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Joey Barton


Well-Known Member
Allegedly punched the Barnsley manager in the tunnel after the game. :facepalm:

Not out of character at all if true. According to a tweet from Woodrow the Barnsley manager's nose was in a sorry and bloody state.
What is going on at Fleetwood? They couldn't wait to appoint him as manager, the day after his ban expired or something. This is predictably how it tuns out.

Doesn't Ched Evans currently play for Fleetwood? What a charming changing room that must be.
Here's the BBC report:

Fleetwood Town manager Joey Barton has been charged with causing actual bodily harm following a post-match incident in the tunnel at Barnsley on 13 April.

Police say the incident, after the Tykes beat Fleetwood 4-2 in a League One game at Oakwell, left a man with facial injuries.

Barton has previously "emphatically denied" accusations he confronted Barnsley manager Daniel Stendel.

The 36-year-old has been bailed until 9 October.

Barnsley complained to the Football Association and English Football League in April about the incident.

At the time, South Yorkshire Police also appealed for any witnesses with footage of the incident to come forward.
Joey Barton: Fleetwood Town manager charged with actual bodily harm
The twat.
It's quite something to be the worst of our three managers this season, but somehow he managed it. Still got some knucklehead fans thinking he's the best thing since sliced bread though, convinced he's our solution for next season. Hope he gets sent down this summer.
He's a delusional narcissist and BRFC get none of my money while he's at the club.

Shitheads can fuck off mind
It's quite something to be the worst of our three managers this season, but somehow he managed it. Still got some knucklehead fans thinking he's the best thing since sliced bread though, convinced he's our solution for next season. Hope he gets sent down this summer.
Him and his little gang of freeloaders and charlatans are possibly the first example in history of rats joining a sinking ship
So he punched this bloke in the face and knocked out 2 of his teeth. At least, that's what it says in this thread. Here it says he pushed him and the bloke has a chipped tooth. Now, I hate violence as much as anybody else but, you know, there's a bit of a difference to the first from the second.
It's sub judice so best not comment tbh
bollocks. it's not a good idea to say eg he's guilty as sin, to do anything to prejudice a trial: but obvs comments can be made about him. sub judice doesn't mean 'nothing can be said about the fighter footballer joey barton'
Sharing Andrew Tate videos and posting pictures of his Rolex watch bragging about his wealth now.

He's either trying to get sacked at Rovers, or he's so comfy and has no boundaries in place so is saying whatever he wants. Most Rovers fans do seem to be calling him out now, but it's emboldened a few too.
I fucking hate him. Still haven't been back to watch Rovers since he joined. Just want him gone, but sadly the prat of an owner is still acting like an overawed fanboy.
Yeah it's quite clear the owner is in his pocket - think he's filled the club with his own men too. Considering the signing they made the other day to then come out with this seems unwise. Hergametoo haven't responded yet I don't think.
Yeah it's quite clear the owner is in his pocket - think he's filled the club with his own men too. Considering the signing they made the other day to then come out with this seems unwise. Hergametoo haven't responded yet I don't think.
wow Shearer must be furious.
An odious shit cunt and nasty, cowardly bully. Horrible bastard with absolutely no redeming features.
Taken down by an amusingly spiteful Jonathan Liew with salient points to make.

Like a catchy maxim ripped from the pages of the philosophy books that he has almost certainly only skim-read, the tale of Joey Barton can be interpreted pretty much however you want.

not least because of the additional emotional labour that many women in football have felt obliged to perform in the days since: defending their positions, defending their colleagues, defending their right simply to earn a living against a loud lunatic fringe with seemingly inexhaustible reserves of time, self-hatred and burner accounts.

Enough now. This is a male problem, and to be quite honest men have been shirking the hard work on this for far too long. And it is very specifically a football problem, even if, in his shameless grift, the 11-minute one-cap wonder is clearly channelling the same far-right talking points as more seasoned online contrarians such as Andrew Tate and Russell Brand and that Tory MP with the Rick Parfitt wig whose name I always forget

How does Barton become a champion of the disgraced “alt-right” fantasist Alex Jones?

Very little of the actual content is worth addressing in any kind of detail, but there is a common worldview at work here: not coherent by any stretch but devastatingly clear in its emotional impetus, its determination to see darkened enemies everywhere. The world is not what we were told it was. We were all lied to. And I – the disaffected middle-aged man, society’s last permissible victim – am the last hope against the total collapse of humanity.

Why would Barton try to rebrand himself in the cloaks of mainstream far-right populism? Perhaps the more operative question is: why wouldn’t he? This is a man whose lust for controversy and attention has been indulged and encouraged at every turn: often by a largely middle-class media for whom the ability to quote fortune-cookie fragments of Nietzsche or Viktor Frankl was interpreted as some kind of noble redemption arc.

(the only bit Liew misses out here is a direct dig at his own employers, The Guardian, who were very much part of that rehabilitation of Barton - perhaps that got subbed out)

So, yes: by all means ignore Barton if you must. If that’s what helps you get through the day. But by the same token something really quite sinister is happening here, a gathering movement of disaffected young men emboldened by our current political moment, of which Barton is merely an opportunistic symptom.

It begins with a throwaway comment about women on the telly. With an easily muted jibe at the Lionesses. History tells us it never ends that way.

Tl;dr? - Barton is a cunt. But not an insignificant cunt when taken in the context of what is happening in the wider world of the alt-right and the internet.
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