Well here's an example of just how stupid our current system and it's only going to get worse.
I'm long term unemployed, went through depression and, I admit, some idleness. I'm now doing an intensive access to HE course which is 13 weeks of teaching, but it's around double that in terms of the amount of study I need to do. The bullshit I had to go through to prove to them i'm on a course is unbelievable.
I can only work part time and I told them this but the JC expect me to look for full time work. Here's the dumbest part though. They said if they find me a 'suitable' full time job I am....wait for it.....EXPECTED TO LEAVE MY COURSE I'm expected to leave a course that will, hopefully, lead me onto university and into a better job 4 years down the line. There's bugger all part time jobs and even if I do get one it will leave me no better off, so if I do work I take away 16 vital hours of study so I can be absolutely no better off.
This new system is going to make it worse for everyone on benefits.