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Lambeth Council elections 2022

Tories got 12percent and no Cllrs. Unlike LD. This all adds up as democracy not working.
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Well compare that to 2014 and 18 when presumably the LDs got 10%+ and no councillors.

The trick for small parties with this voting system is to be focused.

Fair enough. But its still a handicap.

Following some of Green party twitter and I thought they had coherent message and had worked hard as opposition. They were imo focused.

It does look like Labour did target areas they were worried about. Herne Hill. Both local MPs went there to support canvassing.

I'm in Windrush Ward. No leaflets. Did bump into one of my Labour Cllrs who seemed unaware my bit of CHL was in the Ward they were standing in. They just assume the Labour vote is in the bag.

I do feel due to this kind of thing there should be also a slate of Cllrs who get elected if a party gets a certain percentage of vote.

Ive always been stuck in Ward that is Labour rotten borough.

Over last few years I've noticed Jim Dickson has tried a lot harder as a Cllr. Due to almost losing seat to Greens last time around.

The trouble with present system is that one's vote can not count for much. And that one's Cllr can just assume they will be voted in so can ignore residents.
The other problem for small parties is the candidate for big national party can try to use national issues to get elected

Jim Dickson- can tell people to vote for him to send message to this government. Basically saying I'm a right wing Labour candidate but forget that vote for me to send a message to Boris. If you don't like Boris vote for me.

Doesn't really work for opposition Green candidates.
I don’t really get this not using national politics especially when the reporting of these elections seems focussed on what it means to Johnson.

Also they’re the same party - if candidates are choosing to be in the same party as Johnson etc then surely that should reflect on them.

Not saying the system doesn’t need reforming but candidates & parties need to work with the system as it currently is.

I’d argue not having PR at a national level is far unfairer than at a local level - the Lib Dems tried to deliver that and it almost wiped them out with what they had to back in exchange and the campaign against it from most of the press!
The other problem for small parties is the candidate for big national party can try to use national issues to get elected

Jim Dickson- can tell people to vote for him to send message to this government. Basically saying I'm a right wing Labour candidate but forget that vote for me to send a message to Boris. If you don't like Boris vote for me.

Doesn't really work for opposition Green candidates.

He was after the "disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" (sorry - Herne Hill) vote there and apparently got it.

Regarding organisation - from what I've seen over the years the Green Party's organisation is a bit like their vote.
They can do big mass canvassing events maybe two or three times in a campaign, but where is their OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)?
As BusLanes says targeting is important when resources are limited. I imagine Lib Dems concentrated on their targets and not on seats they could not win.

Even Jim Dickson's Labour knew that. You see how they put out a "Good Morning" leaflet in Herne Hill on polling day?
Did the Green Party do this? And how many other wards did Labour do a Good Morning in?

It's about credibility.
Further comment on Thornton
the new ward boundary is somewhat like the boundary in 1994 when a certain poster won

clearly the Lib Dems had faith in their abilities here - and remember Matthew Bryant, one of the now elected Lib Dem councillors stood in a by election in 2019 and came very close Election results for Thornton, 11 April 2019 | Lambeth Council

There are boundary changes compared to 1994 when Thornton originally fell to the Lib Dems there are additions to the east - district SSB part now carved out of Streatham Hill - the first Streatham Ward to go fully Lib Dem back in the 1990s, and part already added - from the former Town Hall ward originally added in 2000, presumably to make it more Labour.
Then another polling district to the north - SSA which must have previously been in Clapham Park ward, historically very mixed, has had councillors from all parties - and splits.

That said maybe I'm dreaming nostalgically a bit. Lib Peck the Gorgon of Democracy was elected in Thornton in 2002 - and from there on in it was downhill all the way for the Lib Dems and Lambeth.

As the author of the 1920 Austrian constitution said
"The question on which natural law focuses is the eternal question of what stands behind the positive law. And whoever seeks the answer will find, I fear, neither an absolute metaphysical truth nor the absolute justice of natural law. Who lifts the veil and does not shut his eyes will find staring at him the Gorgon head of power."
Hans Kelsen
EDIT - much of the above seems wide of the mark - the map on Lambeth's website is their 2000-2021 boundary map. In fact looks like Streatham Hill West and Thornton has more of the old Streatham Hill ward (Lib Dem historically) and less of Town Hall/Brixton Hill (historically strongly Labour)
Can't find the new map on Lambeth's website, sorry.
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I hear the Greens ran a good campaign in St Leonard's, so far as leaflets go anyway, according to someone I spoke to in the ward (A Tory activist of all things). Not sure about HH or GH.

