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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

But uses of the internet obviously don't want it right? So off we go and cook up decentralised solutions.

There are decentralised IDs slowly making the rounds, but they can't happen overnight because everyone needs to vouch for everyone else being human in such a way that an AI can't possibly exploit.

AIs would be given different types of IDs so content platforms would be able to decide whether to allow content from them and if they did, users would be able to tell whether the content was from an AI or a human.

There would be little visability of content from any entity that doesn't have a digital ID. I'm not an expert in encryption, but my understanding is that as long as the private keys for such IDs are beyond the reach of any human and the hardware that's storing them is beyond the reach of AI, then it should be possible to stop any AI from obtaining human digital IDs ... but I'm not an expert on that.

That is the only viable solution I've heard of and it's certaintly better than governments issuing digital ID for the purpose of using the internet and posting content.

There's nothing I can see in that scheme that would prevent a human from giving an ID to an AI, whether that ID system is centralised or decentralised. Governments and corporations could use their systems to give their AIs an ID indistinguishable from that of a human, and decentralised ID systems would lack the oversight necessary to stop bad actors (government, corporate or private) from doing the same for their AIs.

I don't think turning the internet into a digital panopticon is a solution at all. After all, it's not like turning it into a shopping mall via the fungibility of personal data prevented the rise of AI in the first place. Digital IDs would just become a new attack surface, a new avenue to exploit.

That's a different problem. At least you know they are just humans spouting bollocks. It was generated by humans.

The big misinformation problems are going to be deepfake videos. If the video has been digitally signed off by a human being, then at least we know that a individual has signed it off and who their online persona is.

If the video is from the BBC news and it's been digitally signed by the BBC as oppossed to Bananaman123, you're going to trust it. If it's not been signed at all, it shouldn't be allowed to be uploaded in the first place.

It's not as if organisations like the BBC can't also be vectors for misinformation. They had a big role in propagating Andrew Wakefield's anti-MMR nonsense, which contributed to the strength of the anti-vax nonsense we see today.
Musk does seem to be obsessed with giving them a platform, and don't ever see him putting them under any kind of duress.

With all his power and control needs, the battle is one sided. So far.
You can go on Twitter and follow and tweet on areas of life that interest you with having any idea about any sort of culture war, as the algorithm focusses on what your interested in.

If you're interested in digging for alt right or what ever, you can do this but ultimately it's a case of "those who seek - will find". It doesn't mean every one is being bombarded with right wing propaganda...only those that are enraged by it are so it seems!
I fail to see how any digital ID system, regardless of whether it's centralised and government issued, or some kind of utopian decentralised jobbie, is going to do anything to address the potential avalanche of misinformation and other shit that AI technologies could herald. It's not like both government and private interests are lacking for motivations to do engage in such activity themselves.

Like why the fuck would I trust "other web users" to tell me whether anything is trustworthy? These are the same people sharing shit Facebook memes pumped out by Russian government-sponsored troll farms. The same folks who think selectively searching for YouTube videos that confirm their own biases makes them more qualified to speak on medical matters than doctors and scientists in the field. Yeah no, fuck that.
spot on as is often the case.

other than exploring subjects of interest, the idea that you use social media adn even the wider net etc for serious ReSeArCh to find out much about anyting is beyond me . I like lectures on certain philosophers, some of the lectures are really long - but it is NOT research, it's just one lecturer prattlign on. It's not like I have even read myself half of the philosophers. there's a massive difference between an expert in a field than Steve on Facebook. But the distinction is blurred. I am past caring about the snobbery of expertise etc. Yes there are experts, yes they are non experts.
You can go on Twitter and follow and tweet on areas of life that interest you with having any idea about any sort of culture war, as the algorithm focusses on what your interested in.

If you're interested in digging for alt right or what ever, you can do this but ultimately it's a case of "those who seek - will find". It doesn't mean every one is being bombarded with right wing propaganda...only those that are enraged by it are so it seems!

I seem to spend half my time while on FB/twitter/yt telling the algorithm to stop punting alt and far-right types at me. It does so anyway because it's judged me a good target audience (white, male, middle aged). You're several years out of date on their evolution.
No it doesn't, not any more. Loads of people have been complaining about getting Musk and his right-wing bumlickers in their Twitter recommendations.
Loads of people that are tuned in their minds to that kind of thing. Many ordinary people just see and ignore algorithm 'noise' and engage with other things.
In any case who sits in judgement of what it valid for people to encounter on the left v right front? The lefties will be enraged by right wing, and the righties by leftie material but being enraged by something you don't like can be nothing more than the shock of discovering people have a different view of the world. That's all.
Loads of people that are tuned in their minds to that kind of thing. Many ordinary people just see and ignore algorithm 'noise' and engage with other things.
In any case who sits in judgement of what it valid for people to encounter on the left v right front? The lefties will be enraged by right wing, and the righties by leftie material but being enraged by something you don't like can be nothing more than the shock of discovering people have a different view of the world. That's all.
Follow a lot of activists, anti-racism, LGBT, and people generally on the left and many communities who are marginalised by capitalism.

