol

Wonder who dropped him in the shite?
Its probably all three .

The real thing was Mason's weird and wonderful article in the New Statesman archive.ph in which he puts forward the idea of a peoples front to fight disinformation, therefore, disrupting the pro-Putin algorithms :

Stretford and Urmston Constituency Labour Party have no fucking idea what they are letting themselves in for. If he doesn't get the job he'll launch a second vote campaign from his time machine with his supporters press ganged into a militia fighting a Bonapartist Regime and at weekends volunteering for NATO

He's bit right though isn't he? (Like that flowchart of his, that's got a helping of truth in it as well.) Part of the reason for the proliferation of this fringe loon tendency among us (Syria pro-Assad white helmets conspiracy, Covid denialism, pro-Putin stuff, etc.) is the weakness of some of the left, and that could be corrected through decent long term re-engagement with people and putting the work in to pushing 'better' and more coherent political tendencies, and some of those organisations he mentions could out some of their output into that. Calling it a 'people's front against disinformation' is over-egging the pudding perhaps, but it's not without merit?
I'm not sure about many of the geocities-website-and-grainy-selfshot-videos-in-front-of-a-stained-portrait-of-Mao groupuscules listed, but describing "Conter" and it's links to "Scottish Nationalism" as somehow part of a pro-Putin sphere of influence is beyond laughable. Conter is three or four folk who write well but who few other than politics geeks in the twittersphere have heard of. There is no evdience whatsoever that they are pro-Putin. Sheer nonsense.
No idea, but some of those links around RT/Sputnik, Galloway, Williamson, etc. and all the Code Pink, No Cold War, etc. are pretty spot-on. Some of them have clear links to the Vanessa Beeleys and Eva Bartletts of the world, as well as some dabbling with openly alt-right stuff like Galloway and his Workers Party of Britain do. TBH it looks like something he cooked up in the early hours after a night out on coke that never should have seen the light of day.

No engagement with that world, especially via the internet/social media, is going to go well. It's impossible to 'win', they'll love the attention, and everyone just comes out of it looking madder than they were before.
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"Lynne, idea based on my people's vigilance commission by mapping Putin stooges for political outing, instant rebuttal, PayPal disinvestment. etc . First step to peoples MI5"

View attachment 325992

I'm not familiar with the Russian stuff, but the lines from China are 100% accurate. Where it gets iffy is the lines from Fiona Edwards to Stop The War and from Roy Singham to Progressive International. These people are members of these groups but the chart seems to imply that they exercise a great deal of influence over them, which is debatable.

But he is right - Code Pink and No Cold War and their wider network have served as conduits for millions of dollars to fund propaganda campaigns to cover up the genocide in Xinjiang, and their head people are very close to Chinese state institutions, e.g. think tanks and Huawei. It is pretty much certain that they are part of the Chinese Communist Party's United Front Work Group and they should be no platformed by the left.

Read more here:

And John Ross of Socialist Action is a Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University in Beijing. He literally works for a Chinese Communist Party think tank and writes for Chinese publications, and has engaged in Uyghur genocide denial and propaganda in support of China's annexation of the South China Sea. He can get to fuck.
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Strangely he misses out the other Putin sympathisers on the fringes of Scottsh politics- Alex Salmond (host of RT daily show and praise of Putin in the media 7-8 years ago) and ALBA (every weirdo conspriacy loon & gender-neutral toilets monomaniac on the fringes of the Scottish independence debate). Much more obvious & credible than the smear against Conter.
I'm not familiar with the Russian stuff, but the lines from China are 100% accurate. Where it gets iffy is the lines from Fiona Edwards to Stop The War and from Roy Singham to Progressive International. These people are members of these groups but the chart seems to imply that they exercise a great deal of influence over them, which is debatable.

But he is right - Code Pink and No Cold War and their wider network have served as conduits for millions of dollars to fund propaganda campaigns to cover up the genocide in Xinjiang, and their head people are very close to Chinese state institutions, e.g. think tanks and Huawei. It is pretty much certain that they are part of the Chinese Communist Party's United Front Work Group and they should be no platformed by the left.

Read more here:
You signing up for Pauls's initiative or just going indy?
You signing up for Pauls's initiative or just going indy?
I don't really have time for this sort of stuff these days, but he is right that the left needs to clean house on groups linked to Russian and Chinese intelligence. If the left ever gets a sniff at power again like we did in 2017 then not cleaning house will destroy our chances, as indeed letting this kind of thing fester unchallenged did in 2019.

To say nothing of the fact that we shouldn't tolerate fascist fellow travellers pretending to be leftists while making a living from genocide cover ups.
He's bit right though isn't he? (Like that flowchart of his, that's got a helping of truth in it as well.) Part of the reason for the proliferation of this fringe loon tendency among us (Syria pro-Assad white helmets conspiracy, Covid denialism, pro-Putin stuff, etc.) is the weakness of some of the left, and that could be corrected through decent long term re-engagement with people and putting the work in to pushing 'better' and more coherent political tendencies, and some of those organisations he mentions could out some of their output into that. Calling it a 'people's front against disinformation' is over-egging the pudding perhaps, but it's not without merit?
Actually some of what he would describe as 'pro putin' ie the stop the war/stop Nato sort of stuff is the line of some of the left in Europe better connected with 'the people' ie those who stopped shipments of arms from NATO and can pull out a few thousand on demonstrations.

Lets under egg the pudding . So you'd sign up for the right to operate a counter-disinformation strategy, and to draw on guidance provided by the state as he is suggesting?
I don't really have time for this sort of stuff these days, but he is right that the left needs to clean house on groups linked to Russian and Chinese intelligence. If the left ever gets a sniff at power again like we did in 2017 then not cleaning house will destroy our chances, as indeed letting this kind of thing fester unchallenged did in 2019.

To say nothing of the fact that we shouldn't tolerate fascist fellow travellers pretending to be leftists while making a living from genocide cover ups.
Ok, I think I understand your position ie he's right but you don't have the time to be involved in it
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