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Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

Oh shit, I had clean forgotten about the ongoing Wapping saga!:oops: and :facepalm: at self.
Yes, absolutely, this pales into insignificance via the widespread phone-hacking scandal, as that is after all 100% criminal behaviour.
I suppose what i was fumbling towards, is that it's a long time since I saw somebody so completely misrepresenting - and plagiarising - as this, and from a journo who (unlike the pondvermin on the NOTW and the Sun) presents himself as credible and authoritative, and with integrity

When we knew all along he wasn't - ie Iraq for starters.
Are you mates with Bill Oddie as well :D

I met Brian when he did the interview for the afa book for look left - as usual with libcommers, complete dick online but a nice guy in real life

yeah, there does seem to be some sort of inverse relation between politeness on boards and real life, some of the people who come across polite on boards are very rude in real life.
Using stuff from an interviewee's writings and passing it off as part of the interview is less than scrupulous, but it is far less bad than making up quotes or distorting the interviewee's expressed opinions. Unfortunately, those graver sins are pretty common in the British media.
Using stuff from an interviewee's writings and passing it off as part of the interview is less than scrupulous, but it is far less bad than making up quotes or distorting the interviewee's expressed opinions. Unfortunately, those graver sins are pretty common in the British media.
Tell me about it. The Evening Standard did a double page spread that was supposed to be a vox-pop from the streets of Brixton but in truth was lifted from the Brixton forum. Unfortunately the lifter was unable to realise that comedy posts were not actually deadly serious.
sorry but he does look like a tubby lesbian.

Kinda - in his main indy photo and twitter photo he looks like a tubby women who doesn't do make-up and girlyness, which is not all lesbians, but ISWYM because it's news to me that he's a he.

In his other pictures (I just image search him) he looks more masculine.

I've read a few of his articles, mostly after friends retweeting links to them, and he always seemed sound in those.
Using stuff from an interviewee's writings and passing it off as part of the interview is less than scrupulous, but it is far less bad than making up quotes or distorting the interviewee's expressed opinions. Unfortunately, those graver sins are pretty common in the British media.

Hari did exactly that in the interview as well. That's why it's stuck in so many peoples minds for so long. At the time of the original interview the publicist wrote a letter that the independent refused to publish that straight up accused Hari of lying (amongst other things), here's the relevant part:

As a footnote: I was the so-called 'publicist' mentioned in the article(I work for Continuum, the publishers of 'Time for Revolution', and was involved in organising the ICA event). A few minor, but incorrectly reported, details that I have personal knowledge of (eg, there was no taxi called, I didn't say the things ascribed to me, Negri wasn't behaving arrogantly as suggested, there was no angry confontation with ICA staff, etc) casts serious doubt on the veracity of anything that Hari says.
Tell me about it. The Evening Standard did a double page spread that was supposed to be a vox-pop from the streets of Brixton but in truth was lifted from the Brixton forum. Unfortunately the lifter was unable to realise that comedy posts were not actually deadly serious.

The TES newspaper often used to (and probably still does) include quotes from teachers that are actually quotes from people on the TES messageboards. At least they're their own messageboards, but they do nothing to verify that the people posting are really teachers, and some of the people there... well... I know lots of teachers are a bit mad, but some of them are WAY beyond compulsory retirement if they were ever teachers at all.
Hari did exactly that in the interview as well. That's why it's stuck in so many peoples minds for so long. At the time of the original interview the publicist wrote a letter that the independent refused to publish that straight up accused Hari of lying (amongst other things), here's the relevant part:

not seen this mentioned elsewhere butch (not this time round anyway) - it certainly puts his claims no-one's ever complained in a different light. i assume you've ensured it's circulated...?
that's what i mean - i've only seen it here, and as it's 7 years ago it's possibly not surfaced elsewhere yet - so it may be a good idea to spread it around a bit...
Others, meaning other than the people who've posted on here? Everyone on here knew.
I think the world in general is slightly bigger than the U75 community, actually! We're really not that represntative of mainstream opinion, nor necessarily of the readership of 'quality' newspapers, such as the Indie purports to be
Tell me about it. The Evening Standard did a double page spread that was supposed to be a vox-pop from the streets of Brixton but in truth was lifted from the Brixton forum. Unfortunately the lifter was unable to realise that comedy posts were not actually deadly serious.
do you mean the Crack squirrels classic?
that's what i mean - i've only seen it here, and as it's 7 years ago it's possibly not surfaced elsewhere yet - so it may be a good idea to spread it around a bit...

Ah right, got you now. It's been in the some of the mainstream reports that i saw ealier, can't find where right now though.

The right wingers are really on his case now, that guidop fawkes knob has pressured this from the Media Standards Trust who fund Hari's Orwell Prize.
Who said that i expected better from Hari? It certainly wasn't me. The whole point of my criticisms of him on the original thread was precisely that i didn't. And that i didn't based on how much journalism - esp of the comment kind, works. And now i'm happy to see this proven beyond doubt and proven in public. The game of saying they're all at it ends up in some extended tu quoque and they all get off the hook that way.

Sorry, didn't see this. So where does this take us - what good will exposing Hari do?
Sorry, didn't see this. So where does this take us - what good will exposing Hari do?

allows us all to laugh at the jumped up lil liberal cunt, who was the liberal mouthpiece for the Iraq war.

anything that shows up middle brow liberals is good by me, brings a smile to my face, a spring to my step and I'll be raising a toast to DSG and Weeler tonight for fucking the smug little liberals career up good.
Sorry, didn't see this. So where does this take us - what good will exposing Hari do?

Why these stupid questions? First 'so what' now 'what good will it do?' Why do things have to 'do good before 'i can enjoy them and any beneficial effects that may follow? What 'good' does you agreeing with me about his behaviour do? What 'good' does your question do?
allows us all to laugh at the jumped up lil liberal cunt, who was the liberal mouthpiece for the Iraq war.

anything that shows up middle brow liberals is good by me, brings a smile to my face, a spring to my step and I'll be raising a toast to DSG and Weeler tonight for fucking the smug little liberals career up good.

What, you think this is going to have serious repercussions for him? HAHAHAH!
Why these stupid questions? First 'so what' now 'what good will it do?' Why do things have to 'do good before 'i can enjoy them and any beneficial effects that may follow? What 'good' does you agreeing with me about his behaviour do? What 'good' does your question do?

Fuck all. I'm just amused at people working up a nice righteous froth here. As for beneficial effects..... really? Fuck me, didn't think you were that naive butchers.
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