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Mad Paul Mason

'Putin stooges'... what a vile prick. Mason has collapsed politically. Utterly bewildered as he flounders in his new role as the hard man of middle class liberalism..

The disturbing thing is that he'd find a political home with some posters on here with his 'peoples Nato, popular front against fascism, Putin stooges for Brexit' lines.
Did he ever manage to persuade Stoya to come to Athens? Maybe he'll have better luck with Kiev.
The disturbing thing is that he'd find a political home with some posters on here with his 'peoples Nato, popular front against fascism, Putin stooges for Brexit' lines.
I typed similar but then thought better of it. But, you’re spot on. He’s merely a comparatively high profile example of the disorientation and subsequent degeneration.
More from Mason…

He’s quite right in his characterisation of some of the left regarding Russia. He’s also right to that we are seeing the end of American hegemony. But from there the analysis flows into some otherworldly positions. The left to organise to ‘reform NATO’ into a ‘defensive only’ alliance (yeah, right), a demand for State-directed and debt-financed investment to make Europe self-sufficient in food, energy and military technology (under neo-liberalism) and, as always now, popular frontism against the enemies of liberal democracy.

He can put Marxist in the title, but this is the precise opposite. It’s a call for the left to fold itself into Biden and Starmer’s politics ultimately.
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Mason v Owen Jones clash. Can the left recover from the unfortunate flagellation between two titans of the working class movement?…

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More from Mason…

He’s quite right in his characterisation of some of the left regarding Russia. He’s also right to that we are seeing the end of American hegemony. But from there the analysis flows into some otherworldly positions. The left to organise to ‘reform NATO’ into a ‘defensive only’ alliance (yeah, right), a demand for State-directed and debt-financed investment to make Europe self-sufficient in food, energy and military technology (under neo-liberalism) and, as always now, popular frontism against the enemies of liberal democracy.

He can put Marxist in the title, but this is the precise opposite. It’s a call for the left to fold itself into Biden and Starmer’s politics ultimately.

"For the left, then, there is a big decision to take. We can sit on our hands, quoting Lenin; or we can accept the systemic nature of the conflict and take a side in it, using our expertise and connections to turn the underground opposition networks in Belarus and Russia into outright revolts"

You know I think they could probably do without our "expertise".

But, yes somewhat worryingly I did find myself agreeing with broad analysis then he started drawing conclusions about what action to take and just urmm no.
But, yes somewhat worryingly I did find myself agreeing with broad analysis then he started drawing conclusions about what action to take and just urmm no.

I’m enjoying Mason calling out the sections of the left who are Putin apologists and those who pretend these types don’t exist (types who whilst minuscule in number wield a disproportionate influence on what passes for the left in Britain today: thereby damaging the rest of us who don’t hold anti imperialism of fools politics).

But, once Mason steps into the realm of alternatives it’s time to stop reading. He’s no better on theoretical underpinnings either. His rant about Foucault today - whilst essentially correct - was also barmy.
On Mason, I see him just as a noisy irritant. He's like next door's clockradio alarm that they forgot to turn off whilst away on holiday.

A (not very brilliant) loudmouth with a Che Guevara cap and a media profile. Probably his recent deranged utterances confirm the impression that he's better off ignored.
I reckon I'd still go out to a Northern Soul night with him, mind. Although maybe that'd be a mistake if there were any uppers around, I can imagine that maybe we'd both be coming up and just as I was about to ask if he felt like dancing he'd get fixated on trying to get me to admit that being a consistent internationalist meant supporting NATO airstrikes.
I reckon I'd still go out to a Northern Soul night with him, mind. Although maybe that'd be a mistake if there were any uppers around, I can imagine that maybe we'd both be coming up and just as I was about to ask if he felt like dancing he'd get fixated on trying to get me to admit that being a consistent internationalist meant supporting NATO airstrikes.
hitmouse used to write slashfic on LiveJournal and had a 'Favourite Left Sect Banner' Tumblr and I claim my five pounds!
I reckon I'd still go out to a Northern Soul night with him, mind. Although maybe that'd be a mistake if there were any uppers around, I can imagine that maybe we'd both be coming up and just as I was about to ask if he felt like dancing he'd get fixated on trying to get me to admit that being a consistent internationalist meant supporting NATO airstrikes.
‘Mad Paul Mason and his Popular Front’ would be a great name for a northern soul beat combo…
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