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Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

Wheras the claims that he made up a history of recreational drug use just makes him seem infantile.
In an article entitled "Sleeping with the Enemy", the subtitle reads "Most gay men either confront homophobic neo-Nazis and Islamists, or avoid them. But not Johann Hari – he seduced them instead". He described this as a "victory for gay rights." [23]

Lebdevor whatever his name is was talking about using him as the public face of his new shit hot anti-corruption unit last week.

Times up hari.
I can see the vultures circling over the rotting corpse of Hari's media career, now that his protector Kelman is out of the picture. A new boss often likes to make an impact early, and firing Hari would be handy way to let all the Indy's hacks know that there's a new boss who isn't afraid to go scalphunting while at the same time restoring the Indy's credibility by making an example of a now thoroughly discredited hack.

Lebedev is unlikely to want it to look like he personally is interfering in the day to day running of the Indy, so bringing in a new boss as his personal hatchet man and dressing Hari's seemingly imminent sacking as a purely editorial decision is what springs to mind here.
no-one could see the timing of this and not assume hari's on his way in the next day or so, surely?

They'd be pretty naive if they did, IMHO. I don't see how Hari can stay as his credibility is thoroughly shot through now, and the Indy's credibility won't be looking so great if they continue to employ a hack who's also a proven plagiarist who falsifies his copy on a regular and long term basis. Hari has to go for the good of the Indy's reputation, so the new editor can impose his authority over the rest of the newsroom and because he's a proven plagiarist and faker.

IMHO, it's a case of whether or not Hari gets the elbow, but where he goes from here. As I've said already, any decent media outlet will treat him like a leper, I'd be very surprised if his fellow hacks don't start distancing themselves from him (assuming they haven't started already) and to me it's simply a matter of whether or not he continues scrabbling a living as a freelancer or waits until the fuss has died down before doing the time honoured 'I've been a naughty boy, but I'm now thoroughly penitent and have learned my lesson' routine a few months down the line when things have simmered down for him.
Thinktank/research work I reckon. With the possible addition of a book at some future point. Then freelance columnist work off the back of the book, and back into the commentariat that way.
Alternatively/additionally, telly stuff - probably a documentary about summat with a good lefty pedigree.
Not sure he's clever enough for research stuff. I don't think much will change - the same circle will employ him one way or another. He'll bang out a lightweight journalist book at some point either way.

He reminds me of that hair killer bloke.
With the more political thinktanks and research-y places, intelligence is definitely second to personal politics. But yeah, he might still lack the intellectual rigour to produce that kind of stuff. Maybe more like lending his name to somewhere like the IPPR as a headliner? Get some cheap recent graduates to do the actual legwork.
Serious research, yes. Headline-grabbing pseudoresearch (of which there is a lot these days), if it helps with the donors, then possibly. It comes down to the question of whether he'd still have enough pull among the Islingtonistas to make it worthwhile for some organisation or other to give him a go. I don't know about that. He has a few defenders knocking around, though, so despite the parody he's getting online, his name isn't completely mud yet, it seems.
Partly depends if he's outright sacked, or quietly 'agrees to move on' once things have died down in a few weeks. If the latter, he'll have much greater 'pull' factor.
Even them though surely don't want him near them? It's not like he's a publicly known an well liked person who can get away with it. You might as well put a picture of a turd on your pseudo-research.
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