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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

Wow - is this thread still so active?

Musk is high profile now, but what do people make of the previous title holder of the world richest man, Bill Gates?
He gets few mentions despite his history and notorious track record?
Wow - is this thread still so active?

Musk is high profile now, but what do people make of the previous title holder of the world richest man, Bill Gates?
He gets few mentions despite his history and notorious track record?

I get annoyed by Gates too. He's a little lower profile now, except as someone the right blames for everything. I do see him pop up on my feed with offers to take a subscription to his blogs. Like a lot of billionaires, they mistake the ability to make money for some kind of wisdom the rest of us should follow. It ain't so.
I get annoyed by Gates too. He's a little lower profile now, except as someone the right blames for everything. I do see him pop up on my feed with offers to take a subscription to his blogs. Like a lot of billionaires, they mistake the ability to make money for some kind of wisdom the rest of us should follow. It ain't so.
His company 20 years ago was embroiled in all sorts of illegal and unethical anti competitive practices, yet today all seems forgotten, so struck me as a far bigger villain of the corporate world of tech than Musk.

Even wierder is critisising Gates is right wing it seems, yet not critisising Musk is right wing 😬

I suspect they have opinions on all sorts of things but the difference to anyone on place like here is those opinions get reported on and circulated.
His company 20 years ago was embroiled in all sorts of illegal and unethical anti competitive practices, yet today all seems forgotten, so struck me as a far bigger villain of the corporate world of tech than Musk.

There's been all sorts of books written and movies made about his unethical practices. I doubt if Urban can offer anything new.
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Oh 100%, and I would actually have more respect for them if they positioned themselves as such. "Hi guys, fancy a debate, I am right wing. " But they don't. It's all just asking questions and such slights of hand. A lot of the grifters don't either because they know they would loose a lot of their hoodwinked audience.
I stayed away from this thread for 2 days, to save myself from being on every 4th reply for about 8 pages, "me me me me me me" yadadada.

Yeah I am right wing - I've always been honest about that. I ONLY consider myself right wing because if you put a gun to my head and force me to choose between Labour and the Tories, I'd pick the tories. That doesn't mean I'd actually want to vote for them.

I suspect that I'm being hounded here simply because I'm being objective about Musk. There's things that he's done in the past that are plain dumb, there's other things he's done that are quite good.

There's also a matter of perspective. If Musk is a bad person, then a tell you what, when it comes to being evil, he hasn't got anything on Bill Gates. That's the fucker everyone really wants to be wary of.
This thread's been around since 2017 but 150 of its 200 pages are from after Musk announced his intention to buy Twitter around a year ago, we'd probably be seeing more on Gates if he'd beclowned himself with a disastrous purchase of a social media company he'd been posting a lot of dodgy shit on.
You know Musk obeyed Turkey and withdrew the ability of Turkish based Twitter users to criticises the government

Musk is all about free speech as long as he’s the one being listened to

“I’m going to take Twitter out of Europe because they asked me to stop lying and spreading antisemitism and moderate my platform”


“Yes sir Mr Erdogan, we can’t have people criticising your government and Twitter will do what you ask”

People here (not neccessarily you) seem to think that I believe Musk will decentralise twitter. I don't know if he will.

I'm saying that he will be eventually forced to, in order to keep it going.

If he doesn't decentralise it, it's going to fail. If I had the money, I wouldn't have bought it for that reason alone.

Either people here are trying to mispresent my views or they simply haven't read what I've been posting on this forum for the past months.

I don't trust people to make moderating decisions, it doesn't matter who they are, they have their own interests, the powers that be know who they are, then they have a targer to go after to get what they want.

Musk could be the biggest champion of free speech mankind has ever known, but to place our faith in him would be a huge mistake because good people can be got at and the tide of fortune changes against us normal people.
People here (not neccessarily you) seem to think that I believe Musk will decentralise twitter. I don't know if he will.

You literally said:

He would simply re-double his efforts to decentralise twitter so that no government can sensor it. I hope he does.

Which on a plain reading clearly says that you believe he is currently in the process of decentralising Twitter. A proposition for which you provided no evidence whatsoever.
He's a narcissist, racist, transphobic edgelord and platformer for white supremacists and the GOP.

His defence of freedom of speech is promoting far right talking points over leftwing activism and dissent. Have you seen what has happened to twitter since he took over?

You'd know that if you weren't so busy meeting the entire middle classes.

When he walked into twitter, most the right was muffled in favour of the left. The right could say what it wanted, but not that real damaging stuff ... oh like the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Do you think it was right people were banned from even discussing that?

