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Lambeth increases the rent of council tenancies by £60-£75 PER WEEK

I spoke to my neighbour and he told me:

Mine is around the £6,000/year mark.
Yeah, that's their service charges as a whole. Ask them about the heating and hot water only. Sometimes the service charges include minor repairs, ground rent, etc. I understand that Lambeth have increased leaseholder charges by £1,000. They need to ask for justification of this. Even so, if you factor in an increase of £1,300, that's still much less than the increase to most tenants heating and hot water, which has increased by over £2,000 per annum. There's something not right going on here.
They have done the exact same to the residents of Brixton Road, SW9 6. Communal heating, no choice and same poor notice. My rent has increased by 230 per month due to a £40 rise in heating service charge (communal) and £10 increase for hot water (tank system that they've never looked at in the 12 years I've lived here :| ). Im now expected to pay £780 p/m for a 1 bed basement flat in disrepair.
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They have done the exact same to the residents of Brixton Road, SW9 6. Communal heating, no choice and same poor notice. My rent has increased by 230 per month due to a £40 rise in heating service charge (communal) and £10 increase for hot water (tank system that they've never looked at in the 12 years I've lived here :/ ). Im now expected to pay £780 p/m for a 1 bed basement flat in disrepair.
I haven't wrote to my MP as we fall under Vauxhall and am hesitant to contact her because I don't believe she will help. But there must be others here where I live who feel the same? I dont know any neighbours to ask how they feel....our communal system is always breaking down as well...its a submarine type system from what I know and its old as hell. Combined with the harsh winters and single glazed, rotting draughty windows and the cost of living....its getting harder to keep the kids warm (used to use fan rads but got too expensive) :(
I haven't wrote to my MP as we fall under Vauxhall and am hesitant to contact her because I don't believe she will help. But there must be others here where I live who feel the same? I dont know any neighbours to ask how they feel....our communal system is always breaking down as well...its a submarine type system from what I know and its old as hell. Combined with the harsh winters and single glazed, rotting draughty windows and the cost of living....its getting harder to keep the kids warm (used to use fan rads but got too expensive) :(
It's really worth writing to your MP/councillor - and to what little opposition there is in your area. Labour will obviously do fuck all but it's good to get on record just how shit they were.

DEFINITELY write to Florence Esholami, MP for Vauxhall. Even if she does f-all, it will be at least logged as casework under housing and Council issues. It's a bit like the crime rate - if you don't report it then it's invisible.

For what it's worth, I'd expect Flo to do something. It's her bloody job! She use to a Brixton Hill Cllr in Lambeth, and then was the Lambeth / Southwark Assembly Member for the GLA. She's very much part of the old Blairite wing in Lambeth. This doesn't mean that she doesn't get involved where need be.

If anyone has the ear of the right wing Labour Cabinet then it's Flo.

Good luck.
It looks to me like Lambeth is abruptly raising rents in order to squeeze tenants out because they want to quickly sell the estate to property developers. They will, likely, find out that this is illegal and have to do a u turn.
It isn't just Lambeth having these huge rent increases - mostly down to the heating charge which is increasing by similar amounts elsewhere too.
There is an article here about communal heating costs in Ward Point Kennington

If you ask me there is a lot of "Levelling Up" going on in supposed social housing in Lambeth.
I went to see flats in a Norman Foster designed tower on the Albert Embankment this morning.
This seems to be the new "Lambeth sheltered housing"

The tower is controlled by One Housing (a housing association) and provides "extra care"
Straight people can apply for rental units via Lambeth Council's application system.
Charges - one bed - rent £393 per week plus £95 service charge. The schedule of charges implies that £460 per week can be recouped from Housing Benefit, if you qualify.
Two bed - for 2 persons - rent £421 and service charge £124
Only 3 unit still available!!

There is a smaller shared ownership section being marketed, some specifically to gay 0ver 55s.
Prices of our older persons shared ownership homes start from £133,750 for 25% of a one-bedroom apartment, up to £592,500 for 75% of a two-bedroom apartment. Other charges apply:
A monthly service charge is payable, initially set at £286.95 per month. The service charge will be reviewed annually on 1st April on actual costs

When I toured round these this morning I thought - would I want to stay here if it was a hotel? (No)

I was struck that at these prices there was a space for a washing machine - but you had to buy your own.
I did point out to the staff guiding us that one might expect the laundry to be done for you but she said they didn't do that.