Am not actively seeking far right twats or looking to be enraged. So drop the patronising attitude.
Loads of people that are tuned in their minds to that kind of thing. Many ordinary people just see and ignore algorithm 'noise' and engage with other things.

It's not just "noise" though, is it? Otherwise there would be an equal number of left and right bullshit popping up in recommends, when that's not the case. Note that article was published before Musk took over Twitter, so with him letting back on a whole bunch of banned fascists and other reactionary turds, it can only have gotten worse since then.

In any case who sits in judgement of what it valid for people to encounter on the left v right front?

People should be able to use platforms without having content they actively dislike being frequently thrust into their feeds. Regardless of whether said disliked content is left-wing, right-wing, or chicken-wing.
Am not actively seeking far right twats or looking to be enraged. So drop the patronising attitude.
But who do you blame for that marginalisation? And whoever it is you can't avoid focussing on them as they are the cause. It's kind of inevitable.

Goes on the politics section of the forum to berate people for being too political. Seems legit.
It's the contradictory hypocrisy I'm latching onto.

Musk has managed to escalate an electric car brand as a competitive option in the car market, and anyone promoting fossil fuels is labelled right wing. Yet the EM himself is then labelled right wing.

Gates was a far worse boss with MS and yet the same confusion of labelling applies.

None of it makes any sense🤔
Loads of people that are tuned in their minds to that kind of thing. Many ordinary people just see and ignore algorithm 'noise' and engage with other things.
In any case who sits in judgement of what it valid for people to encounter on the left v right front? The lefties will be enraged by right wing, and the righties by leftie material but being enraged by something you don't like can be nothing more than the shock of discovering people have a different view of the world. That's all.
Absolute fucking bullshit of the highest order.

If you think people ignore what is fed to them and are not affected by social media algorithms, well, there is no hope for you.
Your incoherent late-night rage-posting says otherwise.

Also, if you truly believe that the Apollo Moon landings were faked, then you've truly gone off the deep end. You're not alright.
To be fair, I thought he was highlighting the fact Musk is incompatable with the loony conspiracy theory crowd.

I didn't hang on to his words as if they were his own PoV.
It's the contradictory hypocrisy I'm latching onto.

Musk has managed to escalate an electric car brand as a competitive option in the car market, and anyone promoting fossil fuels is labelled right wing. Yet the EM himself is then labelled right wing.

Gates was a far worse boss with MS and yet the same confusion of labelling applies.

None of it makes any sense🤔

It's perfectly possible to be right-wing without promoting fossil fuels. Where's the contradiction?

Nobody said Bill Gates was left-wing, either. The confusion is entirely inside your own head.
Absolute fucking bullshit of the highest order.

If you think people ignore what is fed to them and are not affected by social media algorithms, well, there is no hope for you.
So why was the pre musk algorithm any better? It's was still filtering as per his predecessors preferences in the end.

In the end twitter needs a certain amount of "enragement engagement" for the concept to even work on an political subjects.
Absolute fucking bullshit of the highest order.

If you think people ignore what is fed to them and are not affected by social media algorithms, well, there is no hope for you.
So the far left hasn't been posting any harmful content or misinformation?

It's all factual and urges peace, love and kindness urging de-escalation?
It's perfectly possible to be right-wing without promoting fossil fuels. Where's the contradiction?

Nobody said Bill Gates was left-wing, either. The confusion is entirely inside your own head.
Yes it is possible to be right wing without promoting fossil fuels.
But who do you blame for that marginalisation? And whoever it is you can't avoid focussing on them as they are the cause. It's kind of inevitable.

It's the contradictory hypocrisy I'm latching onto.

Musk has managed to escalate an electric car brand as a competitive option in the car market, and anyone promoting fossil fuels is labelled right wing. Yet the EM himself is then labelled right wing.

Gates was a far worse boss with MS and yet the same confusion of labelling applies.

None of it makes any sense🤔

None of your contributions on this make any sense.
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twitter needs the racist to function properly is what you are saying :hmm:
Lol You sound like that Cathy Newman meme doing the round a few years ago😏
None of your contributions on this make any sense.
It's more I'm trying to make sense of a whole load contradictory issues. Basically I don't get why EM gets all the hate when others have behaved either the same or worse.
Is EM a snake oiler? Well no more the Jobs at Apple, reinventing existing people technology are presenting it as pure innovation.
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