The Greens had the problem of three wards and growing support, so I guess the temptation is to campaign elsewhere as well by some of their activists. But they're still a small party and like the Tories and Lib Dems will struggle to get people out to do the work.

So in this election with Labour polling so well and the Tories not, being ultra defensive was probably the better route. Hell maybe they did do that and I didn't notice because how do people find out this stuff without a large local media?
He was after the "disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" (sorry - Herne Hill) vote there and apparently got it.

Regarding organisation - from what I've seen over the years the Green Party's organisation is a bit like their vote.
They can do big mass canvassing events maybe two or three times in a campaign, but where is their OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)?
As BusLanes says targeting is important when resources are limited. I imagine Lib Dems concentrated on their targets and not on seats they could not win.

Even Jim Dickson's Labour knew that. You see how they put out a "Good Morning" leaflet in Herne Hill on polling day?
Did the Green Party do this? And how many other wards did Labour do a Good Morning in?

It's about credibility.

I don't share his politics but Dickson is one of the better of the Labour Cllrs. He has a brain for starters.

As his ward overlapped LJ Ive seen him at meetings over past couple of years. He's been working very hard dealing with local residents issues. More pro active than the Green Cllr. These aren't necessarily Council related but bread and butter stuff. He was helping the "disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" :D

This along with the Labour Party clearly targeting this ward. Leaflets/ Both local MPs canvassing etc meant that the local Labour Party had thought ahead about this election. Windrush Ward got nothing in way of leaflets etc.

Personally I found him much more interested in listening. Rather than some Labour Cllrs who either shrug their shoulders with a what can I do attitude or have a go at residents for being "unrepresentative" and therefore to be ignored.

This I think is due to an active opposition. Which is why I'm concerned that now the opposition has been effectively decimated the Labour Group will go all outdriving what they want and ignoring people.
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I don't share his politics but Dickson is one of the better of the Labour Cllrs. He has a brain for starters.

As his ward overlapped LJ Ive seen him at meetings over past couple of years. He's been working very hard dealing with local residents issues. More pro active than the Green Cllr. These aren't necessarily Council related but bread and butter stuff.

This along with the Labour Party clearly targeting this ward. Leaflets/ Both local MPs canvassing etc meant that the local Labour Party had thought ahead about this election.

Personally I found him much more interested in listening. Rather than some Labour Cllrs who either shrug their shoulders with a what can I do attitude or have a go at residents for being "unrepresentative" and therefore to be ignored.

This I think is due to an active opposition. Which is why I'm concerned that now the opposition has been effectively decimated the Labour Group will go all outdriving what they want and ignoring people.
Maybe he is the sage of Herne Hill?
He had leadershio of the Labour Group thrust upon him in 1994 when Anna Tappsell had to resign as leader due to the "altered blue badge scandal".
Shades of Partygate there.

Unfortunately for Jimbo he was leader during the hung council period - and when Labour gained a majority in 1998 he was booted out by right winger Tom Fanklin (remember him?).

This old (1998) headline from PR Week makes it sound like a spat between PR upstarts!
Further comment on Thornton
the new ward boundary is somewhat like the boundary in 1994 when a certain poster won

clearly the Lib Dems had faith in their abilities here - and remember Matthew Bryant, one of the now elected Lib Dem councillors stood in a by election in 2019 and came very close Election results for Thornton, 11 April 2019 | Lambeth Council

There are boundary changes compared to 1994 when Thornton originally fell to the Lib Dems there are additions to the east - district SSB part now carved out of Streatham Hill - the first Streatham Ward to go fully Lib Dem back in the 1990s, and part already added - from the former Town Hall ward originally added in 2000, presumably to make it more Labour.
Then another polling district to the north - SSA which must have previously been in Clapham Park ward, historically very mixed, has had councillors from all parties - and splits.

That said maybe I'm dreaming nostalgically a bit. Lib Peck the Gorgon of Democracy was elected in Thornton in 2002 - and from there on in it was downhill all the way for the Lib Dems and Lambeth.

