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Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council

Not sure whe're VW is, but it's a property on the Hertford Estate, between Brixton/Camberwell.
Different spot. Virginia Walk - someone I know had been trying to arrange a viewing but it is under offer. Nice little LA scheme.
I have only just become aware of this so apologies if it was already out there but the council now have a Facebook page

and a Twitter...

I don't think anyone knew about the page!
Lambeth news
Thanks for making me aware of this. I've now seen some of the food parcels that Lambeth provide to vulnerable people and quite frankly they are shocking. Pot noodles, inappropriate food for the person, no variety, loads of 'stodge', even I'd find it difficult to cook a balanced meal with the ingredients. And at what cost to the council? I will definitely comment.
Thanks for making me aware of this. I've now seen some of the food parcels that Lambeth provide to vulnerable people and quite frankly they are shocking. Pot noodles, inappropriate food for the person, no variety, loads of 'stodge', even I'd find it difficult to cook a balanced meal with the ingredients. And at what cost to the council? I will definitely comment.
Feel free to write a Buzz article if you want more people to know about it!
Lambeth news

Read most of the action plan.

During first lockdown Lambeth did work well with voluntary groups to supply food to those in need.

I did volunteer at the Brixton Rec Food Hub run by the Council and Healthy Living Platfrom. The food given to people was good stuff.

The action plan is interesting on stats. Lambeth is right next to the City of London/ Mayfair etc but the levels of poverty are appaling.

Much has been made of the Red Wall deserting Labour and voting Tory. Inner London voted Corbyn but see nothing from Starmer on these loyal Labour voters. He would rather appease the Red Wall.

The Council "action" plan is much of nothing. Council will recognise its an issue , direct people to help etc. This is not much for a long draft policy.

Council recognise its due to inequality. But no analysis of why in a wealthy city like London this is so. New Labour aren't going to blame the structural reasons caused by Capitalism. Capitalism has been working fine. Inequality is part of how it works. But nothing in this long frustratingly tedious draft policy that gets to the point.

It is still depending on the vountary sector to do the hard work on the ground.
Lambeth patting their own backs

Nine apprentices join Homes for Lambeth bolstering investment in Lambeth’s communities

As part of its investment in the borough Homes for Lambeth (HFL) – Lambeth Council’s wholly owned housing delivery company - has recruited nine apprentices, most of whom are from Lambeth. The apprenticeship opportunities – which have predominantly been taken up by young Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic residents – are examples of HFL’s commitment to creating better futures for Lambeth residents.

Jitinder Takhar, Chief Executive of Homes for Lambeth, said:

“The apprenticeship opportunities we are providing are a great example of how HFL is re-investing in our local communities, creating new opportunities for our residents. The apprentices will be vital in helping us deliver our ambitious plan. Over the next 18 months, they will learn and develop their understanding of different aspects of the business and make a significant contribution to their communities as well as to the HFL business.”

Caroline Pillay, Chair of Homes for Lambeth Group board, commented:

“The economic crisis due to COVID-19 has had a real impact on Lambeth residents and particularly on our young people. Creating these opportunities for people across Lambeth sits alongside our plans to provide not only more and better homes but to also create real training and employment opportunities. During this economically challenging time, HFL is supporting Lambeth Council in its ambition to provide opportunities for local people to thrive.”

Cllr Jacqui Dyer, Lambeth’s Lead for Jobs and Skills, welcomed the news and remarked:

“We’re committed to increasing the supply and quality of skills training to our residents of all ages and backgrounds. Improving the life chances of so many people who have been excluded from work and learning is also vitally important to Lambeth’s recovery from the economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“We need more employers in Lambeth to give people their first opportunity of a job or a way back into work. I’m delighted that the council’s own housing company is doing its bit to help.”

The other thing I noticed was reference to Jo Negrini.

Some people might remember she was one of Lambeth Councils leading officers.

As Brixton Town Centre manager she saw her job as doing the Councils bidding. Making sure annoying residents were ignored if what they questioned/ said did not fit in what her masters the Council wanted. The worst sort of on surface PC Council bureaucrat who is paid a lot and knows which side their bread is buttered.

On the back of her "success" in delivering projects for the Council she got to be Chief Executive of Croyden. On nice fat salary.

See her ingratiating herself with the Labour party establishment has meant she has come a cropper. From link in the Brixton Buzz piece.

In the spotlight will be council leader Tony Newman, as well as Croydon’s chief executive Jo Negrini, who quit her lavishly paid £217,000 a year job in August after negotiating a controversial £440,000 pay-off from the council leadership

I am starting to loathe these kind of people. Its the kind of people Ive had to deal with over the years in Brixton. Grin and bear it. On big salaries.

Remember her saying to me once " the trouble with you is you like doing things on the outside". This was on basis I turned up to the Brixton Town Centre meetings and asked questions ( after reading up on an issue) of the Council

Maybe she was right she got half a million. I havent got much to show for anything Ive done.

The inquiry will drag on and she will be alright.
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The always good Inside Croydon has followed Jo Negrini career since Lambeth. Terming her "Negreedy". Very apt.

First article is early on in her career. Everything in this article rings true to me of my experience of how she behaved as a Council officer in Lambeth.

Negrini clearly has no problem with this, though. Just as with any propagandist, going back to Goebbels, she understands that if you make the lie big enough and repeat it often enough, in the end enough people will believe it

Looks like she will get off with her nice pay off.

