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Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

Audiotech - Has the irony of your position passed you by? You are accusing people of carrying out a witch hunt for having made some well researched criticisms of a journalist who appears to have played fast and loose with the facts in his own published work. Have you even read the Negri article? Leaving the plagiarised quotes taken out of context and the allegations that he constructed an alternative context to the interview that makes Negri look like an arrogant prick. Hari gives credence to the claim that Negri was behind the Red Brigades. That is almost as absurd as him making a reference to anarchists being accused of the Bologna train station bombing without mentioning that they were actually carried out Neo Fascists working on behalf of elements within the Italian state. At no point has Hari acknowledged this.
I didn't mean 'acknowledged this' - I meant to write acknowledge the substance of the allegation of plagarisim: taking out of context and allegedly contriving a new context that colours ourview of the subject.
Audiotech - Has the irony of your position passed you by? You are accusing people of carrying out a witch hunt for having made some well researched criticisms of a journalist who appears to have played fast and loose with the facts in his own published work. Have you even read the Negri article? Leaving the plagiarised quotes taken out of context and the allegations that he constructed an alternative context to the interview that makes Negri look like an arrogant prick. Hari gives credence to the claim that Negri was behind the Red Brigades. That is almost as absurd as him making a reference to anarchists being accused of the Bologna train station bombing without mentioning that they were actually carried out Neo Fascists working on behalf of elements within the Italian state. At no point has Hari acknowledged this.

OK, I'm with you "strategy of tension". "Operation Gladio".

I haven't read the Negri article no, I'm assuming it's posted on this thread? Yes?

Point to it and I'll have a look.

I didn't mean to offend anyone, but "witch-hunts" I know about from present, personal experience and to add, it's not all "well researched criticisms" on this thread though is it?
OK, I'm with you "strategy of tension". "Operation Gladio".

I haven't read the Negri article no, I'm assuming it's posted on this thread? Yes?

Point to it and I'll have a look.

I didn't mean to offend anyone, but "witch-hunts" I know about from present, personal experience and to add, it's not all "well researched criticisms" on this thread though is it?
You twat.
No wonder you're defending Hari you're the same type of smug liberal moron he is. You accuse people of which hunts when you can't even be bothered to read a single article (linked to on the first page).
I'm a communist who combats institutions, not individuals. In this case I'll make an exception though - knobhead.
I really can't understand what your problem is here audiotech. If the well founded criticisms of Hari can be described as a 'witchhunt' then what are Hari's evidence-free hatchet jobs on comminists and anarchists?
I haven't read the Negri article no, I'm assuming it's posted on this thread? Yes?

Point to it and I'll have a look.


With research skills like this you should be a journalist. I hear their is a vacancy at the Independent.
I've already given reasons why haven't had time to read the article. Reading it, or not doesn't in anyway change my opinion on this attack on Hari, an individual, nor alter the fact that this thread includes some well, just out and out abuse really, revelling in Hari's situation. I merely pointed out that this is not really a Marxist position to take on the issue, but don't let me get in the way of any more of this puerile bollocks.
I really can't understand what your problem is here audiotech. If the well founded criticisms of Hari can be described as a 'witchhunt' then what are Hari's evidence-free hatchet jobs on comminists and anarchists?

kinda like sending out a massive expedition force to Yellowstone park to spend hours and hours with all the latest heating seeking infra red surveillance equipment to discover what bears do.
I've already given reasons why haven't had time to read the article. Reading it, or not doesn't in anyway change my opinion on this attack on Hari, an individual, nor alter the fact that this thread includes some well, just out and out abuse really, revelling in Hari's situation. I merely pointed out that this is not really a Marxist position to take on the issue, but don't let me get in the way of any more of this puerile bollocks.
No you haven't. And you're wrong. A marxist postion means taking account of the facts - no matter how unpalatable. Fuck off.
kinda like sending out a massive expedition force to Yellowstone park to spend hours and hours with all the latest heating seeking infra red surveillance equipment to discover what bears do.

Hey people do bad things. Let's not expose them. Is that any way to run a paper?
I've already given reasons why haven't had time to read the article. Reading it, or not doesn't in anyway change my opinion on this attack on Hari, an individual, nor alter the fact that this thread includes some well, just out and out abuse really, revelling in Hari's situation. I merely pointed out that this is not really a Marxist position to take on the issue, but don't let me get in the way of any more of this puerile bollocks.
You've already spent more time coming up with crap excises about why you don't have the time to read the article than it would take to actually read the bloody thing.
Never happened as you have had pointed out to you on numerous occasions now. Which makes tour post dishonest. Say something for once. Without stealing it from another site preferably.
Never happened as you have had pointed out to you on numerous occasions now. Which makes tour post dishonest. Say something for once. Without stealing it from another site preferably.


Lie lie lie lie liar you lie lie lie lie
I think you're funny, you're funny ha ha
I don't need it don't need your blah blah
Should've realised I know what you are
wtf? They were going to take it away and then they get blackmailed by the Independent. Whose then editor Simon Kelner is covering his own arse. Not that it matters that much.

Statement on Council of the Orwell Prize meeting about Johann Hari

July 25, 2011

The Council of the Orwell Prize met on Thursday 21st July to consider Johann Hari’s 2008 submission for the journalism prize.

After extensive deliberation, the Council arrived at a clear and unanimous decision, which drew from the combined journalistic and academic expertise of its members.

It also considered a representation by Johann Hari in its deliberation, and appropriate weight was placed upon it. The Council of the Orwell Prize is fully satisfied that it has adopted the appropriate procedure for an exercise of this kind.

The Independent has now requested that the Council consider further representations by Johann Hari before announcing the decision. However, it would appear that Johann Hari is not permitted to make any further representations whilst The Independent’s investigation is conducted.

In these circumstances, the Council of the Orwell Prize has reluctantly consented to delay any formal announcement as to the status of the 2008 Orwell Prize for Journalism until The Independent has completed its own investigation. We will take no further action and make no further statements until that time.
Looks to me like the prize givers had made their decision and were prepared to back it up (as they would have to -line by line if need be), the independent is now looking like it's not doing an inquiry but a get out of jail operation.
So we should just ignore it when they get caught out?

should 'we' spend the same amount of time/energy exposing the fact that Sir Baskerville Hound didn't actually have sex with Lady Veranda Ball at eton like wot he sed in his column in the spectator?

Does it matter? How much does it matter?

The only reason to expose hari is that - his actions somehow reflect badly on journalism, his actions somehow reflect badly on 'the left wing', he really is an unlikable posh twat.
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