Yes Newcastle is all out.
I know one of the labour councillors through work, and he was saying that because of prep for GDPR the local Labour Party have had to get rid of some of the names and addresses they've collected previously, and then candidates have been given a very strange looking electoral register with possibly some data missing because of the boundary changes - and from what I can guess our entire estate has been left off from it as no leaflets, door knocks, nothing from anyone as of yet - or maybe none of them can be bothered about us, who knows.
Also TUSC is supposedly standing in our ward, but no-one's seen or heard from them - enough people hate the Labour council leader who's standing in our ward enough that they would get some votes (while not putting Labour in any danger) if they made themselves known - I know a few people who've already spoiled their postal ballot paper (because "fuck the lot of them, they're all eating out of the same trough and all making cuts") who might have been persuaded to vote for them. Their loss i suppose, elections aren't something I would ever put energy into, but just seems utterly pointless someone standing then not bothering to do anything.