As the author of the 1920 Austrian constitution said
"The question on which natural law focuses is the eternal question of what stands behind the positive law. And whoever seeks the answer will find, I fear, neither an absolute metaphysical truth nor the absolute justice of natural law. Who lifts the veil and does not shut his eyes will find staring at him the Gorgon head of power."
Hans Kelsen
EDIT - much of the above seems wide of the mark - the map on Lambeth's website is their 2000-2021 boundary map. In fact looks like Streatham Hill West and Thornton has more of the old Streatham Hill ward (Lib Dem historically) and less of Town Hall/Brixton Hill (historically strongly Labour)
Can't find the new map on Lambeth's website, sorry.
Here's the map of the new two member "Streatham Hill West & Thornton" ward - it is the Hyde Farm bit of Balham and the Telford Park bit of Streatham Hill plus the streets of Clapham Park.

Streatham Hill West and Thornton Ward Map.PNG
It now excludes all the sites managed by Clapham Park homes, which are now in the new (and probably misnamed) "Clapham Park" ward that includes large swathes of Brixton Hill south of the prison. (I doubt if one person in one hundred living between Kings Avenue and Lyham Road knows that they are in the area of the historic Clapham Parish and former Metropolitan Borough of Wandsworth!)
Clapham Park ward.PNG
I had a hand in creating the previous Thornton ward that lasted from 2002-2022.

One of the aims was to focus attention on the cluster of deprivation of the Clapham Park Estate that was concealed when it was split between four of the pre-2002 "old" Lambeth wards that had survived since 1970s - Clapham Park, Town Hall, Thornton and Streatham Hill.

Plans for "doing something" for Clapham Park had begun at the time of the 1999 "New Deal for Communities".

With lots of hindsight, that may not have been such a bright idea as it led to fewer councillors with a stake in what Clapham Park Home (later Metropolitan) was up to, as they catastrophically mismanaged so much of the refurbishment programme, and in my view in at least one case, "capture" of the local councillor as an apologist for the HA.

As a wider point, Trying to find the new ward maps on the Lambeth website seems to be ridiculously difficult,

Lambeth still don't seem to have succeeded in loading any of the new ward boundaries into their interactive map. (I heard anecdotally that there were issues at Ordnance Survey in getting the digital files ready simply because of the volume of changes across London and elsewhere for this election cycle)
Another reason why Lambeth Labour have won over the Greens is that they have positioned themselves as Green. LTNs ( funded by Boris Government. Something they didn't emphasise. Rather they encouraged people to vote Labour to send a message that Boris was bad) and a "Peoples Assembly" to keep XR happy. Whilst still keeping to their pro developer / gentrification is good agenda.

So its a mix of Blairite pro business and Green. With ignoring any funding from Boris for this for election purposes.

Which has worked.

Apart from hammering Council tenants with the estate regeneration they appear to be backing off from winding up middle class Labour voters with policies around reforming the library service for example. Which was a disaster in Herne Hill. Whilst giving them enough nice Green stuff to keep them voting Labour.
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Point three on how inner London is increasingly Labour stronghold makes interesting comment.

RTB has meant that a lot of properties are now let to young professionals/ degree educated people.

These are generation rent. They tend to vote Labour due to being squeezed by high rents and landlords.

So in inner London its two different demographics who keep Labour on top. The "poor" diverse residents and the mainly white generation rent. Who are socially liberal and can't stand the present Tory party

I'd agree with this. And add generation rent were supporters of Corbyn. I do mix with these people at work

Starmer who is going for the "patriotic" Red Wall voter is imo alienating these demographics.

On basis that one has no where else to go in voting terms

I do think our Progress led Council should at least take this on board

I got this link from Uber right of party Cllr Dickson twitter. Really wondering if these kind of people take these articles on board.

Point three on how inner London is increasingly Labour stronghold makes interesting comment.

RTB has meant that a lot of properties are now let to young professionals/ degree educated people.

These are generation rent. They tend to vote Labour due to being squeezed by high rents and landlords.

So in inner London its two different demographics who keep Labour on top. The "poor" diverse residents and the mainly white generation rent. Who are socially liberal and can't stand the present Tory party

I'd agree with this. And add generation rent were supporters of Corbyn. I do mix with these people at work

Starmer who is going for the "patriotic" Red Wall voter is imo alienating these demographics.

On basis that one has no where else to go in voting terms

I do think our Progress led Council should at least take this on board

I got this link from Uber right of party Cllr Dickson twitter. Really wondering if these kind of people take these articles on board.
Not sure how connected Croydon is with national politics.
You have a bankrupt council there whose property speculation has blown up - not an inducement to vote Labour in this case.
Interesting though that the ward history on Wikipedia is much more balanced in terms of votes for all the parties than most wards in Lambeth
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