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Is that detective_boy in the new Labour Party ad?

I remember DB jumping on me massively and throwing the toys out of the pram just for some comments I made about policing Notting Hill Carnival once. I came away with the feeling he'd be able to get somebody convicted for something they never even did :hmm:

He WAS adept at fashioning a whole-cloth narrative out of a few words, wasn't he? :)
Delightfully apt that those defending detective boy are negating the experiences of those who have been victims of his abusive behaviour.

I'm sure up in the great kebab shop in the sky he's looking down and similing at that.
I dunno. Do you really believe that all cops are racist Masons?

I believe that most of them condone racism, which is one of the reasons that police "services", especially the Met, are still rife with institutional and personal racism.

As for "The Brotherhood", I'm not anti-Mason, but I am anti-it influencing people in terms of how they do their job, and for some - people in every walk of life, not just coppers - that's what it's about: Networking for personal advantage, and the advantage of their "Brothers".
I wonder where the institutional racism springs from then.

Standing up for each other is the most important thing in the force. You're career won't last very long if you treat it like a job, its a lifestyle and part of the deal is you always defend the force and each other. This is how they get into this mess because even the decent ones will quite happily argue black is white in defence of a colleague no matter how bad they are. Basically they all get dragged down to the lowest one of em.

I have a friend from school days who is a cop, he's mostly a decent bloke but he will always defend the force no matter what. I remember a few years back him giving me a lecture on how he had spoken to senior cops and everyone was convinced Colin Stagg was guilty, this was just as DNA evidence was identifying the actual culprit.
Nope, he was a DCI, and he also did an "acting" (as opposed to substantive) role as a Superintendent (I reckon the fact that he got boarded but didn't get the Superintendent role he wanted was one of the reasons he left).
He was definitely a D.I. when I met him because we talked at some length about it. Perhaps he got Chief afterwards but I thought he'd left the force by then. I could be mistaken. Either way he wasn't that senior. There are 2 more senior current posters.
When Paddick was on here I didn't know whether to laugh or puke at the sight of half of our anarchist revolutionaries barging each other out of the way in a rush to stick their tongues up the famous policeman's arsehole.
says the mason with his "connections" and wannabe status but still cap doffing to anyone in power who'll maybe listen, sad sack
"we talked at some length", "over the finest brandies don't you know"
says the mason with his "connections" and wannabe status but still cap doffing to anyone in power who'll maybe listen, sad sack
"we talked at some length", "over the finest brandies don't you know"
Ahhh, Thraigo, there you are! I was wondering when you were going to put in an appearance. As I recall you were one of front-runners in the old Brian Paddick Bum Rush ..... "ooh oooh, please Brian, please Brian ..." :D
Ahhh, Thraigo, there you are! I was wondering when you were going to put in an appearance. As I recall you were one of front-runners in the old Brian Paddick Bum Rush ..... "ooh oooh, please Brian, please Brian ..." :D
recalled wrongly there sunshine, bet you can't find a single fawning post
it's not me that's chasing around after authority wanting some of it to rub off and maybe catch a few crumbs from the top table
TBF, his powers as a police officer in Burma were almost entirely different from those of a copper in the UK.

Absolutely, imperial bobbying was very different. But in terms of the power relations between Orwell (as an organisation's representative, as an enforcer if you like) and those he was policing, there has to be many similarities? i just use the Orwell example to suggest that it is possible for individuals to come through a regime of unwholesomeness and emerge as a decent human being with values and integrity.

None of which means that the police as an institution of class dominance should not be subject to rigorous criticism. Most people i think, even those who wholeheartedly trust them and their role, know well that its unwise to ever trust a copper.
And my position is that it doesn't matter if you're the nicest bloke the baby Jesus ever placed upon the earth, if you work for a racist organisation then you are racist. You are responsible for the acts of those with whom you willingly associate. If joint enterprise is sauce for the goose then it's sauce for the gander.
My goodness, does that mean you’ve managed to find an organisation to work for that *isnt* institutionally racist? How on earth did you find such a thing?
My goodness, does that mean you’ve managed to find an organisation to work for that *isnt* institutionally racist? How on earth did you find such a thing?

An interesting observation. Mrs redcogs works within the care sector, which looks after all people who require help and support, where you might imagine unequal treatment of anybody ought not to be problematic. Yet there is significant 'unwhitting'? racism preventing access to promotion etc. Much work to be done i fear.
Ahhh, Thraigo, there you are! I was wondering when you were going to put in an appearance. As I recall you were one of front-runners in the old Brian Paddick Bum Rush ..... "ooh oooh, please Brian, please Brian ..." :D

No, that would have been Ern and flimsier, tonguing Paddick's ringpiece, the pair of pseudo-left middle class sad cases. :D
Spymaster just thinks anyone to the left of himself is a dangerous revolutionary. And when we don't all act as he expects he calls it hypocrisy.
No, that would have been Ern and flimsier, tonguing Paddick's ringpiece, the pair of pseudo-left middle class sad cases. :D
There were loads of them. Who was that lad from Brixton who got really pally with him? And it wasn't just the obvious arse licking from Ern and ddraig and a few others. There was a general sense of deference when he was posting; it was all "Brian this, and Brian that ..."

These boards were pretty much at peak ACAB at the time and I can't remember anyone really getting stuck in and cunting him off.
An interesting observation. Mrs redcogs works within the care sector, which looks after all people who require help and support, where you might imagine unequal treatment of anybody ought not to be problematic. Yet there is significant 'unwhitting'? racism preventing access to promotion etc. Much work to be done i fear.
The point about institutional racism is that it is the organisational structures that embed racist practices regardless of how well-meaning the individuals are that are following those structures. It’s not about the people, it’s about the governance.

Of course, the people can also be racist too, making for a double-whammy. But what I am seeing on this thread is the phrase “institutional racism” to mean something more akin to “widespread racism” rather than its actual meaning.
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