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Should Joey Barton be banned?

Should Joey Barton get a life time ban from football?

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I was quite upset when he left Newcastle to be honest because he seemed to be getting a handle on his temper and he is a really good central midfielder on his day, technically I rate him, but he is shit in the same way that Michael Owen was shit in that it's unlikely you'll get more than 20 games a season out of him...
Aye. A proper thug. Would like to see Tevez try his shit on him.

It's his multiple accounts of assault, GBH, bullying, beatings, kickings and cigar burnings I have an issue with tbh. The man's a fucking cunt of the highest fucking order.
Barton was obv. set up cleverly by Tevez and - in its own terms - Tevez did a good job. Barton is presumably most upset about letting himself be played so easily and at the immediate consequences.

tbf, I have no idea if that elbow actually made contact. And I'm pretty sure, looking across that line of players, the lino didn't either. The lino could easily have made a 'judgement' based on the preceding handbags, in the same way refs make a 'judgement' about balls going over goal lines. Tevez didn't exactly need medical treatment.

Barton's just an easily wound up mug, really; you bait him for a reaction, and then fall down. Job done.
It's his multiple accounts of assault, GBH, bullying, beatings, kickings and cigar burnings I have an issue with tbh. The man's a fucking cunt of the highest fucking order.
I agree with this, but don't think it is a reason to ban him from playing football.
on a vaguely related note, one thing i would like to see implemented in league matches is points docked from teams when a player "falls over too easily and rolls around on the floor"
on a vaguely related note, one thing i would like to see implemented in league matches is points docked from teams when a player "falls over too easily and rolls around on the floor"
You mean like this thoroughly nice man?

on a vaguely related note, one thing i would like to see implemented in league matches is points docked from teams when a player "falls over too easily and rolls around on the floor"
I doubt things would have to go that far, video evidence and a ban for any player caught doing it would largely stamp it out very quickly.
I doubt things would have to go that far, video evidence and a ban for any player caught doing it would largely stamp it out very quickly.
About time that was done, then. I reckon you should get the same ban for faking injury as the player you were trying to get sent off would have got if he'd really done what you were pretending he'd done.
About time that was done, then. I reckon you should get the same ban for faking injury as the player you were trying to get sent off would have got if he'd really done what you were pretending he'd done.
If they did that then very quickly the argument would start for players sent off to miss the same amount of games if another player had been injured in a tackle that led to the red card.
If they did that then very quickly the argument would start for players sent off to miss the same amount of games if another player had been injured in a tackle that led to the red card.
I don't really see why. They're not particularly comparable.
Legally, you can't 'ban' someone from earning their living for disciplinary offences. The BOA can't even do it to Dwain Chambers. Jesus fucking Christ.
They don't have to be, I can just see it happening, my own opinion is that players caught cheating should get a fixed ban, maybe 2 games?
nah, thats not punishment enough. ultimately points are worth more to the club that a player having a couple of weeks off work. it is ungentlemanly behaviour and should not be tolerated :D
Simulation is supposed to be a yellow card offence, if referees actually enforced this a lot of players would start getting sent off and would have to change their game. They wouldn't, they'd move to Spain or Italy lol
Goodbye Joey you fucking twat.

Burnley midfielder Joey Barton has been banned from football for 18 months after admitting a Football Association charge in relation to betting.

The 34-year-old has been fined £30,000 and warned about his future conduct after being charged with breaking FA rules for placing 1,260 bets on matches between 26 March 2006 and 13 May 2016.

Barton plans to appeal against the length of the suspension.

"The decision effectively forces me into an early retirement," said Barton.

Joey Barton: Burnley midfielder banned for 18 months over betting
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