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Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

Excellent, Kellner's made it worse by claiming it's all 'political' (i.e right wing) and "fabricated anger" - now they'll have the whole of the outraged liberal on-line community on their back. Apart from the cynical outraged liberals.
Yeah I just saw that shitty piece.
It's been lovely to see all the other journos rushing round to protect one of their own, fuck them all

Journalists often tend to protect their own, certainly, but there's another reason which is it could be well-known within the media that Hari has been plagiarising quotes, fabricating quotes and deliberately misleading the readership. If it is common knowledge that he's been doing this and he's obviously been doing it for some considerable time, then any colleague or editor who knew about it is open to accusations of having connived at Hari's shoddy working standards and lack of ethics. So they could well be rallying round as much to protect themselves as protect him.
Well, he's just shat all over them then. Yesterday he said his colleagues all do it and it's fine. Today he says that it and they are wrong. That's what they get for defending him.
Tempting though it is to assume that the Hari Lemon will crash and burn as a result of this, I think we'll have Johann Hari to kick around for some time yet.
Well, he's just shat all over them then. Yesterday he said his colleagues all do it and it's fine. Today he says that it and they are wrong. That's what they get for defending him.

And I don't doubt he'll end up paying for it behind the scenes. Journalists tend to have long memories and vindictive attitudes towards anybody who makes them look like idiots and it seems that Hari has just done exactly that. That and there'll be no shortage of ambitious cub reporters and wannabe columnists who'll most likely cry crocodile tears while looking at the most effective way to slip into Hari's spot, if he becomes enough of a liability to get the boot. If Hari had half the media savvy that he seems to think he's got, then he'd have simply held up his hands and eaten humble pie then dropped off the radar for a while until the fuss blew over and things had calmed down somewhat.
I've rarely been so angry reading a thread on here, or anywhere else, as I have reading this.

OK, probably there's some substance to the allegations against him. And I don't always agree with him. But kick him around? A guy who, apart from many other scandals he's reported on over the years, has been out to the Congo reporting on the war fought over that material they put in mobile 'phones, which everyone else wants to try and forget about?

What have you, any of you, done with your lives to put against that?

Kick him around? A guy who's at least honest about the mistake he made in supporting the Iraq war?

Just because Hari isn't perfect, and probably he isn't, you think you all have the right to sit on your asses typing at a keyboard throwing shit at him. Fine - then do something yourself in this far from perfect world you live in to show him, and the rest of us, how to stick it to The Boss and really make him go back to Mummy and cry. With any luck you can link to it back here.

It's all so easy on an Internet board, isn't it?

Listen you self-righteous fuckers;

Sometimes you have to settle for what you can get. And Hari's better than most journalists out there. A lot better.

Guess I won't be getting a birthday thread on this sad excuse for a board after all.
Get to fuck - "OK, probably there's some substance to the allegations against him" - that's your standards is it, that's all you have you say on his journalistic ethics and what this says about journalism full stop? He's done some things you admire so you think he's entitled to do what the hell he likes? To be judged by different standards from the rest of us? And kick him around was an allusion to Nixon's moaning after losing the the presidential election. What pathetic double-standards whining.
Than your whining? Than your double standards? Already have done. Are you really going to just ignore what the rest of your post actually entails? That people who do things you like should be entitled to be judged by different standards than mere mortals.
I've rarely been so angry reading a thread on here, or anywhere else, as I have reading this.

OK, probably there's some substance to the allegations against him. And I don't always agree with him. But kick him around? A guy who, apart from many other scandals he's reported on over the years, has been out to the Congo reporting on the war fought over that material they put in mobile 'phones, which everyone else wants to try and forget about?

What have you, any of you, done with your lives to put against that?

Kick him around? A guy who's at least honest about the mistake he made in supporting the Iraq war?

Just because Hari isn't perfect, and probably he isn't, you think you all have the right to sit on your asses typing at a keyboard throwing shit at him. Fine - then do something yourself in this far from perfect world you live in to show him, and the rest of us, how to stick it to The Boss and really make him go back to Mummy and cry. With any luck you can link to it back here.

It's all so easy on an Internet board, isn't it?

Listen you self-righteous fuckers;

Sometimes you have to settle for what you can get. And Hari's better than most journalists out there. A lot better.

Guess I won't be getting a birthday thread on this sad excuse for a board after all.

Hahahaha! Oooooooooooooooh, you're such a funny type.
Not a word on Hari's behaviour from meltingpot, not a single comment on the Negri article that sparked this off - nothing. But who is she to judge someone like Hari i suppose.
Fact is, Hari's not better than most journalists out there. If he was, he wouldn't be copying other people's works and then start blubbering when people found out would he? He's not even a piss-stain on the boots of someone like Pilger.
Fact is, Hari's not better than most journalists out there. If he was, he wouldn't be copying other people's works and then start blubbering when people found out would he? He's not even a piss-stain on the boots of someone like Pilger.

I disagree. Given time (Hari's still young) he could be another Pilger.

Pilger's one of his heroes anyway IIRC so it's not really fair to compare him to Pilger - any more than it would be to compare a young Bob Dylan to Woody Guthrie.
the point is that committing fraud devalues all the good that you might of done over the years. And indeed means that your claims to have done this are questionable anyway. If you are discovered to be partaking in this level of dishonesty it casts doubt on everything you might or might not of done, or at least your motives for doing it anyway. No wonder journalism is in such a fucking state.
I've rarely been so angry reading a thread on here, or anywhere else, as I have reading this.

OK, probably there's some substance to the allegations against him. And I don't always agree with him. But kick him around? A guy who, apart from many other scandals he's reported on over the years, has been out to the Congo reporting on the war fought over that material they put in mobile 'phones, which everyone else wants to try and forget about?

What have you, any of you, done with your lives to put against that?

Kick him around? A guy who's at least honest about the mistake he made in supporting the Iraq war?

I am Mother Theresa reincarnated so do one you mug cunt.
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