“Negreedy” will get an invitation to be interviewed. But then the LGA’s investigator, Richard Penn, will have to wait to see whether the self-described “regeneration practitioner” will agree to take part in the process.

Ive seen how people like this have worked there way up in London as officers for the entrenched Labour Councils people like me vote for.
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The thing about like Negrini is that the way local government works in some Labour Councils is that people like this will rise to the top.

Its the way that Labour Councils like Lambeth/ Newham/ Croydon work that is the problem.

The way that Councils are structured and the kind of behaviours that are rewarded is a systemic problem.

If it was not Negrini it would be someone similar.
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Lambeth Council are difficult to deal with, we have a flat bought right to buy 32 years ago so we are considering a lease extension as we've 93 years on ours. There is a need to extend before it gets down to 80 years as the extension cost calculation changes to include "mariage value" for the Lessor. Also you will need to own for two years before you can extend, unless you can get the seller to extend as part of the sale and Lease assignment process, but that may be a step too far with Lambeth Council involved.
Elam Close is part of an estate and you will pay service charges to the Council for works to the estate cleaning, gardening, maintenance, as well as work to the structure of your own building, external decorating, window renewals and roof repairs. The Council do Major Works in fits and starts and get robbed blind by their contractors then pass the cost on to you.
In my involvement with Tenants and Residents, Area Forums, Leasehold Council, Major Works reviews and now the Leaseholder Association we have fought continually for better service, value for money and proper oversight for years.
We do have some victories and I am probably known to many Council Officers as a serial complainer but my work gives me some advantages and we have a good group of people on our estate. Don't take on a Local Authority Leasehold unless you are prepared to spend a significant amount of time dealing with unreasonable systems run by people who are unable to see the damage they do.

Apologies for the minor thread derail.

Ricbake/Rushy I just wanted to v briefly thank you both for your posts on this subject in response to the enquiry. Very helpful. I find myself in a similar position, putting in an offer on a flat on Gresham road which is a Lambeth property and has I am told approx 92 years remaining so would want to renew. The block on the whole is tired and my professional eyes suggest will need external and common parts works in the next few years, so little concerned what I might be hit for given Lambeth's rep. Have contacted the block manager to enquire about future works but no response in the last week so not holding breath. Appreciate both of you sharing your experience.
Ask Jack a question at his online development chat

I wonder if anyone will ask him about Nine Elms and affordable housing
Petition has been started to save International House ( next to the Rec) from being sold off.

I've read the Council report. Council want to dispose of Pop and International House site to a developer.

They want to do a deal with a developer to build a mixed use development of housing/ workspace. With they say 50 per cent affordable housing.

International House is part of the proposed deal.

Officer report makes clear officers have decided that International House should be demolished.

I think Council should keep ownership of the building for its present use.

It is not a drain on Council resources as the organisation that are managing it are responsible for day to day maintenance and pay a rent to Council.

I want the Council to stop selling of its assets. Once they are sold they are gone for ever

Pop site and International house are separate sites. There is no need to out them together for disposal to developer.
Reading the report the Council have outline of how consultation will go for the "regeneration" of International House/ Pop Brixton site.

Council have already decided guidelines of amount of housing and workspace.

They have decided to put International House and Pop site together to be sold.

International House will be demolished.

First part of "consultation" will be Lambeth presenting community groups / residents with choice of developers. Lambeth will in end choose the developers who meets their requirements.

Part of developers remit will be community consultation as the scheme progresses

Council also want first refusal on acquiring the social housing for their subsiduary Homes For Lambeth.

The danger for community groups is to be drawn into this officer plan for "regeneration" of this site.


  • 49 Brixton Station Road6 Canterbury Crescent - Development Objectives and Delivery Partner Pro...pdf
    593.4 KB · Views: 1
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Here is report on giving the management of International house to third party.

The management body pay Council and take on board day to day maintenance:

2.6 The lease terms are as follows:
Premises: The whole of International House
Term: 5 years
Outgoings: The Tenant is responsible for all property running costs including repairs
Subletting: Permitted and further regulated by the Service Level Agreement
Alterations: Permitted, in accordance with subject to licence
Security of Tenure: None
Breaks: None
Dilapidations: None
2.7 Following the procurement process, the overall value of the concession contract is expected to be
approximately £6.4m. This is taken as total estimated revenues for the project over the 5-year lease
as indicated in preferred bidder’s business plan. 3Space has committed to paying the Council
approximately £1,000,000 in rent over the 5-year lease term.

Given that International House is being put to good use at no cost to Council why are they thinking of disposing of the building?


  • International House Gateway III - Part 1.pdf
    244.2 KB · Views: 1
Hi everyone,

The newly formed Adblock Lambeth Group is working to stop the installation of a large digital advertising screen on Brixton Road. You can read more about this and the reasons we are opposing the screen here on the adfree cities website.

Advertising in any form is, of course, trying to get your attention, but digital billboards with rapidly changing images are perfecting the art of attention-grabbing. This cannot be good the safety of anyone using the road or walking alongside it.

If you would like to object, you can do so in about 5 minutes through the Lambeth Council website here. The blog gives some tips on things that the council consider to be legitimate objections. You can also sign our petition here.

Thanks very much for taking the time to read this.

Adblock Lambeth
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Many thanks for bringing this to our attention. Having lived nearby these billboards before and interacted with them both as a pedestrian and motorist I am in no doubt that they are dangerous and distracting.

I have registered my concern against the application.
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