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Joey Barton

smaller goals, pullovers as posts like it used to be when I was at school :(
male players would not want to play with women. They don't exactly like women very much. I generalise, but after all those footballers circled the wagons over Mendy, I don't trust the majority of them.
I've just thought of something else - I looked up Neville Southall to see if he had anything to say about Barton and I note he compared him to Forrest Gump and 'a puppy who wants his tummy tickled'. Barton was surprisingly polite about it and didn't threaten Southall or call him a fat queer or whatever. I wonder if it's because he knows Southall can and would tell him to go fuck himself right back.
Someone pointed out that in all 15 episodes of Common Sense, not a single guest has been female. All his guests have been men.

It figures. Who wants to hear a woman's opinion? We're only good for breeding and housework after all. Apparently on the Glinner episode, he went into a rant about vaccines. Of course, the defender of women's rights didn't say shit about Barton's opinions on women in football.
He would've been making about 75k a week at Marseilles and plenty before that so I doubt he gives much of a fuck.
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