Read this:
Lambeth Council’s Cabinet is being asked to consider bringing the leisure contract back in-house and ditching Greenwich Leisure Ltd – the current commercial partner for the Co-operative…
On this I found the paper
Tricky Skills links a while back.
The money to assist GLL/ Better comes not from Council directly. It comes from the "development pot". That is the money from users of leisure centres. Which is kept in separate bank account.
So Council can argue that assistance to GLL is not a burden on the Council Tax payer.
The Council say the money will be recouped by altering the profit/ surplus share so GLL get nothing.
The arrangements that have happened over the years between GLL and Council are less than transparent.
The Vauxhall Leisure centre- Council say that they have given promise of around £1.3 million for GLL to manage this centre.
Apparently the Councill do not own it. GLL/ Better have commercial lease with the owner.
On Carnegie library project GLL owe money to Lambeth.
The Council justification for this relies on the profit/ surplus share.
As the Leisure centres are at best under Covid just breaking even I do not see how there will be a profit/ surplus share in near future.
Im also concerned about the financial arrangements the Council has had with GLL over Carnegie and Vauxhall.
Giiven the economic situation I do not see GLL re paying the financiall assistance by end of contract.
Leisure centres are not like libraries. Even those on concessions pay. The Council gets an income from users of the centres. But it has not consulted them on how the "development pot" is used.
Looks to me it is being used to prop up GLL.
An argument could be made that in effect the Council are propping up GLL managed Leisure centres so why don't they manage them in future?