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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

Lol You sound like that Cathy Newman meme doing the round a few years ago😏

It's more I'm trying to make sense of a whole load contradictory issues. Basically I don't get why EM gets all the hate when others have behaved either the same or worse.
Is EM a snake oiler? Well no more the Jobs at Apple, reinventing existing people technology are presenting it as pure innovation.
Thread is about Musk's stuff. Of course other billionaires are available.
Musk has managed to escalate an electric car brand as a competitive option in the car market, and anyone promoting fossil fuels is labelled right wing. Yet the EM himself is then labelled right wing.
He's labelled right wing because he's right wing and promotes hard-right ideology, how he makes his scratch is irrelevant. Did you miss the bit where he went out of his way to align himself with the most right-wing governor in the US?

Gates was a far worse boss with MS and yet the same confusion of labelling applies.
Who are you talking to? No-one on this board thinks Gates is a great guy. Like Soros or whatever Democrat-leaning cunt you seem to think we're secretly supportive of, he's a post-active billionaire trying to launder his reputation with extensive charity work and appeals to liberal causes. It doesn't negate any of the monopolistic industry jackbooting he used to secure those billions. Neither he nor Musk are good people, they're the sort of rancid gobshite who thinks they're uniquely qualified to decide who lives and who dies.

None of it makes any sense
I'm sure it doesn't, mainly because your conception of what people on here think is completely off the wall.

So why was the pre musk algorithm any better?
The pre-Musk system wasn't very good, and despite the right-wing whining it was actually always biased in their favour (this was outright admitted in 2021 before Musk took over). What Musk has brought to the table is the additional bullshit of a pseudo-monarch, where he arbitrarily decides to ban people he doesn't like, makes up self-serving rules on the fly, and heavily platforms grifters and scumbags who kiss the ring. Alongside the imposition of his personal political stance on the system at large, it's made Twitter a worse place for both the political left and for the "apolitical" set who are getting effluent in their daily streams.
Yes it is possible to be right wing without promoting fossil fuels.

it's also perfectly possible to be right wing with a semi sensible and reasonable view of the world (one thjat i don't agree wtih however). one that is not based on bigotry, anti trans screaching, racism, conspiraloonary, anti vax madness, mysoginy, and all the other delights that are pumped into teh brains of the masses by heros such as musk.
Far fucking left lol. Please fuck off.

There are lots of things that the left says or allows to be said that influences people to do harmful things.

You know what? I believe they have the right to say it.

It amazes me that so many people seem to think that being able to speak on a platform shouldn't be the default, that somehow people should be pre-banned for who they are and what they are alleged to have said or done outside of the platform.

If things were done that way, people would just spend more time getting others banned from the platform than actually debating.

How do you expect twitter to even work out who should or shouldn't have a voice based on shit that doesn't go down on twitter? Read wiki pages that are clearly authored by the left?

What's wrong with a clearly laid out ToS and if it's broken, you're sanctioned?

I'll tell you what's fairest. Eventually they should have an AI without bias doing the work of moderation and in real time - if it thought a tweet unaccaptable (eg inciting racial hatread) then it would simply stop it from being tweeted.

But in the long run, there will be social media protocols rather than platforms and anyone will be able to say what they want - and they'll be nothing anyone can do about it. Don't blame me, that's just the way it will work out if the authoratarians in government don't get their own way.
tell you what is more freeing than spouting horseshit on twitter? not spouting horseshit on twitter. when i am not on twitter no one is making money off of my attention, off of my consciousness itself. When I am not twitter, i haven't got multi-billion pound software targetting my brain - and we think it's just the "content" that pulls us back, over and over, day after day, year after year and nothing to do with he human-capturing mechanisms of these things - specifically designed to suck you back in. i thought as a liberatarian you wouldn't liek teh sense of control, a huge multibillion pound machine that is designed to addict you, or is it just governmental control that annoys you. you might want to check your phone, although i am sure you have done that enough already today. freedom, pah lol. Are you sure you're free when you're on twitter? have you compared it to the freedom of not being on twitter?
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What is "far left '?
Does it matter? Why would I (actually WE) need to define a border amongst the blur on the edges of the far left to know they can spew toxic harmful shite? Anymore than WE would need to define the blurs on the edge of the far right to know they can spew toxic harmful shite?

