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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

the schadenfreude isn't that satisfying really, for me anyway. I feel more just sad. Like this is why we cant have nice things. Because it was, imo, once good, as in a good use of this internet thing that we invented and now all live in. So this fool billionaire buying and destroying it isn't that funny really. is more of a tragedy, the old fashioned kind.
Works for me on phone but not on laptop.

So my rates aren’t being restricted or whatever bollox Space Karen is peddling.
the schadenfreude isn't that satisfying really, for me anyway. I feel more just sad. Like this is why we cant have nice things. Because it was, imo, once good, as in a good use of this internet thing that we invented and now all live in. So this fool billionaire buying and destroying it isn't that funny really. is more of a tragedy, the old fashioned kind.
If the choice is either he destroys it or it becomes whatever it is he would like it to be, then the only rational response to the destruction has got to be glee, surely?
the schadenfreude isn't that satisfying really, for me anyway. I feel more just sad. Like this is why we cant have nice things. Because it was, imo, once good, as in a good use of this internet thing that we invented and now all live in. So this fool billionaire buying and destroying it isn't that funny really. is more of a tragedy, the old fashioned kind.
I get what you mean but also a billionaire turning £40bn into crap simply because he ran his mouth is undoubtedly funny.

It’s temporary anyway though - something else will always come along and shows that the valuation of these things is always way off eg. MySpace & Friends Reunited.
My belief, for what it's worth, is that the 'rate limiting' "decision" is pure spin to explain/cover up some underlying issue that has developed probably thanks to one of Musk's genius decisions. I see people are linking to articles from earlier in the month like this one:

Twitter has reportedly refused to pay its Google Cloud contract - Endgadget (Jun 11th) (Archived)

More platform instability could be in Twitter’s near future. In 2018, Twitter signed a $1 billion contract with Google to host some of its services on the company’s Google Cloud servers. Platformer reports Twitter recently refused to pay the search giant ahead of the contract’s June 30th renewal date. Twitter is reportedly rushing to move as many services off of Google’s infrastructure before the contract expires, but the effort is “running behind schedule,” putting some tools, including Smyte, a platform the company acquired in 2018 to bolster its moderation capabilities, in danger of going offline.

I note that the problems began the day after that June 30th renewal date.

Of course it could be something else. Or that and something else. Or that and multiple something elses.

What I don't find persuasive is the idea this is the result of some "cunning plan" by the 'Tossler'.

Earlier in the week details began to emerge of the new CEO's plans to turn the finances around.

Linda Yaccarino’s vision for Twitter 2.0 emerges - Financial Times (archived)

She was the former head of advertising for NBCUniversal and the whole of the strategy being outlined is winning back advertisers. You can hardly do that if you are drastically reducing the possibility of people engaging with their adverts.

As for :
The former NBCUniversal advertising head, who started as chief executive on June 5, is seeking to launch full-screen, sound-on video ads that would be shown to users scrolling through Twitter’s new short-video feed, according to three people familiar with the situation.

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Can no one come up with a viable alternative to Twitter?

I can’t believe people aren’t ready to desert it in droves, if only something which is as easy to use as Twitter used to be and free for most users pops up. Mastadon doesn’t seem to have ticked the easy to use box.
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Can no one come up with a viable alternative to Twitter?

I can’t believe people aren’t ready to desert it in droves, if only something which is as easy to use as Twitter used to be and is free for most users pops up. Mastadon doesn’t seem to have ticked the easy to use box.
Bluesky is being mentioned by a lot of people, which hasn’t launched properly yet, Done by Jack Dorsey who set up Twitter, some similarities with Mastodon but more intuitive, and likely to get some critical mass due to the people involved. Suspect there will still be creepy libertarian money involved somewhere but might be competently run.
Bluesky is being mentioned by a lot of people, which hasn’t launched properly yet, Done by Jack Dorsey who set up Twitter, some similarities with Mastodon but more intuitive, and likely to get some critical mass due to the people involved. Suspect there will still be creepy libertarian money involved somewhere but might be competently run.
I’ll have to check it out, thanks
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