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Is that detective_boy in the new Labour Party ad?

My goodness, does that mean you’ve managed to find an organisation to work for that *isnt* institutionally racist? How on earth did you find such a thing?

There's 'could do better' and then there's 'killing and assaulting black people on a regular basis' though isn't there?
Racism is a social construction. It's the logical end-point of a colonialist and post-colonialist past, for our ruling class. There's no discriminatory legislation, and hasn't been since the Equality Act, but what there is, is a phalanx of people whose own racist and sexist attitudes inform the interpretation of legislation, so we get, for example, the Met Police inventing out of thin air a crime called "mugging", closely followed by the judiciary handing down tougher sentences to black youths committing street robberies/street robberies with violence. It's not the law, it's the interpretation and the interpreters that are racist.
It wasn’t the police that invented mugging, it was the media. It was the creation of folk devils followed by a deviancy amplification spiral as well covered by Stuart Hall and used as an example by him in his book “Policing the Crisis”. I suspect you know this well and it is why you used it as an example. But the point of that is that it was the total institutional structures — media, police, judiciary — that amplified the racism. The individual racists wouldn’t have been able to create “mugging” as a social construction without these institutional structures. And if the structures had not been institutionally racist, the individual racism would not have got off the ground. That’s why identifying it as a strand in its own right is important.
I think your views on such things might be skewed by the fact that you work in an industry full of total cunts.
Probably. It’s hard not to get jaded by such things.

I still see the structures of minority control existing across the board, mind, even if it is worse in some places than others. The recent Oxfam scandal is a great example of it.
Racism is a social construction. It's the logical end-point of a colonialist and post-colonialist past, for our ruling class. There's no discriminatory legislation, and hasn't been since the Equality Act, but what there is, is a phalanx of people whose own racist and sexist attitudes inform the interpretation of legislation, so we get, for example, the Met Police inventing out of thin air a crime called "mugging", closely followed by the judiciary handing down tougher sentences to black youths committing street robberies/street robberies with violence. It's not the law, it's the interpretation and the interpreters that are racist.

That is a bit of a bizarre statement, tbh. The issues around disproportionality in arrests, sentencing and conviction rates need to be looked at and challenged, but robbery has had a potential life sentence attached to it since 1968; it was never a "less serious" offence that the Met / the judiciary / the media could talk up into becoming a more serious one. That there has been an increase in robberies, robbery arrests and convictions since 1968 is probably down to social phenomena (in that people have progressively been carrying more and more easily disposable wealth) making the offence much more likely to be committed, rather than the state hardening its stance on a type of crime that previously existed at a similar level of offending.
If the Police are institutionally racist could they ever become institutionally non racist or are they stuck with it? They seem in a double bind as they are obviously the prime agency that investigates hate crime.
:D I can tell you're starting to smart a bit now.

"Brian, Brian ... let me give you a reach round Brian!"
nope, it's clear to all that you're bullshitting and can't back it up just keep repeating the same shit and hope it sticks
giving it about your wad and mates and connections trying to large it
seen through your patheticness a bit more today, sad sack
well done! round of applause for teddix doing spy's work
that was more about BK than BP as anyone can see
No need. I've never suggested that you were the only obsequious bellend where Paddick was concerned. Quite the opposite.

are you really that low that'll you'll use what happened to BK and them getting a result to score a point?
If the Police are institutionally racist could they ever become institutionally non racist or are they stuck with it? They seem in a double bind as they are obviously the prime agency that investigates hate crime.

They are institutionally classist and always will be, this is unavoidable given the role they play in society. While racial differences are interwoven with social class as they currently are, a classist police force will always be a racist police force.

That said, the racist behaviour of the police goes beyond that you'd expect to observe as a mere manifestation of classism; working class people of colour are treated worse than working class white folk. This inherent racism can I believe be ascribed to ignorance, authoritarianism and cruelty which are all traits police recruitment actively selects for.

Put simply being a copper won't turn you into a nasty racist thug but if you already are one then there's a home for you under a tit-shaped hat.
are you really that low that'll you'll use what happened to BK and them getting a result to score a point?
LOL, it's fuck all to do with BK and everything to do with you being a toadying arse-licker.

Good attempt at a swerve though :thumbs:
Has it occurred to you that he's not making any effort to say anything fair or justified, and is just doing his normal trolling routine?

Only winning move is not to play.
yeah, and he's making him self look cunty all over again
look at magnus wanting to get in with the big boys bumping an ancient and serious thread
another sad sack :facepalm:
He was definitely a D.I. when I met him because we talked at some length about it. Perhaps he got Chief afterwards but I thought he'd left the force by then. I could be mistaken. Either way he wasn't that senior. There are 2 more senior current posters.

I should perhaps now confess my job title mentioned in my profile isn’t true.

Actually I think I know who the posters are, not that it bothers me.
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