Some people wouldn't care if some elected Republications in office were kicked off of twitter is some algo kicked them off in a quest to get rid of far right racists, yet seem to be against algos to kick off anyone on the far left who is also posting toxic shite.

If you can't recognise that people of all poltiical persausions post harmful content, I don't believe you're engaging this in good faith.

But that's your right. That's the whole point. Humans have a right to lie. Humans have a right to be dishonest.

So I couldnt' give a flying fuck about misinformation from the left or the right. Don't like it? Expose it, challenge it etc.

Or if you want, download some software to filter the shite out.

It's a human right to believe in complete bollocks like 5G mind control, the Earth is flat, the Americans never went to the Moon etc etc etc. I've dealt with such people, they are tedious annoying and just like SOME on the far left <<< (ETA that wasn't really fair, soz),, they try to use social embarassment to get people to conform to their narrative.

What do you want? To take away human free will?

You'd better get used to people saying things on the net that you really don't like because one day there will be no mechanism to get it taken down and that will work for and against everyone.
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tell you what is more freeing than spouting horseshit on twitter? not spouting horseshit on twitter. when i am not on twitter no one is making money off of my attention, off of my consciousness itself. When I am not twitter, i haven't got multi-billion pound software targetting my brain - and we think it's just the "content" that pulls us back, over and over, day after day, year after year and nothing to do with he human-capturing mechanisms of these things - specifically designed to suck you back in. i thought as a liberatarian you wouldn't liek teh sense of control, a huge multibillion pound machine that is designed to addict you, or is it just governmental control that annoys you. you might want to check your phone, although i am sure you have done that enough already today. freedom, pah lol. Are you sure you're free when you're on twitter? have you compared it to the freedom of not being on twitter?
Well if that isn't an argument for decentralisation, I don't know what is.
Does it matter? Why would I (actually WE) need to define a border amongst the blur on the edges of the far left to know they can spew toxic harmful shite? Anymore than WE would need to define the blurs on the edge of the far right to know they can spew toxic harmful shite?

Some people wouldn't care if some elected Republications in office were kicked off of twitter is some algo kicked them off in a quest to get rid of far right racists, yet seem to be against algos to kick off anyone on the far left who is also posting toxic shite.

If you can't recognise that people of all poltiical persausions post harmful content, I don't believe you're engaging this in good faith.

But that's your right. That's the whole point. Humans have a right to lie. Humans have a right to be dishonest.

So I couldnt' give a flying fuck about misinformation from the left or the right. Don't like it? Expose it, challenge it etc.

Or if you want, download some software to filter the shite out.

It's a human right to believe in complete bollocks like 5G mind control, the Earth is flat, the Americans never went to the Moon etc etc etc. I've dealt with such people, they are tedious annoying and just like SOME on the far left <<< (ETA that wasn't really fair, soz),, they try to use social embarassment to get people to conform to their narrative.

What do you want? To take away human free will?

You'd better get used to people saying things on the net that you really don't like because one day there will be no mechanism to get it taken down and that will work for and against everyone.
What is "far left"?
And on another thread admittedly, but what contribution to global heating will private jets make before super duper new energy efficient airplanes replace them all? :)
haha - you can't even define far left so you throw a strop. I bet you have difficulty defining far right, too, since that's the direction you seem to be coming from.

But don't let me stop you taking a rest from the thread :)
While you’re at it, Staker, can you finally tell us what Critical Race Theory actually says? You left us dangling on that one.

and probably Marxism and post modernism, too. I'm sure he knows his Derrida from his Deleuze. these experts on "left wing thought"
Personal Attacks
Your incoherent late-night rage-posting says otherwise.

Also, if you truly believe that the Apollo Moon landings were faked, then you've truly gone off the deep end. You're not alright.
haemorrhoids playing up dickhead? Stop wanking cut down on your porklife mate. 🦾
haemorrhoids playing up dickhead? Stop wanking cut down on your porklife mate. 🦾

I'm not entirely sure what exactly I've done that's hacked you off so much, but it is kind of entertaining to watch you foam away like this while you try to claim that you're maintaining your composure. Because amping up the personal attacks is exactly what calm, non-angry people do, right?
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