Bring back hanging
Hair has finally been nailed for this piece of shit - for passing off whole sections of another interview as coming from his one, and he's been now been nabbed for doing it in other interviews as well.
Independent columnist Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes
The DSG thing pointing this out is here - do have a look at the stuff Hari just blatantly stole. It's pretty astonishing.
(original thread here)
Independent columnist Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes
So far, so scurrilous. But what's really astonishing is that Johann Hari has now responded to the blog accusations. And cheerfully admitted that he regularly includes in interviews quotes which the interviewee never actually said to him.
The DSG thing pointing this out is here - do have a look at the stuff Hari just blatantly stole. It's pretty astonishing.
(original thread here)