What is the deferred management fee option I wonder?
Does that mean that the owners (One Housing) get to liquidate your savings when you die? (assuming you have any left!)
There is an article here about communal heating costs in Ward Point Kennington

If you ask me there is a lot of "Levelling Up" going on in supposed social housing in Lambeth.
I went to see flats in a Norman Foster designed tower on the Albert Embankment this morning.
This seems to be the new "Lambeth sheltered housing"

The tower is controlled by One Housing (a housing association) and provides "extra care"
Straight people can apply for rental units via Lambeth Council's application system.
Charges - one bed - rent £393 per week plus £95 service charge. The schedule of charges implies that £460 per week can be recouped from Housing Benefit, if you qualify.
Two bed - for 2 persons - rent £421 and service charge £124
Only 3 unit still available!!

There is a smaller shared ownership section being marketed, some specifically to gay 0ver 55s.
Prices of our older persons shared ownership homes start from £133,750 for 25% of a one-bedroom apartment, up to £592,500 for 75% of a two-bedroom apartment. Other charges apply:
A monthly service charge is payable, initially set at £286.95 per month. The service charge will be reviewed annually on 1st April on actual costs

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View attachment 368515
When I toured round these this morning I thought - would I want to stay here if it was a hotel? (No)

I was struck that at these prices there was a space for a washing machine - but you had to buy your own.
I did point out to the staff guiding us that one might expect the laundry to be done for you but she said they didn't do that.

What is the deferred management fee option I wonder?
Does that mean that the owners (One Housing) get to liquidate your savings when you die? (assuming you have any left!)

Disinfection/ disinfection - tenants are being charged extra for this. Surely this is a landlord responsibility? Not something they charge extra for? Its an extra 52 pounds a year.
Disinfection/ disinfection - tenants are being charged extra for this. Surely this is a landlord responsibility? Not something they charge extra for? Its an extra 52 pounds a year.

Presumably you can’t be bothered to look up what a service charge is and what it can be charged for.
There is an article here about communal heating costs in Ward Point Kennington

If you ask me there is a lot of "Levelling Up" going on in supposed social housing in Lambeth.
I went to see flats in a Norman Foster designed tower on the Albert Embankment this morning.
This seems to be the new "Lambeth sheltered housing"

The tower is controlled by One Housing (a housing association) and provides "extra care"
Straight people can apply for rental units via Lambeth Council's application system.
Charges - one bed - rent £393 per week plus £95 service charge. The schedule of charges implies that £460 per week can be recouped from Housing Benefit, if you qualify.
Two bed - for 2 persons - rent £421 and service charge £124
Only 3 unit still available!!

There is a smaller shared ownership section being marketed, some specifically to gay 0ver 55s.
Prices of our older persons shared ownership homes start from £133,750 for 25% of a one-bedroom apartment, up to £592,500 for 75% of a two-bedroom apartment. Other charges apply:
A monthly service charge is payable, initially set at £286.95 per month. The service charge will be reviewed annually on 1st April on actual costs

View attachment 368514
View attachment 368515
When I toured round these this morning I thought - would I want to stay here if it was a hotel? (No)

I was struck that at these prices there was a space for a washing machine - but you had to buy your own.
I did point out to the staff guiding us that one might expect the laundry to be done for you but she said they didn't do that.

What is the deferred management fee option I wonder?
Does that mean that the owners (One Housing) get to liquidate your savings when you die? (assuming you have any left!)
it's alright for some, to have a concierge. where i used to live, the council promised a concierge in about '98 but when i departed in 2013 no concierge had appeared
I can't be arsed with this. Bye.

So basically you randomly decided that disinfection shouldn’t be part of a service charge and you wouldn’t even explain why you thought it was different or if you were just opposed to the concept of service charges altogether.

No wonder your level of scrutiny of those in power is so ineffectual considering the way you explain your opinions.

I understand your point of view now.
So basically you randomly decided that disinfection shouldn’t be part of a service charge and you wouldn’t even explain why you thought it was different or if you were just opposed to the concept of service charges altogether.

No wonder your level of scrutiny of those in power is so ineffectual considering the way you explain your opinions.

I understand your point of view now.

If forgotten about you. Looked back . Your a timewaster.
So basically you randomly decided that disinfection shouldn’t be part of a service charge and you wouldn’t even explain why you thought it was different or if you were just opposed to the concept of service charges altogether.

No wonder your level of scrutiny of those in power is so ineffectual considering the way you explain your opinions.

