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Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

The more stuff of his I read the more offensive it seems. In one article he claimed that the anti-globalisation movement was effectively infiltrated by fascists:

to be fair, there were a few ... but hari is no leftist, he really does himself no favours
people like him are actually INCREDIBLY damaging, and do untold damage to the image, and the crediblity of anyone with ostensibly similar politics. hari actually uses (as we've seen in the negri interview and now his lies about the anti-globalisation movement above) his supposed views as a platform to attack others on the left. he is not on our side.
How are they worse than conservatives?

cos conservatives are more honest, they don't pretend to be radicals, cunts like Hari uphold capitalism by pretending that it can be somehow managed in a manner to alleviate all the bad things, a conservative will generally just say "that's the system, that's life". Wankers like Hari spread bullshit to those people who actually want a change.

I don't expect you to agree cos you drip of the same shitty wet liberal pseudo leftism as Hari.
cos conservatives are more honest, they don't pretend to be radicals, cunts like Hari uphold capitalism by pretending that it can be somehow managed in a manner to alleviate all the bad things, a conservative will generally just say "that's the system, that's life". Wankers like Hari spread bullshit to those people who actually want a change.

I don't expect you to agree cos you drip of the same shitty wet liberal pseudo leftism as Hari.

Cheers for that little snipe, revol, just what I expected. I don't care two fucks what you label me as, suffice it to say I'm not against you, but I'm not for you either. Not that it matters to either of us I suspect. And I'm not a leftie, nor am I a liberal, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean these days.
Haha way to show people how you aren't a drippy liberal.

Is it now?

left, or liberal? or both?

Both. Well, I think I've a slightly better handle on what leftie's supposed to be mean, but revol's "same shitty wet liberal pseudo leftism as Hari" leaves me nonplussed. Methinks he might be talking out of his bumhole. Revol, that is.

I wonder if a new term will come out of this situation, something like Hari-kiri? Suicide by plagiarism?
DSG already had the Hari-kiri joke as their headline.

also you are left liberal which is why you don't get Marx, or are you a left liberal because you don't get Marx?
the fact you describe my politics as some sort of "totalitarian" smash up of Stalinism and Fascism is only cementing your left liberal credentials, it's pretty much the position Hari has on Negri and most likely anyone with an actual class analysis.

now overlooking the truth value of either of us's politics, you share the politics of Hari.
sorry I didn't get the joke because it didn't really stand out as one against your posting history.
Well, consider yourself notified. You didn't answer my question tho. In what respects are my politics those of Hari's?
the wishy washy uncommitted I'm kind of a leftie but not really, oh I'm such a delicate little unique snow flake that I can't be labelled.

also you don't get Marx and your line of argument over CBT was dripping in liberal individualism.
Oh, that's certainly put me in my place. Your line of argument only showed that you know nothing of worth about CBT or indeed psychological and psychiatric therapies. We can always go back to the thread if you want more, as this is hardly the place for it.
like I said it wasn't the defence of CBT per se, certainly there can be a place for such things for individuals in need of short term relief, same goes for anti depressants, it was your inability to grasp how peoples critique of CBT as individualist and crudely instrumentalist was a social critique and not a individualist moral one.
like I said it wasn't the defence of CBT per se, certainly there can be a place for such things for individuals in need of short term relief, same goes for anti depressants, it was your inability to grasp how peoples critique of CBT as individualist and crudely instrumentalist was a social critique and not a individualist moral one.

Disagreeing isn't an inability to grasp whatever feeble point was made. Anyway, take it to the relevant thread if you wanna continue that line.
a feeble point shared by a great deal of critical psychologists and which is quite a pertinent issue as the medicalisation and pathologising of more and more people continues to rise as an attempt to avoid dealing with the root cause of so much despair, hopelessness and alienation?
Which part of taking it to the relevant thread was unclear? Besides, I've not got time for this now. Later.
He could have saved himself this shit by referencing the source of the quote, silly man.

Comes across as a cunt on the telly whenever he's wheeled out for an opinion on Newsnight or whatever.

And he does have something of the lardy kd lang fan about him ...
Oh great. Editor steps down amid a fuss about a dishonest and plagiarising columnist, and they replace him with somebody from the Evening Bloody Standard. That's really going to inspire confidence. It's like sacking a restaurants's chef because some of his staff have simply reheated packet meals, and then replacing him with a branch manager from Macdonalds.
tbf, blackhurst is an old Indy man, and his column in the Standard is just about the most respectable part of the paper
There's two lots of it in that as (iirc) he used quotes from Leslie's autobiography and pretended they were part of the interview, as well as lifting stuff from her article in the Mail 7 years previous:

Last week, I showed you how Mr Hari appeared to have lifted 42 quotes from Malalai Joya's memoir for his supposed interview with her. What follows is another interview by Johann Hari that features a number of quotes lifted from another source. This one is a good 'un, because the interviewee is none other than Ann Leslie of the Daily Mail - a newspaper that Mr Hari states is "the enemy of everything - literally everything - I believe." It would appear that Mr Hari's hatred for the Daily Mail does not make him averse to lifting several hundred words for his Ann Leslie interview from a piece that appeared in August 1997 in the, er, Daily Mail.

This was an enormous piece - some 4000 words - and the beginning largely dealt with Ann Leslie's traumatic childhood in India. Readers of the Independent in 2004 would have been impressed by the revelations that Hari appeared to have elicited from Dame Ann. Of course, had they known that much of what they were reading had appeared in the Daily Mail some seven years before, they might have been less than impressed.
Has he done any legit interviews? How on earth has the little shit got away with this crap for soo long, even after complaints from Chomsky and Negri, though I suppose the rags are going to put the reputation of their little middle brow liberal columnist above the concerns of actual left wing intellectuals.

The worst part is that it isn't the plagiarism that was so shocking awful in his Negri piece but the pride the little cunt took in Empire going so over his head and rather than being a source of embarrassment to someone with a double First from an Oxbridge College, it was used as a stick to beat Negri.
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