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Mad Paul Mason

I'm not sure whether I'm entertained, saddened, worried or simply don't care about Bastani's relentless dissing of Mason at the moment.

It's quite something to witness though.
“The deal I thought we had with Starmer...”
Fucking tool.
Regarding his nonsense about PR, the Guardian actually printed a decent opinion piece spelling out exactly what PR means
PR would make one party very powerful indeed: the Liberal Democrats. In fact, if MPs were allocated proportionately, the Lib Dems (and the SDP and Liberals before them) would have decided nearly every single British government in postwar history. While some commentators like to fantasise about the Lib Dems as left-of-centre fellow travellers, their recent record in government does not bear this out. When faced with the choice between giving the Conservatives a majority or supporting a Labour-led coalition in 2010, the Lib Dems opted for five years with the Conservatives, supporting some of the most vicious attacks to the British welfare state and public realm in recent history.
" This too is the building block for a governing coalition with Greens/PC/SNP..."
" but one thing’s clear: Labour conference is an unparalleled theatre of class struggle; the party is no longer a“safe” component of British state infrastructure. That’s bcos of the mass radicalisation of left voters and activists (oh, and networks)."

Good to see a strategy for taking out the Tories and the Neo Fascists all in one swoop that doesn't have to engage with the working classes as the class struggle is in the Labour Party conference
According to nutter Gerry Downing who organised Vanessa Beeley's Marx Memorial Library gig, Eddie Dempsey (along with Alex Gordon) was her doorman. Maybe he has a valid workingclasscommunist reason for following Patrick Henningsen on the twitter machine and maybe he just approves of at least some of the 100% loon content.
Dunno if this should go here or on the main Beeley thread, but I've just realised that the two people who Downing thanked for doing security at Beeleyfest 2017, Dempsey's now RMT Assistant Gen Sec and Gordon is now President. Just got to hope them two are better at representing transport workers than they are at spotting loons. 🤷‍♂️
His video on there is so muddled.
Stop war, international solidarity, left pacifist mission, blame Putin, Ukranians will resist, we need help from the West.
I think it's pretty clear what's going on now, the confusion is what might happen and then what to do about it.
kind of agree but weve got the UKs foreign secretary saying Russia is going to reform the Soviet Union and conquer the Baltic states, so even on the whats going on now i think theres a wide range of "opinion" out there
kind of agree but weve got the UKs foreign secretary saying Russia is going to reform the Soviet Union and conquer the Baltic states, so even on the whats going on now i think theres a wide range of "opinion" out there
Yes, if they're going to get their Empire back, we should get ours.

They can have Alaska as well as Ukraine and Truss can negotiate with the Mexicans and the French for the lower 49.
I mean, from a quick glance over them I think the Mason argument is definitely the more interesting one there (not saying that he's right, but it'd take a bit more effort to think about where I agree and where I disagree with him, whereas Callinicos is just Callinicos). And I notice that Callinicos doesn't object to Mason joining "Lenin and Luxemburg" as if both took the same position on these matters. This bit of posturing definitely grates, though:
"This, in turn, means I don’t have the luxury of gestural slogans like “Dissolve NATO” or “Disarm Europe!” — (because unlile the SWP I actually have to go on doorsteps in places like Plymouth, Portsmouth and Barrow and convince them to vote Labour)." If he just said "people in my tradition" or something I'd be a little bit more sympathetic, but as it is I find myself thinking "really? Paul Mason has to go round people's houses in Plymouth and in Portsmouth and in Barrow? He must be a very busy man, also no wonder Labour's so fucked."
The hilarious thing about that correspondence is that it’s written in the tone of April 1917, with more than a frisson of expectation that, in 100 years, a Trotskyist movement will be teasing out nuances of meaning from the reproduction of these letters in The Collected Works of A. Callinicos vol.XXVIII (Cliff Press, London, 2096)
The hilarious thing about that correspondence is that it’s written in the tone of April 1917, with more than a frisson of expectation that, in 100 years, a Trotskyist movement will be teasing out nuances of meaning from the reproduction of these letters in The Collected Works of A. Callinicos vol.XXVIII (Cliff Press, London, 2096)
"A Popular Front with liberal imperialism"
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