You only believe he's racist, transphobic and all the rest of it, because he's not activally pushing ALL of the narratives you want him to push, while muting the right and generally doing everything possible to get people you like elected.

Musk is an American citizen. Rightly or wrongly, he believes that everyone should have free speech and he's said where the boundaries are ... it's national law ... but even then, there are clear rules about spreading hatred against protected characteristics, including race, sexuality and gender.

Also, you seem to want people to be banned from social media for what they have said or done away from social media. That's not how social media should be done. Twitter, facebook etc, are content platforms, it's not their place to ban people based on who they are.

Obviously if a criminal has been abusing social media as part of their real world crimes and a government wants them taken off social media for the wider good - for example to protect people from a sexual predator, then of course that's a different matter.
You literally said:

Which on a plain reading clearly says that you believe he is currently in the process of decentralising Twitter. A proposition for which you provided no evidence whatsoever.

I could re-double my efforts to become a billionaire. Doesn't mean I'll be one.
I could re-double my efforts to become a billionaire. Doesn't mean I'll be one.

Yes, but you would still be making the effort regardless of whether you're successful or not. There's no evidence of any effort on Musk's part to decentralise Twitter.
I actually think this has been the most revealing of all Staker's interventions, the place where his pretense at desiring liberty meets the reality of him loving the idea that what can and can't be said through one of the largest platforms on the internet is controlled by the whim of an arbitrary-minded tycoon. That moment when you admit your concept of "freedom" is simply kissing John Galt's ring, hoping some of the gold rubs off.

A whole lot of blah blah "socialists want to control us," all while shuffling around on his knees.
I've never emplied that Musk controlling twitter is a great thing. It's certaintly better than the old crowd who were letting the FBI run the thing for the benefit of the Democrats.
Yes, but you would still be making the effort regardless of whether you're successful or not. There's no evidence of any effort on Musk's part to decentralise Twitter.
Then it won't survive in the long run. You're rather binary about all of this. It's Musk we're talking about. Not Marmite.
His defenders still insist he's a business genius despite growing evidence to the contrary, same as some still think Zuckerberg is a genius despite him blowing more than $30 billion on a failed version of Second Life

Anyone can go broke tomorrow. It's a fair comment for people to make that he's a business genius, especially when he became the richest man in the world.

I would say Gates these days is better at business even if he worth less than Musk. Musk has more chance of fucking up and going broke than Gates has, because Gates is well diversified.

However, Gates is waaaay more dodgy than Musk by a country mile. I can see myself really, really hating Gates, he really doesn't have humanities' best interests at heart.
Anyone can go broke tomorrow. It's a fair comment for people to make that he's a business genius, especially when he became the richest man in the world.

I would say Gates these days is better at business even if he worth less than Musk. Musk has more chance of fucking up and going broke than Gates has, because Gates is well diversified.

However, Gates is waaaay more dodgy than Musk by a country mile. I can see myself really, really hating Gates, he really doesn't have humanities' best interests at heart.
A big difference is Gates has already earned all his money and retired so isn't grabbing more, but now uses his wealth through his foundation and is now dabbling in the murky world of global organizations like the WHO.

The same happened with Soros who once forced the UK out of the ERM so was villain no1, but now is all fluffy and nice he has a foundation too.

Musk needs to retire and start using his wealth if he wants a rest from critics😉.
I support free enterprise where I get to decide what I need, not some fucking loser of souless working class hating middle class champagne socialist bureaucrat.

As for gated communites, yep, they're great for those who don't want to live anywhere near middle class liberals.

Where I live isn't a gated community. Everyone getss along. But to be brutally honest, if it were a choice between 2000 asylum seekers arriving in my town or 2000 middle class liberals, I'd rather have the asylum seekers.

The middle class liberals would have the community fractured and divided, presenting themselves as the fucking solution to everything. Fuck that.
There's a flat on the market now you might like Phillip Schofield sells £1.2m London apartment he bought with wife
Musk needs to retire and start using his wealth if he wants a rest from critics😉.

maybe not coming across like an angry divorce dad would be a better option
dude wants attention amazed people are surprised he gets a reaction

on the other side Gates never had hordes of right wing fan boi's defending his every action like he is a genius


its fun arguing with them
On the other side Gates never had hordes of right wing fan boi's defending his every action like he is a genius
True, but had EM done business is such a manner I wonder if he would have a cult following Plus rockets and cars are more glam than PC OS's and spreadsheets.
What conspiraloon thing are you thinking Bill Gates is up to?

he installed us all with chips that track our movements of course :hmm:

tbf gates is a life long republican and a serial womaniser who fucked over people in business deals

but on the other side he thinks trumps is a cunt and does not cosey up to the alt right

so clearly worse than elon
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