I understand your point of view now.

Your on ignore from now on.
Presumably you can’t be bothered to look up what a service charge is and what it can be charged for.
Maybe if they cleaned properly and maintained the property properly they wouldn't have a problem with infestation that needs dealing with. Estate cleaning is already included in the service charge so disinfection shouldn't be extra if they do the job properly.
Presumably you can’t be bothered to look up what a service charge is and what it can be charged for.

So you understand why its included in the service charge.

Why differentiate disinfection? They are all tasks carried out in the communual areas and are therefore part of the service charge.

So basically you randomly decided that disinfection shouldn’t be part of a service charge and you wouldn’t even explain why you thought it was different or if you were just opposed to the concept of service charges altogether.

No wonder your level of scrutiny of those in power is so ineffectual considering the way you explain your opinions.

I understand your point of view now.

For the crime of pointing out that disinfecting communal areas would be part of a service charge.

Enjoy your small bubble.
great +1s, with the drawback they show you to be a tosser.
I haven't wrote to my MP as we fall under Vauxhall and am hesitant to contact her because I don't believe she will help. But there must be others here where I live who feel the same? I dont know any neighbours to ask how they feel....our communal system is always breaking down as well...its a submarine type system from what I know and its old as hell. Combined with the harsh winters and single glazed, rotting draughty windows and the cost of living....its getting harder to keep the kids warm (used to use fan rads but got too expensive) :(
Are you in council housing or housing association property? If so, it should have been brought up to the Decent Homes Standard years ago. Do other properties in your block/on your estate have double-glazing? How long have you lived there? Maybe whoever lived there at around the time upgrades were being done refused to let them do the work? Or maybe it was in a bit of a state and contractors refused to do work in the property? Ask them for double-glazing. Also, if you don't have double-glazing, you might or might not have cavity wall insulation or upgraded loft insulation (whatever's applicable, depending on what type of property you're in), so maybe ask questions and double-check whether you need remedial works on that score too.
I haven't wrote to my MP as we fall under Vauxhall and am hesitant to contact her because I don't believe she will help. But there must be others here where I live who feel the same? I dont know any neighbours to ask how they feel....our communal system is always breaking down as well...its a submarine type system from what I know and its old as hell. Combined with the harsh winters and single glazed, rotting draughty windows and the cost of living....its getting harder to keep the kids warm (used to use fan rads but got too expensive) :(
MPs have caseworkers who write to the relevant organisations/authorities to raise issues with them, and hearing from the MP's office often gives landlords etc a kick up the arse and makes them take action and fix things. So it's worthwhile emailing your MP and getting their caseworker on the case.
Disinfection/ disinfection - tenants are being charged extra for this. Surely this is a landlord responsibility? Not something they charge extra for? Its an extra 52 pounds a year.
At first, I thought it might be disinfecting associated with the pandemic, because in our block (in Manchester), they said they were going to send someone to eg clean door handles and bannisters, the kind of heavy use touch points in communal areas.

But looking at the table, disinfestation will probably be pest control, and then they might follow that up with disinfecting areas like bin sheds, rubbish shoots, cleaning bins, etc, to help deter rodents, cockroaches, flies, etc.

So that's why it's a separate item, it doesn't fall under cleaning, it falls under pest control.

Btw, everything that is a landlord responsibility, it's their responsibility to manage the property and make all those things happen, like cleaning, pest control, grounds maintenance, etc, and also to pay for heating, repairs, etc. But! But even though it's their responsibility, the cost is always passed on to the residents, whether they are leaseholders or tenants. So anything they do, whether that cleaning the communal areas or sending in pest control, or fixing broken windows in communal areas, or mowing grass in the estate grounds, etc, all those costs will be passed on and you will have to contribute to them.
Are you in council housing or housing association property? If so, it should have been brought up to the Decent Homes Standard years ago. Do other properties in your block/on your estate have double-glazing? How long have you lived there? Maybe whoever lived there at around the time upgrades were being done refused to let them do the work? Or maybe it was in a bit of a state and contractors refused to do work in the property? Ask them for double-glazing. Also, if you don't have double-glazing, you might or might not have cavity wall insulation or upgraded loft insulation (whatever's applicable, depending on what type of property you're in), so maybe ask questions and double-check whether you need remedial works on that score too.
The south facing side of the Barrier Block is all single glazed with rotting window frames that haven't been painted in decades.
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