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Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

thought the standard line was: people don't automatically believe what they read in the papers.

1. why would people believe what hari wrote about negri as being true?
2. why is it such a revelation when it turns out not to be true?

Surely the perception is all journalists, like all politicans, lie. It's their job.
Five will get you ten that Hari is right this minute sitting in his Fortress of Cuntitude, clad only in his undercrackers and laughing like a Bond villain.

'Dance monkeys, dance' he's saying as he contemplates his readership.
Five will get you ten that Hari is right this minute sitting in his Fortress of Cuntitude, clad only in his undercrackers and laughing like a Bond villain.

'Dance monkeys, dance' he's saying as he contemplates his readership.

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I'm interested to read his defense in the I tomorrow and if he accepts that he owes an apology.


Edit: that came out tiny, tomorrows front page, Hari; what i think of the attacks on my professional integrity.
Hari's excuse today is that Negri (who he never once even mentions in his mea culpa as he knows it's far more damaging than the other one he concentrates on) is because Negri has bad english. Maybe that's why a translator was present at the interview eh? You've just dug the hole a bit deeper. The independent have now very honoursbly removed their link to the Negri interview - it was still working yesterday so here's another link to it.
Hari's excuse today is that Negri (who he never once even mentions in his mea culpa as he knows it's far more damaging than the other one he concentrates on) is because Negri has bad english. Maybe that's why a translator was present at the interview eh? You've just dug the hole a bit deeper. The independent have now very honoursbly removed their link to the Negri interview - it was still working yesterday so here's another link to it.

You just know the little shit never expected to get hauled up over the Negri hatchet job, especially nearly 7 years later, talking shit about some obscure Italian communist must have seemed like one of the safest bets. Unlucky for him he's so hated on the left and now 7 years after picking up his shilling for the Negri mash up he's sitting in a corner crying, as it was put on Newsnight. Brilliant.
It is not as if Hari couldn't have quoted from Negri's published work to show a clearer exposition of an idea put forward in the interview. He not only choose not to do so, but went further by inventing a context for the unacknowledged quote; presumably to cement it firmly in the interview as an actual event.

Louis MacNeice
The independent seem to have a very tight grip of what comments/tweets they are publishing on this story.
Isn't the word plagiarism relevant here. Has anyone asked his old university for comment on his university work?
Wikipedia "he graduated with a double first in Social and Political Sciences at King's College, Cambridge, in 2001."
Caught in another one, not quite the same but very similar - taking quotes from another interview and making it look like they came from an interview with him. This sort of one is far more common than the other ones he's been exposed for i expect.

CHOIR-preacher Johann Hari has dismissed claims of plagiarism during a fantasy interview where he pretended he was talking to Michael Parkinson.

'Johann, tell me what it was like working with Doris Day?'

The columnist sat down in his living room last night, facing an empty chair and answered questions Parkinson had asked Muhammad Ali, David Niven and Billy Connolly in a series of memorable interviews in the mid to late 1970s.

The criticism came after Hari used a revolutionary new interview technique that involved pretending people had said things to him and then imagining what his reaction would have been if they had have said those things to him, which they did not and in fact said to somebody else years ago.

Stopping occasionally for imagined laughter and applause, Hari used Parkinson's question to Niven about what it was like being friends with Errol Flynn to insist that the famed Hollywood hellraiser would have done exactly the same thing if he had been lucky enough to work for a newspaper that no-one reads.

Nodding at the chair, he added: "You know Michael, I have made a lot of enemies because I love the NHS and feminism and I suspect that's what this is really all about. Much as I said in my latest book That's What This Is Really All About."

Holding his hands up over Iraq, highlights part of the problem with what he's been up to. People's attitudes change over time. His "interviews" undermine that, at the very least.

Tainted goods
It's considered one of the worst journalistic practices to do what Hari has done. It's dishonest, misleading and taking quotes from others and not crediting them is shoddy practice whether he's slightly altered them to resemble his own words or not. And yes, it is plagiarism. If he'd done this when writing an academic essay or during an academic exam then he'd quite likely be tossed out of whichever institution he was studying at. He's been caught about as red-handed as he could be and if any of the editors I've written for found me doing it then I'd probably not be writing for them again. Hari not only does this, he also seems to think it's perfectly OK to do this which, IMHO, is indicative of a shoddy, careless and dishonest attitude to writing and journalistic practice in general. Also, the fact that he's changed the wording of the original quotes suggests very strongly that he was well aware of what he was doing, which is why he altered the wording to try and conceal the fact of what he did.
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