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Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

More Hari sock-puppetry? Here's something odd from that one as well :D

Niko does seem a bit obsessed with defending Hari. If you google ‘Niko’ ‘Johann Hari’ there are hundreds of results. Usually there follows a mention that Hari went to the Congo last year so he can’t be criticised.

meltingpot said:
OK, probably there's some substance to the allegations against him. And I don't always agree with him. But kick him around? A guy who, apart from many other scandals he's reported on over the years, has been out to the Congo reporting on the war fought over that material they put in mobile 'phones, which everyone else wants to try and forget about?

What have you, any of you, done with your lives to put against that?

(Not saying it's you meltingpot, i just found it funny)
it's not meltingpot. But yeh, hari does obviously have previous for this sort of thing :D Is it me or has the wikipedia thing been known about for quite some time?
i've just looked on the talk page of that sourcewatch article about hari - dave r claims to be a real person and gives the name of some blogger at lenins' tomb that will identify him. does anyone know if it was ever checked up one way or the other?
How does this journalistic calculus work then? Does one Congo article get you a plagiarism pass for life or is there an exchange rate. One worthy report allows you to make up 5 interviews.
i've just looked on the talk page of that sourcewatch article about hari - dave r claims to be a real person and gives the name of some blogger at lenins' tomb that will identify him. does anyone know if it was ever checked up one way or the other?

Yep, you really need to read all the comments here to follow see how it's panning out...
Very entertainingly! And if the latest is to be believed there's still more in the pipeline...

edit: yep, me too, hope they can back it up later, whatever it was
Curiouser and curiouser. The blogpost Archie Valparaiso links to suggests that if David Rose isn’t a real person then Hari’s a stranger guy than I thought. That post appeared 6 June 2005 and confirms that a guy called Dave was helping him run his website while doing a PhD but had to stop for lack of time. David r doesn’t start editing Wikipedia until 19 Oct 2006 whereupon he appears to have a great deal of time, much of which he devotes to upholding Hari’s reputation.

Prior to David r appearing on Wikipedia there were several apparent sockpuppets making changes, particularly with regards to the public school Hari went to. At first, they remove all mention of this, then they try to show that the school wasn’t actually that posh, and then they edit the page of the school itself (John Lyon School) to point out that Hari says it was “appalling” (on a radio show at 10pm which they all listened to). David r picks up the baton on this, and many other issues, when the sockpuppets fade away in 2007.

This all came over a year after Hari mentions his friend and webmaster Dave. However, a man called David was defending his hero on Sourcewatch in January 2005 and was already being accused of being Hari’s sockpuppet. If he WAS a sockpuppet, he was an elaborately constructed one who Hari used as an excuse to block comments on his blog in June 2005 (which he implies were getting abusive). He then used the character a year later on the Daily Ablution blog (link in the JoK post) to add some totally unnecessary details, like having been at Selwyn college, that made it more likely that he would be found out.

For me, it’s the level of details - Methuselah productions, Selwyn college, the lawyer girlfriend, being the webmaster etc. - that makes me lean towards believing this guy exists. If not, Hari is both fiendishly clever and incredibly stupid. It is almost easier to believe that he has an obsessively devoted friend who writes gay incest porn, contacts him on a regular basis regarding Wikipedia edits, did a PhD in geography and subbed at the Independent than to believe that someone could construct this fantasy. Either way, it's very weird and there’s only one man - or possibly two - who knows for sure.

omfg ... :D
The AWL (mentioned in the comments on that JoK piece) have got an event in Archway this weekend.

Have texted a mate who's there to see whether they've heard of David Rose.
And that tells us what exactly? That he's not completely submerged beneath a tsunami of lies, half-truths and misrepresentations?

Let's be honest, there's probably a fucking tidal wave of scandal in journalism, and in journalist's private lives. People are out for Hari's blood because he doesn't give a fuck who he offends, and he writes things that people don't want to read. Yeah, he made a major fuck-up over the Iraq war, but IMO he's made up for that a hundred times over in the ensuing years. Who give a toss if he or one of his friends edits Richard Littlejohn's Wiki page, he's a cunt anyway.
Then he should do the honourable thing and label what he does as "fiction" and not pretend it's journalism.

I hardly think what he does is fiction. People are massively overreacting to what is essentially a bit of a stupid thing to do. Hardly earth shattering deception is it?
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